webnishad.com Mumbai : SEO Training

Name of the Institute : Webnishad (webnishad.com)
Location : Mumbai
Training Offered : SEO Training


SEO Training :
We are Navi Mumbai based SEO Training Specialist. We Provide Reguler SEO Training in Navi Mumbai on Weekends and Holidays. The seo training content that we offer you is based on more than six years of first hand SEO service delivery experience on more than 200 web site in US, UK and Australia. Our principal trainer has managed India’s largest SEO company. While you can certainly pick up SEO information from lightweight, blogs, forums, books and magazines, it is at webnishad seminar that we tell you what really works in the practical world. This genuine information will help you reduce your guesswork and learn more about optimizing a commercial web site without going through the trial-and-error stage.

Other companies that offer training and SEO management services only boasts of service but do not provide the relevant information that you need, because it will you who will be competing them in the future. And these classes are being conducted by the CEO of the company who personally are not involved in optimizing a site or managing a PPC campaign. Only we at webnishad train because we don’t compete you.

SEO Training Course Introduction
** Search Engine Basic
** Internet
** Website
** Portals
** Search Engines
** Directories
** Search Engines V/S directory
** Major search engines and directories
** Page Rank
** Google Sandbox effect
** Website Architecture
** Essentials of good website designing
** Domain
** Hosting
** How the Search Engine works

On Page Optimization
** Meta Tags
** Description
** Keywords
** Creating Robots file
** Header and footer
** Creating sitemaps
** Optimizing Seo content
** Image tag optimization
** Canonical / 404 Implementation
** Keyword Density Analysis
** Anchor Text
** URL renaming/re-writing
** Google webmaster tools
** Yahoo Feed Submission

Keywords Research and Analysis
** SWOT Analysis of Website
** Target segmentation
** Keyword research
** Competitor analysis
** Finding Appropriate Keywords.

Off Page Optimization
** Submission to search engines
** Local marketing
** Directory Submission
** Blog Submission
** Article Submission
** Free Classifieds
** Forums
** Press Releases
** Video optimization
** Link Building
** How to promote home page
** Promoting Subsequent pages of the website
** Black Hat / White Hat / Grey Hat Seo
** Blog Comments
** QnA

Google Adsense Training
Affiliate Marketing Training
Google Analytics Training
Social Media Optimization(SMO) Training
Facebook Training
Twitte Trainingr
Linked in Training
Myspace Training
Creating Buzz Training
Developing Marketing Strategies For SMO Training
URL Shortening Tools
Using Tools and Applications for SMO
Social Bookmarking Training
Viral Marketing For Youtube

Course Format :
** Regular seo training in Navi Mumbai ( Monday to Friday )
** Weekend seo training in Navi Mumbai

Course Duration :
** 12 – 15 Classes Reguler Training
** 2 Classes – Weekend Training

Course Fees :
** SEO Training = Rs. 15000

Course Material :
** PDF Books
** Word documents
** Excel Documents
** PPT Presentations
** SEO Training Video

What You Will Learn :
** Introduction to search engine optimization (SEO).
** How to create effective page Title Tags.
** How to create an effective and optimized META Description Tag.
** How to create an effective and optimized META Keywords Tag.
** How to research and select appropriate keywords to target.
** How to successfully integrate search keywords within your web site copy.
** How to optimize each page of your web site step-by-step.
** Overview of important search engines and directories.
** How to submit your site to important search directories.
** How to submit your site to crawler-based search engines.
** An overview of what search engines consider to be “spam”.
** Web design elements to avoid to ensure your site is search engine compatible.
** How to monitor your search rankings and site traffic.

Who Should Take This Course :
** Marketing executives entrusted with the responsibility of promoting their company’s or clients’ web sites.
** Webmasters wanting to increase traffic to their web sites via search engines.
** Small business owners wanting to learn how to promote their web sites on the search engines.
** Owners of e-commerce sites that want to increase their site’s visitor to customer conversion ratios.
** Web site designers wanting to offer search engine marketing services to their clients.
** Search engine optimizers (SEO) or search engine marketers (SEM) wanting to improve their industry skills.
** Persons wanting to learn how to optimize web sites for search engines in preparation for starting their own search engine optimization business or applying for a job as an SEO or SEM

Contact Us :
Mahesh Ugale
Row House No.. T – 218,
Sector No. – 4, Airoli,
Navi Mumbai – 400708.
Maharashtra, India

Categories: Training Institute
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