wbfin.nic.in Quarterly Statement of Scheme Status : West Bengal Finance Department

Name of the Organization : West Bengal Finance Department
Type of Facility : Quarterly Statement of Scheme Status
State : West Bengal

Website : http://www.wbfin.nic.in/

Quarterly Statement of Scheme Status:
How To Enter Schemes:
Click on the “Scheme Master” link under “Scheme Data” menu and a page will appear where user can select or Enter New Scheme under Particular Department & Sector with Project Cost (in Rs.), date of Tender Issue, Date of work Order Issue, Date of Scheme Start, and Target Date of Completion. User can also view, edit or delete the existing Schemes from the shown list. Normal User can only access their Depatment. To save Record, click “Save” button as Shown Below. If you want to cancel just Click on “Cancel”.

How To Enter Scheme Information:
Click on the “Quarterly Status Report” link under “Scheme Data” menu and a page will appear where user can view existing scheme details in a grid. User can enter Physical Progress Information & Financial Progress Information under particular financial year, quarter, Department, Sector & Scheme. If the desired Scheme is not present at the “Scheme” dropdown, user can select “New” to enter new scheme information. To save the record, click the “Save” button

Records are only saved as “Draft”. To save permanently, select desired record from grid & click the “Submit” button beneath the grid. Provisions to “Edit” or “Delete” the record is given on the grid.

How To View Upload Status:
Click on the “Data Upload Status” link under “Scheme Data” menu and a page will appear where user can see a glimpse of status of Uploaded Data ordered by Department, Financial Year, Quarter & Upload Date.
At the right hand side there is a red “PDF icon”. By clicking that icon user can print the list details in a PDF format. User can filter the data according to Department.

How To View Quarterly Status Report:
Click on the “Quarterly Status Report” link under “M.I.S.” menu and a page will appear where user can view all the “Finally Saved Scheme Data” with details. Also Provision is given to filter the data according to “Department”,”Sector”,”Scheme”, “Financial Year” & “Quarter”.User can also view the report in two types of amount, “Unit” & “Crore”. There is a provision to export the data in PDF format.

How To Change Password:
Click on the “Change Password” link under “House Keeping” menu and a page will appear where user have to enter old password, new password & confirm the new password. The Rectangular box below will show the strength of new password in color coded manner. Please read carefully the instructions written below before changing your password. Clicking on “Submit” will change the password.

How To Create A User:
This page is accessible only for Super User. Click on the “User Profile” link under “House Keeping” menu and a page will appear where user can see a list of all users available. At right side of the list there is a button “Edit”. By clicking it user can update the information of any existing official. User can also create a new official by entering “User-Id”,”Name”,”Designation”, ”Mobile No.” & “Password” Fields Marked with a red * is mandatory.

How To View User Maintenance Details:
This page is accessible only for Super User. Click on the “User Maintenance” link under “House Keeping” menu and a page will appear where super user can view & maintain the available official details by Department & reset their password. Password will be sent to the particular mobile no. whenever a reset button is pressed. There is also a provision to view the details in PDF format.

Login Here : https://finance.wb.gov.in/New_Fin/HomePage.aspx

For Technical Problems Please Contact NIC, Finance Department, Room No. 1106 at Nabanna.

Tags: wbfin.nic.in
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