NDNC National Do Not Call Registry

Name of the Organisation : NDNC India (ndnc.in)
Type of Facility : National Do Not Call Registry

Home Page : nccptrai.gov.in/nccpregistry/Welcome.jsp?reqtrack=TLbGdrMFrOfmEpqCGtUTKSYeG

Activate DND :
Stop All Calls :
To enroll in the National Do Not Call registry in India, do one of the following.
Send an SMS with the message START 0 to 1909 OR Call 1909 and follow instructions
Note: If the above SMS is not recognized, try sending the old format message START DND to 1909
You may call 1909 or use below form to enquire current status and know your NDNC registration date.

Stop Calls by Category :
Send an SMS with the message STOP 3 to 1909 to stop promotional offers related to Education.
Below is a list of category numbers.
Banking/Insurance/Financial products/credit cards
Real Estate
Consumer goods and automobiles
Tourism and Leisure
Note: We do NOT store or otherwise keep track of the phone numbers or complaint numbers you submit.

Deactivate DND :
Allow Calls by Category
If you ever wish to start getting commercial calls again, below is the format to do it.
Send an SMS with the message START n to 1909 OR Call 1909 and follow instructions
In the above message, n is a single digit from 1 to 9, as below
Banking/Insurance/Financial products/credit cards
Real Estate
Consumer goods and automobiles
Tourism and Leisure
e.g. Send an SMS with the message START 3 to start promotional offers related to Education or START 3,4 to include Health too.

Allow All Calls :
Really? You seriously want to start getting all that again?
Send an SMS with the message STOP 0 to 1909 OR Call 1909 and follow instructions
Just like we were surprised, your service providers are surprised too when you send a STOP 0 and usually would ask you to confirm with one more message.

Complain :
If you are getting Unsolicited Commercial Calls (UCC) even after a confirmed registration for Do Not Disturb (DND) at the NDNC/NCPR registry, you may complain to your service provider. Please note that TRAI or NDNC Registry doesn’t take complaints directly and it is your service provider who will handle these complaints.

Send an SMS in this format: COMP TEL NO XXXXXXXXXX;dd/mm/yy;hh:mm;short description to 1909

Here, XXXXXXXXXX is the number against which you are complaining or the sender code in case of bulk SMS without a number. The next two are date and 24-hour time at which you received the unsolicited message or call. At the end, add a short description of the call you received.

e.g. COMP TEL NO 9999900000;31/01/12;16:45;ABC Bank about loans

Alternately, call 1909 and follow instructions to register a complaint

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