Kerala University Model Question Paper : English

Name of the Organaisation : University of Kerala (keralauniversity.ac.in)
Type of Announcement : English Model Question Paper

Home Page : http://www.keralauniversity.ac.in

BA/BSc [EN 1111.1], BCom [EN 1111.2] & Career Related 2(a) [EN 1111.3]

Answer all the questions
I. Answer as directed.
A.1. Which one of the following has a different vowel?
a. stock b. oven c. gone d. often
2. Which one of the following has a different vowel?
a. wool b. womb c. zoom d. swoon

B. 3. How many syllables are there in the word =communication‘?
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. none of these
4. How many syllables are there in the word =eye‘?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. none of these
5. Which of the following words has a /z/ sound?
a. snake b. dogs c. looks d. fast

C.To which nationality does Anton Chekhov belong?
a. Russian b. British c. German d. French
6. Which of the following characters does not appear in the play =Refund?
a. the Principal b. Wasserkopf c. the Mathematics Master d. Jill
7. Whom does the Sergeant want to catch?
a. a ballad singer b. another cop c. a fugitive from the law d. none of these
8. Which of the following writers is associated with the Irish Literary Movement?
a. Lady Gregory b. Anton Chekhov c.Cedric Mount d. Fritz Karinthy

II. Answer any eight of the following questions:
9. Divide any eight of the following words into syllables – achievement, laudable, constitutional, reproductive, improbability, journalism, enthusiasm, mandatory, conspiracy, elementary.
10. Transcribe the following words in phonetic script marking word stress – Accommodate, coincidence, bridegroom, frequency, eradicate, dependent, respectful, secretariat.
11. Mark the stress in the following sentences –
a. How do you spell it?
b. Don‘t worry if you make a mistake.
12. Underline words which are weakened in speech in the following sentence- I haven‘t got a car of my own, but sometimes I borrow one from a friend and drive to see my brother and sister -in-law.
13. Mark intonation in the following questions.
a. Are we late?
b. Who would like some ice cream?
14. Mark intonation in the following statements
a. I am easily satisfied with the very best.
b. You are coming?
15. Why does the Sergeant want to catch the fugitive?
16. Why does Lomov want to marry Natalia?
17. Why does Wasserkoph want his tuition fees back?
18. Why does Jill send off the cheque to Dr. Martin?
19. What do you learn about the four friends from their conversation at the beginning of the play ?Reunion‘?
20. Why is English called an unphonetic language

III. Answer any five of the following as directed:
29. Mark the primary stress in eight of the following words
adverb, atomic, banana, collector, designer, distinction, intensity, melody, police, provide, savage, undertake, university, yesterday, zenith.
30. Prepare a speech to be delivered on the Human Rights Day in about 150 words.
31. What is the difference between active and passive listening?
(Answer in about 100 words).
32. Why is English called an unphonetic language?
Questions 33 to 36. Comment critically on the following passages.
33 As a former pupil of this school I want you to refund the tuition fees which were paid to you for my education eighteen years ago.
34. If a person meditates too much, or hesitates, or talks about it, waits for an ideal of true love, he never gets it.
35. I wonder, now, am I as great a fool as I think I am.
36. Some people seem to think that labouring among the poor is a parson‘s only proper sphere.

IV. Answer any two of the following as directed.
37. Answer any one of the following in about 300 words.
a. How does the one-act play =Never Never Nest‘ portray the lurking burden of debt behind the illusion of proud possession?
b. Discuss =Refund‘ as a parody of the education system that can neither evaluate true merit, nor prepare it‘s pupils for life.
38. Write dialogues on the following topics in about 80 words.
a. An accidental meeting of two old friends at the railway station.
b. You want to visit New Delhi. Make a telephonic enquiry about the availability of a berth on the train.
c. You are a new comer on the campus. You want to find out more about private accommodation on the neighbourhood. Compose a dialogue between you and your friends on the topic.
d. Compose a dialogue between you and a stranger you met at the bus stop. How will you help him reach his destination?

39. a. Conduct a group discussion on =Global Warming‘ with four participants.
b. Read the short lecture below on computers and take down the notes.

With a computer connected to the internet, you can send electronic messages to other users, (this is called e-mail) hold electronic conversations, transfer computer files, or find information on thousands of different subjects. In the modern times internet is also used for buying and selling goods. This is known as e-commerce or e-com in short. More and more banks and financial institutions are encouraging their customers to do all their transactions through the internet. It is also possible to book tickets for travel to different parts of the country through the internet. The number of people connected to the internet and the volume of information going through it is increasing. It brings about a change, people begin to work from home, order shopping, visit library, choose and watch videos, all through the net.

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