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All posts from Assam Rifles Result 2013 : Constable, Rifleman GD

Name of the organisation : Assam Rifles Staff Selection Commission (
Description : Result 2013 Constable, Rifleman GD
Reference No. :–
Home page :
Male Candidates :
1 Border Districts (at a lower cut-off)) :
2 Naxal/Militancy affected Districts (at a lower cut-off) :
3 State-wise vacancies :
Female Candidates :
4 Border Districts (at a lower cut-off) :
5 Naxal/Militancy affected Districts (at a lower cut-off) :
6 State-wise vacancies :

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Subject:- Recruitment of Constable (GD) in CAPFs and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles, 2013 – Result for Female Candidates to be called for Medical Examination

1. An open competitive examination for recruitment to the posts of Constables (GD) in CAPFs & Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles, 2013 was held on 12.05.2013 for the candidates who qualified in PET/PST at different centres across the country.

2. In the above examination 6,76,358 (both male & female) candidates actually appeared in this examination.

3. Commission has placed on website the answer keys of different Question Booklets used in the above examination inviting representation from the candidates. Representations received in this regard have been carefully examined and modified answer keys, wherever their representations were found to be genuine, were used for evaluation.

4. As per the scheme of the Recruitment, the minimum cut off percentage marks in the written examination is 33% for SC, ST and OBC candidates and 35% for UR and Ex-servicemen candidates.

5. Considering the vacancies reserved for different States including those for Naxal/Militancy affected districts within the States and vacancies reserved for Border Districts, Commission has decided to release the following three separate lists for the male candidates to be called for Detailed Medical Examination (DME);
List I : Female Candidates qualified against State-wise vacancies
List II : Additional Female candidates qualified against vacancies reserved for Naxal/Militancy affected Districts (at a lower cut-off)
List III : Additional Female candidates qualified against vacancies reserved for Border Districts (at a lower cut-off)

6. List I: Female Candidates qualified against State-wise vacancies
Keeping in view the tentative vacancies in each State/UTs, Commission has fixed the cut-off in the following manner for Female candidates
(i) 1:4 ratio (Vacancies to candidates) approximately subject to minimum of 10 candidates in respective category, and
(ii) Minimum cut-off of 35 for UR/Ex.S and 33 for OBC/SC/ST

State Code | STATE/UTs | UR | OBC | SC | ST | Ex.S :
1 Andaman & Nicobar 35 33 33 33 35
2 Andhra Pradesh 35 33 33 33 35
3 Arunachal Pradesh 35 33 33 33 35
4 Assam 35 33 33 33 35
5 Bihar 48 40 33 40 35
6 Chandigarh 48 36 36 36 35
7 Chhattisgarh 50 48 33 47 35
8 Dadra and Nagar
Haveli 35 33 33 33 35
9 Daman & Diu 35 33 33 33 35
10 Delhi 54 33 39 44 35
11 Goa 35 33 33 33 35
12 Gujarat 38 33 33 35 35
13 Haryana 64 56 53 33 35
14 Himachal Pradesh 60 56 54 54 35
15 Jammu & Kashmir 35 33 33 33 35
16 Jharkhand 50 45 33 53 35
17 Karnataka 35 33 33 33 35
18 Kerala 38 33 33 33 35
19 Lakshadweep 35 33 33 33 35
20 Madhya Pradesh 53 50 42 46 35
21 Maharashtra 40 33 33 33 35
22 Manipur 42 37 33 39 35
23 Meghalaya 35 33 33 33 35
24 Mizoram 35 33 33 33 35
25 Nagaland 35 33 33 33 35
26 Odisha 42 36 33 37 35
27 Pudducherry 35 33 33 33 35
28 Punjab 55 49 51 33 35
29 Rajasthan 63 61 49 53 35
30 Sikkim 35 33 33 33 35
31 Tamil Nadu 35 33 33 33 35
32 Tripura 35 33 33 33 35
33 Uttar Pradesh 60 56 50 50 35
34 Uttarakhand 57 51 50 53
35 35 West Bengal 46 36 39 43 35

Accordingly, 8,268 Female candidates qualify for Medical Examination against State-wise vacancies.
State-wise and category-wise break-up of the qualifying candidates is as below;

Code | State | UR | OBC | SC | ST | TOTAL | UR | OBC | SC | ST | Ex.S | TOTAL :
1 Andaman & Nicobar 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2
2 Andhra Pradesh 77 40 35 8 160 7 53 4 6 0 70
3 Arunachal Pradesh 37 16 5 8 66 6 3 0 13 0 22
4 Assam 61 30 10 15 116 32 209 36 169 0 446
5 Bihar 104 51 30 1 186 166 525 46 14 0 751
6 Chandigarh 1 0 0 0 1 4 10 12 1 0 27
7 Chhattisgarh 23 3 5 15 46 10 30 24 134 0 198
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
9 Daman & Diu 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
10 Delhi 15 9 4 3 31 31 55 25 18 0 129
11 Goa 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 1
12 Gujarat 55 30 7 17 109 36 93 30 193 0 352
13 Haryana 25 13 8 0 46 67 96 38 6 1 208
14 Himachal Pradesh 6 3 3 0 12 15 24 18 11 1 69
15 Jammu & Kashmir 38 16 5 8 67 40 7 32 4 0 83
16 Jharkhand 30 7 7 17 61 16 51 28 195 0 290
17 Karnataka 55 31 17 7 110 72 129 53 54 0 308
18 Kerala 38 18 5 0 61 55 155 34 3 0 247
19 Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
20 Madhya Pradesh 64 20 20 27 131 66 231 111 185 1 594
21 Maharashtra 106 55 21 19 201 169 237 157 144 1 708
22 Manipur 9 1 0 4 14 2 10 6 56 0 74
23 Meghalaya 7 0 0 5 12 1 0 1 2 0 4
24 Mizoram 5 0 0 2 7 1 0 0 15 0 16
25 Nagaland 5 0 0 5 10 0 0 1 2 0 3
26 Odisha 40 8 12 17 77 36 72 26 169 0 303
27 Puducherry 2 0 0 0 2 1 3 2 1 0 7
28 Punjab 26 10 14 0 50 67 74 98 7 2248
29 Rajasthan 59 26 22 17 124 16 344 102 81 2 545
30 Sikkim 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2
31 Tamil Nadu 70 35 26 1 132 7 41 31 2 0 81
32 Tripura 13 0 4 5 22 6 10 10 2 0 28
33 Uttar Pradesh 183 100 75 3 361 417 766 395 22 0 1600
34 Uttarakhand 13 3 3 0 19 51 20 20 14 1 106
35 West Bengal 84 35 38 9 166 204 188 249 99 2 742
(*10% vacancies are reserved for Ex-serviceman category in each category which has not been shown separately)
For full list of successful candidates, refer the above link

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  1. Why the result of Kerala is not announced?

  2. My roll no.1401500511

    Center code 1401-0003
    Nirmal kaur
    Roll no.1401500511
    I want to know whether I have passed my medical or not.

  3. Why don’t they publish Kerala gd merit list?
    Please reply

  4. I am Vishnu Prasad. My Roll No. is 9204002529. I am selected in state vacancies. Please say my final result

  5. Madhusoodanan T S

    I want to know my result … Roll no:9212004867.,

  6. Madhusoodanan T S

    I want to know my result… My roll no is 9212004867…


    NAME:Preema Gopinathan
    ROLL NUMBER:9212004183
    DATE OF BIRTH:26/11/1994

    I want to know my final result.
    Please give a reply.

  8. My roll no is 9212000341. On which date to announce Assam rifles 2013 under Kerala state?

  9. Krishna badhur chettri

    Sir, I want know my result/merit list.
    2014, GD constable exam.

  10. When will the ssc gd2013 final list come?

  11. My name is SAHADEV BRAHMA and roll no. 5105001502 what is my result

    My name is SAHADEV BRAHMA. What is my result?

  12. My roll 1004000834. I want to my result

  13. My roll number is 2201092142
    My mark is 75 in ssc gd 2013
    State : UP
    Cut off : 73 marks and I qualify medical
    Is there any chance for final with this cut off?

  14. My roll no is 8207501959. My result?

    1. My name : S.SORANAVEL
      Roll number : 8207501959
      Caste : OBC
      State : TAMIL NADU Result : ?

  15. I want to know my marks. Can any one send me my marks please?

  16. Constable gd 2013. What is the time of declaration of merit list?

  17. I have done my medical examination. When will the call letter be send for joining to me Can you please tell me?

  18. How many seats in ssc group d?

  19. rajput govind singh

    I’m from Bihar with naxal district and I have attended written exam. I passed medical test which was held in 17 Jan 2014. So I want to know that is there any chance for me in merit list. If yes, then how much % and what will I get in cisf, bsf, crpf, itbp, ssb,or Assam rifle.

  20. Prem kumar adhikari

    I want to know my result of 12th May 2013.

  21. 4410039904 West Bengal
    Caste: o.b.c
    Marks 63
    I need my admit card.

  22. ruwnglal frankie anal

    Actually I lost my admit card and I want to know my marks in written test. My name appears like this Ruwnglal Frankie Anal. Category : ST.

    1. Only the roll numbers and their respective names and caste are available in the result.

  23. What is the date of merit list ?

  24. sandeep kumar singh

    The number of candidates who crossed 76 marks?

  25. Hi admin, I am from Kerala. My mark is just 43 this job is my dream. Can I get this job?

  26. Scores of the roll number 5105524209 in the ssc examination held on 12.05.2013?

  27. My marks are 64 Uttar Pradesh under SC category.
    Is there any chance for me to get job?

  28. I want to know my result of re-medical?

  29. My roll no is 7204762821. Please say my result.

  30. I want only my result.

    1. You can search your roll number to know your result in the above pdf given w.r.t specific vacancies.

  31. sandeep kumar singh

    I have got 76 marks in ssc gd exam . Is there any sure that I can get job after getting these numbers if I passed in medical test I mean final cut off maximum?

  32. What is my mark ? My roll no. is 3010020423.

    1. Mark details are not available in the website.

  33. Ssc gd West Bengal roll number is 4410039904.

    1. I could not find your roll number in any of the category. However you can check it once again.

  34. Center Code: 4413/19 Roll No.4413514733 Date of Birth:30/11/1993.

    1. I could not find your roll number in any of the category. However you can check it once again.

  35. My roll no. is 1401005705. My result?

    1. The result had been displayed w.r.t state wise vacancies and district wise vacancies at a lower cut off. Please search your roll number in appropriate category.

  36. I want to know my result.

    1. Roll numbers of those candidates are available in the link given above. Please search your roll number to find your result.

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