Chandigarh Courts : Check Status of Filling & Daily Orders

Name of the Organisation : District Courts Chandigarh
Type of Facility : How to check status of filing
Home Page : http://chddistrictcourts.gov.in/

Enter Date :
Enter Category :

You can check here : http://chddistrictcourts.gov.in/status%20of%20filing.htm

Judgements :
You can view the daily orders by three ways :
1. Click Judge Name :
i) Select Judge Name
ii) Enter From Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
iii) Enter To Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
iv) Click Submit button

You can check here : http://chddistrictcourts.gov.in/judgements.htm

2. Click Case Number :
i) Select Case Type
ii) Enter Case Number
iii) Enter Case Year
iv) Click Submit button

You can check here : http://chddistrictcourts.gov.in/judgements.htm

3.Pet./Res. :
i) Enter Petitioner or Respondent Name ( Full or Part)
ii) Select Pet./Res./Don’t Know
iii) Enter From Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
iv) Enter To Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
v) Click Submit button

You can check here : http://chddistrictcourts.gov.in/judgements.htm

Daily Orders :
You can view the daily orders by three ways as above
1. Click Judge Name
2. Click Case Number :

You can check here : http://chddistrictcourts.gov.in/daily%20orders.htm

i) Enter Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
ii) Select Judge Name
iii) Click Submit button

You can check here : http://chddistrictcourts.gov.in/causelist.htm

History :
District Courts, Chandigarh came into existence on 01.11.1966 with Shri Jasmer Singh being installed as first District & Sessions Judge, Chandigarh, and Shri Sohan Lal Verma as Sub Judge First Class. Presently there are four Courts of Additional District & Sessions Judges, a Special Court for trying C.B.I. Cases, Courts of Civil Judge (Senior Division), Chief Judicial Magistrate and Twelve Courts of Civil Judges (Junior Division) with five Special Courts dealing with u/s 138 of Negotiable Instruments cases. It is situated in Sector 43, Chandigarh and is at a stones distance from Inter State Bus Terminus, Chandigarh. From initial strength of 15-20 members, the District Bar Association has also grown in strength and presently there are about 1600 Advocates enrolled as members of District Bar Association.

Chandigarh Sessions Division is headed by District & Sessions Judge, Chandigarh. Chandigarh Sessions Division came into being on 01.11.1966 when with the bifurcation of the states of Punjab and Haryana and creation of Chandigarh as a Union Territory. Sh. J. Singh was installed as first District & Sessions Judge at Chandigarh and a court of Senior Sub Judge was also created. Presently, Sessions Division has sanctioned strength of one District & Sessions Judge, four Additional District & Sessions Judges, a Special Court to try CBI cases relating to Prevention of Corruption Act matters, a court of Civil Judge (Senior Division), a court of Chief Judicial Magistrate and 12 courts of Civil Judges (Junior Division) with 5 special Courts dealing with u/s 138 of Negotiable Instruments Cases. All of the Civil Judges also exercise the powers of Judicial Magistrates and Rent Controllers. The District & Sessions Judge and Additional District & Sessions Judges exercise powers of Appellate Authority under the East Punjab Urban Rent Restriction Act and as Motor Accident Claim Tribunal. The pecuniary jurisdictions of Civil Judges at Chandigarh and also of the appellate courts is unlimited.

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