MSBTE Sample Question Paper 2013 : Summer Examination

Name of the Organisation : Maharashtra State Board Technical Education (msbte.com)
Type of Announcement : Sample Question Paper

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Summer Question Paper
Instructions :
(1) All Questions are compulsory
(2) Attempt all Questions including Question No. 1 which is compulsory
(3) Answer each next main Question on a new page.
(4) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
(5) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(6) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(7) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket Calculator is permissible

Code Number 12148
(A) Attempt any THREE :
(i) Define :
(1) Lamp
(2) Reflection factor
(3) Utilization factor
(4) Solid angle
(ii) State and explain laws of illumination.
(iii) Discuss construction and principle of operation of sodium vapour lamps.
(iv) State recommended illumination level required for any four areas of hospital lighting

(B) Attempt any ONE :
(i) Explain the working of Neon-lamps with neat diagram. State any one advantage and any one disadvantage.
(ii) What is meant by dimmer transformer ? What are types available and write its role in illumination control ?

(C) Attempt any TWO :
(a) Workshop 60 × 15 m by means of lamps mounted 5 m above working plane. The average illumination required is 100 lumen, coefficient. of utilization = 0.4, luminous= 16 lum/Watt. Assume sphere height ratio of units and depreciation factor = 20 c/s. Find number and wattage of lamp.
(b) A front building 50 m × 16 m is illuminated by 16, 1000 W lamps arranged in uniform on surface. Assuming luminous of 17.4 lumen/watt, coefficient of utilization of 0.4, Determine illumination on surface, number and size of projectors.
(c) List out different types of lighting used for interior illumination and explain any one with neat sketches.

(D) Attempt any FOUR : 16
(a) The illumination of 30 m × 10 m is to have value of 250 lux. and provided by number of 300 W filament lamp. Assume utilization factor = 0.4, depreciation factor = 0. 9. Determine no. of lamps. required if = 14 lumen/Watt.
(b) Explain construction and operation of FTL and compare it with Tungsten filament lamp.
(c) State the requirement of illuminations scheme for stage lighting
(d) describe neat sketches of various types of lights fitting used for illumination.
(e) What are general principles usually employed in design of street lights ?Explain in brief.
(f) Which types of lamps are used for plants in fresh water aquarium and why ?

(E) Attempt any THREE :
(i) Explain with neat sketches working of electronic dimmer used in illumination control.
(ii) Explain flood lighting in brief. Also write any two applications of this lighting.
(iii) Compare sodium vapor lamp with energy efficient CFL lamps.
(iv) Explain principles used in employing design of factory lighting installation.

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