CLAT 2014 Result Common Law Admission Test : Gujarat National Law University

Name of the Organisation : Gujarat National Law University (
Type of Announcement : Result
Designation : Common Law Admission Test (CLAT)-2014
Reference Number : —

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Important Note :
Due to some technical discrepancies, the CLAT 2014 results declared on 31 May 2014 stands withheld till further intimation and guidelines on the admission process.

The candidates are required to keep checking their LOGIN ACCOUNT regularly so that they can fill-in the preferences of the NLUs at appropriate time and also get the updated information about the CLAT in order to complete the formalities, if any, from their end.

Upon declaration of the results on 31 May 2014, the CLAT -2014 Secretariat, Gujarat National Law University, received emails from several CLAT-2014 candidates expressing concern on the marks expected and the score declared.

To ensure integrity and confidentiality of the OMR sheet, the candidates were required to put the barcode sticker on the front page of OMR while name, signature, roll number and candidate sticker were to be affixed along with invigilator’s signature, and later concealed on the back page of the OMR sheet during the examination. Candidates were also required to sign the attendance list, after affixing of the stickers, in addition to display of admit card and signature by the invigilators.

During the process of dealing with the queries upon the declaration of the results, the only issue the Secretariat found was that the barcode sticker affixed on the front page of OMR answer sheet and candidate sticker affixed on the back page, in few cases, was mismatching. Any mismatch between the barcode and the candidate sticker can cause the marks being reflected against a different roll number. In other words, if on the OMR of candidate X, by mistake the barcode sticker of candidate Y was affixed on the front page, (s)he would get score of Y candidate than his/her own. This would obviously generate a scenario of mismatching of score and eventual incorrect merit list. To remove any error due to this mismatch and to ensure that the OMR-generated score belongs to the corresponding candidate only, the reconciliation of the barcode sticker and the candidate sticker has been undertaken for all candidates. The process integrity and confidentiality standards adopted by the CLAT -2014 Secretariat are very high and the robust mechanism has been adopted to eliminate any scope of error. Therefore, candidates are advised and reassured that they should have no doubt whatsoever. Furthermore, OMR answer sheets will be uploaded in individual candidate’s login account once the reconciliation process is over. In addition to access to softcopy of their own OMR,the CLAT-2014 Secretariat will be open for interested candidates for physical verification.

CLAT -2014 Secretariat appreciates hundreds of compliments and suggestion from candidates, parents and all stakeholders on uploading of the model answer key and the process of online registration, counseling and admission undertaken for the first time since the introduction of CLAT in 2008. The reconciliation process will ensure fairness and justice to everyone and eliminate any error or doubt anyone may have in the process.

The revised results will be declared as soon as possible and we will ensure that any delay due to this reconciliation is reduced to the maximum extent possible. CLAT-2014 Secretariat thanks all for their patience, understanding and cooperation.

Categories: Results/Winners
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