javalogic.org EmbLogic Embedded Technologies Pvt Ltd Noida : Java Training

Name of the Institute : EmbLogic Embedded Technologies Pvt Ltd (javalogic.org)
Location : Noida
Training Offered : Java Training


Java SE7 – Fundamentals
The Java SE 7 Fundamentals course was designed to enable students with little or no programming experience to begin to learn programming using the Java programming language. The course teaches the significance of object-oriented programming, the keywords and constructs of the Java programming language, and the steps required to create simple Java technology programs. Students taking this course can receive a solid basis in the Java programming language upon which to base continued work and training. The course features the Java Platform, Standard Edition 7 (Java SE 7). Students taking this course will have hands on experience learning basic object oriented concepts such as inheritance, encapsulation, and abstraction. They learn how to create and use simple Java classes containing arrays, loops, and conditional constructs. They also learn to use and manipulate object references, and to write simple error handling code. The course provides a solid understanding of what the Java SE7 platform is and how it is used in real world applications.
After The Training is over, You should be Able To:
Use various Java programming language constructs to create several Java technology applications
Use decision and looping constructs and methods to dictate program flow
Perform basic error handling for your Java technology programs
Implement intermediate Java programming and object-oriented (OO) concepts in Java technology programs
Demonstrate knowledge of Java technology and the Java programming language
Target Job / Profile:
Technical Administrator
Technical Consultant
Project Manager
Application Developers
Portal Developer
System Administrator
Web Administrator
Course Objectives:
Develop classes and describe how to declare a class
Analyze a business problem in order to recognize objects and operations that form the building blocks of the Java program design
Define the term
Demonstrate Java programming syntax
Write a simple Java program that compiles and runs successfully
Declare and initialize variables
List several primitive data types
Instantiate an object and effectively use object reference variables
Use operators, loops, and decision constructs
Declare and instantiate Arrays and ArrayLists and be able to iterate through them
Describe the benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
List and describe several key features of the Java technology
Declare a method with arguments and return values
Use inheritance to declare and define a subclass of an existing superclass
Describe how errors are handled in a Java program
Describe examples of how Java is used in applications, as well as consumer products

Java SE7 Programming
This course covers the core Application Programming Interfaces (API) you will use to design objectoriented applications with Java. Learn to create classes that subclass other classes, extend abstract classes, and program with interfaces. Learn how to properly use exceptions, how to use the Collections framework, and develop applications that manipulate files, directories and file systems. This course also covers writing database programs with JDBC, and how to correctly write multi-threaded applications. Use this course to further develop your skills with the Java language.
After the Course you should be Able To:
Create Java technology applications with the latest JDK 7 Technology and the NetBeans
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) :
Enhance object-oriented thinking skills using design patterns and best practices
Identify good practices in the use of the language to create robust Java applications
Manipulate files, directories and file systems
Write database applications using standard SQL queries through JDBC
Create high-performance multi-threaded applications
Target Job / Profile:
Java Developer
Java EE Developer
J2EE Developer
Required Prerequisites:
Understand object-oriented principles
Basic understanding of database concepts and SQL syntax
Have completed the Java SE 7 Fundamentals course, or experience with the Java language – can create, compile and execute programs
Experience with at least one programming language
Java SE7 Fundamentals Course
Course Objectives :
Perform multiple operations on database tables, including creating, reading, updating an deleting using JDBC technology
Process strings using a variety of regular expressions
Create high-performing multi-threaded applications that avoid deadlock
Localize Java applications
Create applications that use the Java Collections framework
Implement error-handling techniques using exception handling
Implement input/output (I/O) functionality to read from and write to data and text files and understand advanced I/O streams
Manipulate files, directories and file systems using the JDK7 NIO.2 specification
Apply common design patterns and best practices
Create Java technology applications that leverage the object-oriented features of the Java language, such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism
Execute a Java technology application from the command line

Contact us :
EmbLogic Web Technologies
E 16, Ground Floor, Sector 3,
Noida – 201301, India

Categories: Training Institute
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