inss.co.in Interface Software Solution Bhubaneswar : JAVA, ASP.NET , PL/SQL Training

Name of the Institute : Interface Software Solution (inss.co.in)
Location : Bhubaneswar
Training Offered : JAVA, ASP.NET , PL/SQL Training


** Introduction to Database and RDBMS
** Introduction to SQL
** DDL Statements
** DML Statements
** SQL functions
** Single Row Functions
** Having Clause
** Order by clause
** TCL commands
** DCL Commands
** Constrains
** Joins
** Subquery
** Database Objects
** Views
** Index
** Sequence
** Cluster
** Top-N-Analysis
** SQL *plus
** Lobs
** Data Dictionary

** Introduction to Programming Logic
** PL/SQL Block
** First Program
** Control Statement
** Looping
** SQL in PL/SQL
** Cursors
** Exceptions
** Stored Procedures
** Functions
** Packages
** Triggers

Microsoft .net :
Console Application
** Introduction to .net
** First Program, ReadLine (), WriteLine (), Read (), Write (), Data Types.
** Variables, Conversion & Casting Operators.
** Program Control Statement
** Exception Handling, Arrays
** Methods, Structure
** Class, Objects, Constructors, Destructor
** Function Overloading, Operator overloading
** Inheritance, Overriding.
** Abstract Class, Sealed Class, Interfaces.
** Namespace, Static Classes & Methods
** Collections, Partial Class, Nullable type

Windows Application :
** Introduction (IDE)
** Property, Methods, Events, Program Tips
** Label, TextBox, Button, Radio Button, Check Box
** ListBox, Combo Box, Picture Box, Panel, Group Box
** LinkButton, Error Provider, Month Calender, Tooltip
** FontDialogBox, ColorDialogBox, ProgressBar,Timer.
** String Handling, Numeric Functions, MessageBox
** Menu Design
** GDI+ File Handling
** Working with Arrays, Oops in Windows

** Introduction, DataReading
** Datasearch, Insert, Update, delete
** DataGridView, Searching in DatagridView
** Navigation

** Introduction, Web Definitions
** Environments (standalone, LAN, Internate)
** Controls (table, DropDownList, List, Hyperlink, LinkButton, Image Button, TextBox, Panel)
** Response, Request, Server
** Validation controls
** GridView, DataList, Repeter
** Paging and Sorting
** State Management (View State, Hidden Field, Session, Application)
** XML, Web.config (connection path, customerrorpage)
** Ad Rotator
** AJAX with Examples,CSS

Core Java :
** Java Language Environment
** Java fundamentals
** Essentials of Object-Oriented Programming
** Writing Java Classes
** Packages
** String handling and Numeric Methods
** Exception Handling
** I/O Operations in Java
** Multithreaded Programming
** Networking Programming
** Java Util Package/collection Framework
** Generics
** Inner classes
** Abstract Window Toolkit
** Swing Programming
** JDBC Programming.

Adv. Java :
** Architecture of J2EE
** Servlet
** JSP
** JMS
** EJB
** RMI
** JTA
** XML
** Java Beans
** Java Mail API
** SPRING Framework
** Use of Eclipse ID, NetBeans ID
** Use of Oracle 10g

Contact us :
Interface Software Solution (ISS)
A/88, Sahid Nagar, Infront of University Law College
Bhubaneswar, Orissa – 751 007, India.

Categories: Training Institute
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