Crafted Kids India CraftedKids.com : Cute & Smart Kids Contest

Name of the Organisation : Crafted Kids (CraftedKids.com)
Name of the Contest : Cute & Smart Kids Contest
Location : India

Website : http://craftedkids.com/kids/index

Cute & Smart Kids Contest :
Kids are considered smart if they are good at any of the activities like Painting, Essay Writing, Solving Puzzles or they just too good to talk with. We also have a category for kids 0 – 3 years old where we are looking for most cute kids. So, if you know of kids good at any of these activities; register them here now.

Rules :
To participate in first round; please mention details about the child. You should mention anything the child is good at. Also, you would have to upload 2 pictures of the child under categories of Close Up and Full Body. The size of each upload cannot exceed 5 MB. Only jpg, jpeg, gif and png format files can be uploaded for this round. Pictures should not be more than three months old.
Details of Semi-final round are yet to be finalized. During semi-finals kid will be given an opportunity to show-case any unique talent they have like Drawing, Puzzles etc.
To keep the contest fair; minimum participation of five hundred kids is needed in each of the three categories below ( which are based on age group ). Till then, we will extend the time-lines for participation.

Categories :
All 0 to 3 years :
First Prize : Cash prize of 20,000 INR
Second Prize : Cash prize of 10,000 INR
Third Prize : Cash prize of 5,000 INR
Runners up Prize : Certificate to all finalists

All 3 to 8 years :
First Prize : Cash prize of 20,000 INR
Second Prize : Cash prize of 10,000 INR
Third Prize : Cash prize of 5,000 INR
Runners up Prize : Certificate to all finalists

All 8 to 13 years :
First Prize : Cash prize of 20,000 INR
Second Prize : Cash prize of 10,000 INR
Third Prize : Cash prize of 5,000 INR
Runners up Prize : Certificate to all finalists

Register Here

Important Dates :
Participation for first round : Upto 15-Dec-2013 ( 24:00:00 )

Any Questions/Enquiry : support@CraftedKids.com

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