MVJ College of Engineering Model Question Paper : Medical Electronics

Name of the Organisation : MVJ College of Engineering (mvjce.edu.in)
Type of Announcement : Model Question Paper – Medical Electronics

Home Page : http://www.mvjce.edu.in/

1.Explain the Diode equivalent circuits
2.Explain the Transition and diffusion capacitance
3.Explain the Rectifiers
4.Explain the Clippers and clampers
5.Explain the Operating point, fixed bias circuits
6.Explain the Emitter stabilized biased circuits
7.Explain the Voltage divider biased, DC bias with voltage feedback
8. Explain the PNP transistors
9.Explain the BJT transistor modeling, Hybrid equivalent mode
10.Explain the CE fixed bias configuration
11 .Explain the Miller effect capacitance
12.Explain the Multistage frequency effects
13.Explain the General amplifiers: Cascade connections
14. Explain the Cascade connections
15. Explain the Darlington connections
16. Explain the Series fed class A amplifier
17. Explain the Transformer coupled Class A amplifiers
18. Explain the Oscillator operation
19. Explain the Phase shift oscillator
20. Explain the Crystal oscillator

1.Explain the combinational logic.
2.Explain the Canonical forms with a example.
3.Explain Generation of switching equations from truth tables with a example.
4.How to Simplifying Max term and Min term equations,
5.Explain Karnaugh maps with example.
6.Explain Quine-McCluskey minimization technique with example.
7.Explain Map entered variables with example.
8. Explain Decoders-BCD decoders, Encoders.
9.Explain Digital multiplexers and demultiplexers.
10.Explain Adders and subtractors -Cascading full adders, Look ahead carry, Binary comparators.
11.Explain Basic Bistable Element, Latches, SR Latch & Application of SR Latch.
12.Explain the gated SR Latch, The gated D Latch & The Master-Slave Flip-Flops.
13.Explain The Master-Slave SR Flip-Flops, The Master-Slave JK Flip-Flop.
14.Explain The Positive Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flop & Negative-Edge Triggered D Flip-Flop.
15.Explain Registers, Counters, Binary Ripple Counters, Synchronous Binary counters.

1. Develop a model equation for a general network in the form [Y][V]=[I] Where [Y] – Admittance Matrix [V] – Node voltage Matrix [I] – Source Current Matrix
2. Explain Source transformation with suitable examples
3. Explain trees, Cotrees and loops in the graph of a network with suitable examples
4. Explain incidence of a graph with suitable examples
5. Define quality factor. What is its significance?
6. what is the effect of variation of C on selectivity in a series resonance circuit? Derive necessary equations
7. Define parallel resonance in electrtic network. Obtain the condition for the same. What is the series combination of R and C connected in parallel with the coil of 50 ohms resistance and inductance of 0.5 henries which makes the circuit to resonate with excitation of 100 rad/sec
8. Define and distinguish the following network elements
(i) Linear and Nonlinear
(ii) Active and passive
(iii) Lumped and Distributed
9. Establish Star-Delta relationship suitably
10. Explain the following terms with illustrations in connection with network topology
(i) Tree and Link
(ii) Planar graph and Non planar graph

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