Indian Maritime College : Guideline For Renewal of GOC Online

Name of the Organisation : Indian Maritime College (indianmaritimecollege.in)
Type of Facility : Guideline for Renewal of GOC online
Location : Chennai

Website : http://indianmaritimecollege.com/
Renewal Procedure : http://indianmaritimecollege.com/

Guideline for Renewal of GOC online :
The following information to be available before going thru the procedure
1. A Demand Draft for Rs. 500 from SBI in Favour of ‘PAO’ (HQ), DOT
2. Draft number
3. Draft date
4. Bank name and Branch name from which Demand Draft is taken

Steps :
** Open browse window, and go to WPC home page www.wpc.dot.gov.in (Use internet explorer only)
** On the left side menus click on Examination menu,which open submenus for it and there you click “Renewal of COP”
** A page opens called “Applicant login for Renewal” .
** On the right side of the page you will find the login window where u have to provide the userid & password to proceed further
** If you are an already existing user enter your userId & password and click signin ,or if you are a new user click on Register button which opens the Registration Form
** Enter all the Mandatory fields(*) and please make a note of ur username & password fields what u have entered, because each time you login you have to enter these details correctly to proceed further
** After entering all fields click Register button, If all the manditory(*) fields entered correctly a page opens
** Click Back buttonto go to Applicant Login For Renewal page,now u have to enter your userid & password and click Signin button
** A welcome page opens with login user details
** Click on menu “Renewal of Licence Application” found on the left side of the page, which will open a window called “Renewal of License”
** Select “GMDSS general operator certificate & Licence to operate” as License Type from the drop down menu and enter the previous license number and click Search button.
** The details for the given license number are retrieved from the database.
** Click on the select column against your license number, which produces the >>Next button
** Click on the >>Next button to open License payment page.
** Select the Payment mode as “Demand Draft” from the drop down menu and enter the Draft Details correctly with out mistake.
** Click Add button to conform the details what you have entered. Once you click Add button the details are saved under the Payment Details.
** After you are conformed with everything what is been entered finally click Save button, which produces a Conformation Page.
** A unique App License ID is generated fro each Application . Click on the oppropriate button. (ex: click on “Click here for Printing Application”)
** Check all details correctly and take a printout. Attach the original with the Application form.

Renew GOC Online

Contact Details :
Contact us for further information
10A, Masilamani Street,
T. Nagar, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu, India
Pin code: 600 017

Tel: 91-44-24336953 / 91-44-24310156
Fax: 91-44-24322819
Email: info@indianmaritimecollege.in

GMDSS-Renewal Appplications.pdf
GMDSS-Renewal Applications.doc


View Comments (1)

  • My goc is exp on 5.7.2016. So I try to renew my goc through wpc website(www.wpc.dot.gov.in).
    Now the problem is upto renewal column. I didn't find any difficult. After that only the problem click against my goc no.the NEXT BUTTON IS NOT OPENING that is license payment.
    After click button the box showing - YOUR LICENSE IS UNDeR PROCESS.
    Kindly help me to renew my goc in time. S many time I send a mail and phone call to wpc Delhi. No response.

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