aif.org William J. Clinton Fellowship For Service In India 2014 : American India Foundation

Name of the Organisation : American India Foundation (aif.org)
Name of the Fellowship : William J. Clinton Fellowship For Service In India 2014
Location : Delhi

Website : http://aif.org/

William J. Clinton Fellowship For Service In India :
Meeting India’s goals for sustainable development requires not only hard work and dedication, but also leaders with firsthand experience and real-world skills. AIF’s William J. Clinton Fellowship for Service in India is helping to deliver practical, sustainable solutions while shaping the next generation of leaders committed to social and economic development.

The Fellowship pairs a select number of highly skilled young professionals with leading NGOs and social enterprises in India to accelerate impact and create projects that are replicable, scalable, and sustainable. Through 10 months of service and fieldwork, AIF Fellows gain knowledge of development in the areas of education, livelihoods, public health, and human rights, honing and harnessing their skills as change agents. Together, AIF Fellows and development leaders form dynamic partnerships where they exchange knowledge and skills and share a passion for social justice.

In its vision to build a lasting bridge between the United States and India, the AIF Clinton Fellowship includes young Indian professionals working with Fellows from the U.S., providing a rich opportunity for emerging leaders of both countries to strengthen their ties through service.

The Fellowship creates a community of socially engaged, global citizens. Fellows return home transformed. Fellowship alumni are leaders in international development, human rights, social enterprise, public health, and other fields. Together they represent a collective force for sustaining a long-term agenda dedicated towards change in India.

AIF’s William J. Clinton Fellowship for Service in India provides a prestigious platform to develop the skills, resources and network to become part of a generation of socially-minded leaders.

Eligibility :
Applicants must be between 21 and 34 years of age; he or she must be a U.S. or Indian citizen, or a U.S. permanent resident. Applicants must have their Bachelor’s or undergraduate degree before the start of the Fellowship on September 1, 2014.

Selection Process :
The selection process for the Fellowship is designed to identify candidates with an interest in serving India, the maturity and flexibility to work and live effectively in India, the experience to make meaningful contributions to NGOs and social enterprises in India, and the leadership potential to become leaders on development issues.

The selection criteria for a successful Fellow include the following attributes :
** General knowledge of the development field and development issues in India
** Ability to demonstrate a humble appreciation of other cultures and circumstances, and a willingness to acclimate to these differences
** Thoughtful consideration for the role the Fellowship experience will play in their life
** Ability and willingness to independently and creatively find ways to be helpful at their host organization
** Flexibility and adaptability to challenging living and working conditions
** Indian language skills are not required, but considered a highly valuable asset

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What we are looking for :
The ideal candidate must demonstrate a deep interest, passion, and commitment to social and economic development in India. He/she must show humility and an eagerness to learn from a cross-cultural context. Candidates should have strong professional skills and impeccable academic credentials. He/she should show a potential for leadership and must be entrepreneurial, innovative, and creative.

Candidates must be flexible and adaptable and should possess both professional skills and an exceptional ability to build relationships across cultures and within the social development space. A sensitivity and ability to work with vulnerable communities is a must.

Application Deadline : February 1st, 2014

For more informationand inquiries, please contact us at fellowship@aif.org.

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