Navrachana Univeristy Vadodara nuv.ac.in : “MY EDUCATION, MY DREAM” Poster Competition 2014

Name of the Organisation : Navrachana Univeristy (nuv.ac.in)
Name of the Competition : “MY EDUCATION, MY DREAM” Poster Competition 2014
Location : Vadodara

Website : http://nuv.ac.in/

MY EDUCATION, MY DREAM Poster Competition :
“Songs are more than just notes; Paintings are more than just color; Education is more than just passing exams.” – Abir Mullick, Provost, Navrachana University

A dream education is about “How should education be- ” Dream education requires knowing what you wish to achieve. Is education about getting a well-paid job, or are you more interested in getting to the bottom of things, finding out how the world works and what the meaning of life is- Or do you want to discover what it takes to work with others and succeed in this ever changing world- Or how would you like to devote your time and what do you want to do with education- Or how to apply education to solve problems and make new innovations as the life unfolds- Or is it about working with people, hand-in-hand in real-life situations and through your work, learn about people and problems, and make a difference- Discussion on the need for education reform or what education ought to be is fascinating, because development in its entirety is the synthesis of disciplinary, pragmatic, realistic, ethical and aesthetic knowledge within an individual.

Priority must be placed on the goals of education and it must prepare us, rather than on methods, technology and disciplines. Development of one’s educational space is also important, as observation and experience for obtaining information about the world around us must include others who share space with us. Called collaborative education, the [university] education is inseparable from our private life, family, work, society, environment, culture, and people different from us, and they are the guidelines that can serve as a compass in the contemporary world of education, knowledge, work and life to follow.

Students in college and High School are invited to enter in a poster competition that describes their dream education or present their vision of education. College students already undergoing college education and High School students getting ready to enter college are encouraged to describe their dream education : what is the ideal education for you- Why is that education important- What type of program, delivery and education system will help you to receive your dream education-

Make a poster on your dream education in 350 words, and organize your information under :
What- Why- How- Include images (drawings/sketches/photographs) to help visualize your dream education. Also give a title to the poster and make sure to include your name, standing (college/high school student), and name of institution.

Details for Poster Making & Submission :
Important :
Please read these rules carefully before submitting your entries.
1. Eligibility :
The contest is open to all students from schools (higher secondary) and colleges. To be eligible to enter, entries must be original and created solely by the entrant.

Poster Design :
Poster size, A3 (297 x 420 mm). Use A3 poster vertically (portrait) Leave one inch margin all around Title to start 1 inch from top edge of the paper and in 48pt bold Author name(s), line below title, in 22pt bold Institutional affiliation, line below author name(s), in 22pt bold Essay, in 22pt (regular) leaving one line space below institutional affiliation Drawings/sketches/photographs in the space below the essay

Submission Online :
You can scan your Poster and Submit via email to Khyati Patel, khyatip@navrachana.edu.in. Physical – you must present the original in one of the following two ways :

a. In-Person
: At the Navrachana University Office
b. Mail a Hardcopy : Please mail the hard copy of the poster to the University address. Hard Copy of the poster must reach on or before 25 December, 2013, 5:00 PM. Limit one (1) entry per Participant. All entries remain the property of the author though NUV will have the right to display the posters in the Education Summit and publish in Souvenirs, Web sites, educational programs, and other promotional events.

Selection of Winner :
The Contest winner will be selected in a multi-step process. The top five entries shall be selected in accordance with the following selection criteria:
how well poster addresses the question or topic; how clearly the topic is presented; how well the information is organized; and on writing correctness (spelling, punctuation, grammar).

Prizes :
The winners would be awarded on the day of the display (January 10, 2014) and the winning entry would be published on the NUV website.
First prize – Rs5, 000 Second prize – Rs3, 000 Third prize – Rs1, 000

Other Instructions :
Acceptable tools of drawing / painting include pencil, crayon, water color, oil paint, computer drawing. Original photographs acceptable. Wires, and other 3D objects are not acceptable. The drawing / painting must not include words, national flags, or slogans. The drawing / painting must not represent any particular individual, organization, or brand name and must not depict any religious theme.

Contact Details :
Khyati Patel
PR Assistant
Mbl – 7359802897
Email – khyatip@navrachana.edu.in

Hitesh Bhatia
Assistant Professor, School of Business and Law, Navrachana University
Mbl – 9825484126
Email – hiteshb@nuv.ac.in

Email communication preferred over phone calls.

Mailing Address :
Khyati Patel
Navrachana University Vasna Bhayli Road,
Vadodara, GJ 391410
Phone – 0265 302 0100

For More Details, Click Here

Last Date : 25 December, 2013

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