agmaha.nic.in : Get GPF Details Online : Maharashtra

Name of the Organization : Maharashtra Accountant General (agmaha.nic.in)
Type of Facility : Get Your GPF Details Online
Location : Mumbai

Website : https://agmaha.cag.gov.in/
GPF Details: http://agmaha.nic.in/GPFMumv1.htm

How to get GPF details online?
Get Account Balance Details:
Search Tips :

When Prompted for Series, please enter the GPF prefix which is the Character portion of the GPF Account Number mentioned in your GPF slip and When prompted for Account Number, please enter the Account Number which is the Numeric portion of the GPF account number.

To enter the date of birth, click on the Calendar Icon next to the input field.

Enter the details in the following order:
1. Select the Year.
2. Select the Month.
3. Select the Date

Click here to know Account Balance Details

Get Final Withdrawal Details :
Search Tips:

When Prompted for Series, please enter the GPF prefix which is the Character portion of the GPF Account Number mentioned in your GPF slip and When prompted for Account Number, please enter the Account Number which is the Numeric portion of the GPF account number.

To enter the date of retirement, click on the Calendar Icon next to the input field.

Enter the details in the following order:
1. Select the Year.
2. Select the Month.
3. Select the Date

Click here to know Final Withdrawal Details

View/Download GPF Slip (for the Fin. Year 2002-03 onwards):
Please enter your GPF Account Details which is given below to view GPF slip in the below link
** GPF Series
** GPF Account Number
** Financial Year
** Date of Birth(DD/MM/YY)

Click here to download GPF slip


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