RRB Chandigarh Eligibility Status 2014 Assistant Loco Polit & Technician : Railway Recruitment Board

Name of the Organisation : Railway Recruitment Board Chandigarh (rrbcdg.gov.in)
Type of Announcement : Eligibility Status
Designation : Assistant Loco Polit & Technician
Reference Number : Centralised Employment Notice no. 01/2014

Download Eligibility Status here : http://www.rrbcdg.gov.in/
Home Page : http://www.rrbcdg.gov.in/

Eligibility status of application for Assistant Loco Polit & Technicians published in CEN-01/2014 for written exam on 15.6.14 and 29.6.14.

Procedure :
1) Enter Name (Dont include Sh. or Mr. or any other prefix)
2) Enter Date of Birth
3) Enter Father’s Name (Dont include Sh. or Mr. or any other prefix)
4) Select Community
5) Click on Submit Button

Code no. Reason for invalid application
1. Application received after the closing date of Employment Notification
2. Passage not copied in the application forms (or) copied in capital letters.
3. Application without signature (or) Signature done in capital letters
4. Left hand thumb impression not affixed /blurred/smudged on the application form
5. Copies of requisite certificates not enclosed. (Community certificate for SC/ST
6. FEE –postal order/ DD /OPR not enclosed or less fee enclosed or invalid IPO / DD i.e. issued before or after the issuance date of Employment notification
7. Do not possess the prescribed qualification for the post on date of application
8. Over aged or under aged or DOB not filled or wrongly filled.
9. Double or multiple applications submitted for the same post
10. Application without photo (or) photo with cap, wearing goggles, disfigured, unrecognizable or scanned or Xerox copy
11. More than one application in single envelope
12. Candidate’s name is figuring in the debarred list
13. Mandatory points not filled up
14. Application not in the prescribed format
15. Application addressed to other RRBs
16. Application filled in a language other than English / Hindi
17. Category / Post not filled up or incorrectly filled

This status information should not be treated as an authority for entry in the Examination Center. The candidates without the call letter issued by the RRB Chandigarh will not be allowed in the Examination Center in any circumstances.

Important : Beware of the unscrupulous persons who may misguide the candidate with false promises of getting them selected for the job on illegal consideration. The recruitment process in the RRB exams is fully computerized and the selection is based purely on the merit of candidates.

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