National Centre for Biological Sciences Bangalore ncbs.res.in : Post Doctoral Fellowship

Name of the Organisation : National Centre for Biological Sciences (ncbs.res.in)
Name of the Fellowship : Post Doctoral Fellowship
Location : Bangalore

Website : http://www.ncbs.res.in/

Post Doctoral Fellowship :
The National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) and the Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (inStem) in Bangalore, India, and the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona, Spain, announce joint postdoctoral fellowships called NCBS-CRG Postdoctoral Fellows Programme.

This program aims to attract post-doctoral fellows of any nationality to link ongoing collaborations between researchers at the NCBS-inStem and the CRG and develop new research projects.

Eligibility :
** Applicants of any nationality must hold a PhD or have submitted their thesis at the time of applying and will be typically within 4 years of completing their PhD.
** Applicants must have a proven record of research accomplishments and at least one original first author publication either published or accepted in an international peer-reviewed journal at the time of application

General conditions :
** Appointments will be for a maximum of 4 years. Fellows will divide their time between NCBS-inStem and CRG according to the requirements of the project, as decided in consultation with the mentors at each location.
** Selected candidates will be employed by NCBS/inStem
** Selected candidates will be evaluated after the second year for the continuation of their fellowship

Salary and benefits :
** Fellowships will be funded by NCBS, with research costs and bench fees at the Barcelona or Bangalore location met by the host institution. While at NCBS-inStem, Bangalore, fellows will be paid a competitive salary on par with the NCBS Fellows programme. While at the CRG, fellows will be paid competitively with other international fellowships such as EMBO. In addition, candidates will be provided accommodation at subsidized cost while based at NCBS-inStem. Fellows will benefit from the wide scientific, training and social activities at the CRG and NCBS. Medical insurance in Bangalore and Barcelona will be covered.
** In some cases, candidates who are shortlisted for the final presentation but are not selected to the Fellows Programme, may be offered a Career Development Fellowship based in the laboratory at Bangalore. The fellowship comprises a competitive salary and housing at nominal costs while based at NCBS-inStem.
** Expenses associated with the interview
** The travel expenses of candidates selected for the interviews will be reimbursed.

How to apply?

Applicants must identify the laboratories they would like to be associated with on a collaborative project at
** NCBS >> or
** inStem >> and;
** CRG >>

The candidate is expected to develop a research project in consultation with the laboratory heads (PIs) at both institutes. A key component of selection into the program is the ability of the candidate to, articulate a viable research program anchored in the two laboratories. An application along with the research proposal should be submitted to crgncbsinstem AT ncbs.res.in. The subject line should state “Last Name_Application”.

The application should be written as a research proposal in the following format :
** Title (100 words),
** Key words (5),
** Summary : 250 words,
** Background (1 Page),
** Aims (half a page),
** Research outline and methodology (elaborating on each of the aims, 3 pages), Annexures (relevant background material, figures, and any details of methodology that will be of use to the reviewers : No more than 3 pages),
** A reference list and CV of the applicant.
** The application should be supported by two letters of recommendation from referees other than the collaborating PIs and submitted directly to : crgncbsinstem@ncbs.res.in
** The collaborating PIs are also required to send sponsorship letters supporting the application to Professor Apurva Sarin, Head Academics, NCBS (sarina AT ncbs.res.in).

Evaluation criteria :
A committee comprising faculty from NCBS-inStem will review applications and shortlist candidates who will be invited to visit the Bangalore or Barcelona institutes for a seminar and formal interview with the committee, which will include also faculty from the CRG. The committee will evaluate the candidate’s scientific background, qualifications, the scientific-technological quality, and originality of the project during the seminar given by the candidate.

Contact information :
Enquiries, applications and letters of recommendation should be addressed to :
Kripa V. Jalapathy, PhD
Research and Academic Coordinator
National Centre for Biological Sciences
Bellary Road
Bangalore 560065, Karnataka, India
Email : crgncbsinstem@ncbs.res.in

Deadlines :
Applications are accepted through the year, and the decision of the preliminary evaluation will be intimated within 4 months of submission.

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