ecallserve.com e-CallServe Outsourcing Pvt Ltd Kolkata : Soft Skills Training

Name of the Institute : e-CallServe Outsourcing Pvt Ltd (ecallserve.com)
Location : Kolkata
Training Offered : Soft Skills Training


Training :
We believe that knowledge transfer & knowledge up gradation are subsequent process. ECallserve facilitates in upgrading employee know-how & communications skills. Based on the level of Campaign complexity, every employee is trained (combination of classroom and computer/technology based training) for stipulated hours. Each employee is required to pass stringent evaluative tests, to achieve International Certification (developed in conjunction with our clients).

We also have performance based awards and International Certificate. Our training program consists of few well-defined phases for knowledge transfer:

Training Recruitment Process:
** Call Center Manager requests for XYZ number of Reps from Human Resources Departments.
** HR initiates Advertisements and Recruitment Process by calling prospective candidates from our Waiting List database.( see our Ads dated 18th August, Times of India, Ascent)
** HR passes pre-screened candidates to call center for a phone interview with Campaign Manager. Manager will receive HR packet and set up an appointment after prescreening for Accent and basic skills using a Scripted Phone Questionnaire.
** Prospective candidate arrives, One Manager evaluates, then Call Center Manager evaluates (or 2nd manager if not available), then Trainer evaluates and walks the Applicant through Client or Internal Candidate Final Screening.
** Once results from Final Screening are received, Campaign Manager approves or declines employment.
** Once approved, the Candidates Manager will call and walk the candidate through salary and designation details as well as overtime, expectations and incentives.

Once the Candidate agrees, the HR Package with designation and salary requirement are sent to HR with the agreed upon start date.

New Hire Training:
HR Policies and Procedures:
The first step in a new call center representative’s career is training in the cultural aspects of ECallserve- conducted by the HR representative. The training includes a detailed walk-through of our Policies and Procedure Handbook – including expectations for attendance, timeliness, and professional conduct.

Cultural Training:
Based on the target base of the Client’s customer, we will provide training on the culture of the customer we are connecting to. We will tailor our Sales approach unique to our target audience and then drill down to demographics. For example, Accent Training for the United States will be different than that of the United Kingdom. The use of Credit Cards in India and Europe is considerably different than that of the United States – these differences will be highlighted in the Cultural Training.

Technical Training:
The System Administrator conducts technical training for the call center representatives. This training covers the basic navigation of the VIS online internal systems, Internet access, email response procedures and the basics of script branching. Representatives must demonstrate online competency to their assigned Team Leader before starting a project.

Compliance Training:
Our Quality Manager conducts compliance training for new Call Center representatives. As new campaigns are introduced – training is customized to represent new compliance standards.

General Skills Training:
Our Training Manager is responsible for general skills training for new representatives. General skills training covers the below range of skills:

Soft Skills
** Utilizes effective Customer service skills (remains courteous, patient, and good natured)
** Listening skills (attentive and responsive to conversation flow and content)
** Professionalism (focused, adherence to script, appropriate tone)
** Objection handling (appropriate, clear, and convincing)
** Effective probing (questions to identify prospect needs or interests)
** Proper closing (confidently asking for the order)
** Telephone Etiquette modules for both Inbound and Outbound
** Grammar (doesn’t use slang; says “yes” instead of “yeah” says “certainly” and “of course” instead of “OK”)

Voice and Accent Neutralization:
** Articulation/enunciation (clear, distinct pronunciation and diction)
** Energy/enthusiasm (positive attitude, upbeat, friendly)
** Stress patterns and Syllables
** Intonation & Voice modulation
** Speech Mechanism through Linguistics
** Pitch and Pace
** Consonants and Vowels
** Session aimed at understanding American Culture and the difference between American Speech and Indian Speech
** Audio & Visual training tools for imparting the training more efficiently and effectively

Product Training:
ECallserve develops effective program specific training modules based on SOP’s and requirements provided by the Client. All training developed by ECallserve must be approved by the Client prior to implementation.

Contact Us :
e-CallServe Outsourcing Pvt Ltd
152 S P Mukherjee Road Level # 6.
Kolkata 700 026, India

Categories: Training Institute
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