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Designation : PAT/PHT/PUT/BNYS 2014 Entrance Test
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ENTRANCE TEST (PAT/PHT/PUT & B.N.Y.S. – 2014) Syllabus
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Physics (M. K. S. rationalized system of units to be used)
Dynamics of Rigid Bodies: Rotation of a rigid body, Torque, angular acceleration, angular momentum, moment of inertia, kinetic energy of rotation , M.I. of ring, statement of theorems of
Surface Tension : Definition, angle of contact, capillarity, pressure difference across a spherical film. Determination of surface tension by capillary rise and Jaeger? methods.
Gravitation: Newton? law of gravitation, gravitational cons Motion: Displacement, velocity and acceleration. Their graphical and mathematical representations.
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Postulates of kinetic theory, derivation of pressure of a gas, interpretation of temperature . Vanderwall? equation. First Law ofat onThermodynamics:pathisothermal,isobaricand Dependen isometric (constant volume) processes, specific heat of a g Stefan? Law, Newton? Law of cooling, Black body spectrum, W
Nature of Light: Light as wave motion, plane and spherical wavefronts, plane surface, Elementary idea of electromagnetic nature of light waves, quantum nature of light. Superposition of Waves: Beats, interference, stationary waves in strings and pipes. Doppler? Principle: light waves.
Interference: Coherent Sources, Fresnel? biprism. Diffracti obstacle for plane wave on axial points. Rectilinear propagation of light, Zone plate. X-Ray : Productions-Colidge tube, XRay spectra, characteristic X-Ray, uses of X-Ray, Radiation hazards (biological effect law and its application to the field of uniformly charged spherical conductor, Electric potential and field potential at a point due to an electric dipole, dipole moment. Bio-Savart? Law : Statement and application the axis of a circular coil carrying current.
Electrostatics: Fundamental forces of nature (gravitational, electromagnetic and nuclear), conservation and quantisation of charges. Coulomb’s law (vector notation), superpositioparallel and perpendicular axes and their simple applications. Compound pendulum as a rigid oscillating body and its time period.
Conservation Laws : Conservation of energy, momentum and angular momentum. Applications of conservation laws.
Potentiometer: Principle and its application to (i) measurement of potential difference, (ii) internal resistance of a cell, (iii) calibration of voltmeter and ammeter. Electromagnetic Induc electromagnetic induction, rotating coil in a magnetic field, alternating current, transformers, long distance transmission of power, dynamo and motors.
Alternating Currents : R.M.S. and peak values of current and voltage, Phase relationship between voltage and current in a resistor, inductor and in a capacitor in parallel and in series combinations. Definition of impedance and reactance, experssions for instantaneous and average power in A.C. circuits (No derivations), Power factor, wattless current and Chock coil.
Positive Ray Analysis: Positive rays, Thomson and Boinbridge mass spectrometer, Isotopes. Atomi theory of hydrogen spectrum and its short-comings. quantum numbers (total. orbital a exclusion principle, electron configuration in atoms. Matter Waves: De Broglie hypothesis, Davision and Germer Experiment. explanation of Bohrorbits. Radioactivity : Characteristics of alpha, beta and gamma rays,. Laws of disintegration, half and mean lives, radioisotopes and their uses.
Magnetic Properties of Matter : Permeability, susceptibility, intensity of magnetisation and relation amongst them. Dia, para and ferromagnetic substances and their behaviour in magnetic field. Electronics: Thermionic emission, work function. characteristics of a diode, use of diode as a half and full wave rectifier, power supply, use of Triode, static characteristics and parameters, Triode as an amplifier, Semi-conductors and insulators, energy bands in solids (descriptive idea only), energy gap in insulators, intrinsic and extrinsic semi-conductors (p-type and n-type). PN Junction. Forward and Reverse bias characteristics.
Development of Classical Model of an Atom: Bohr model of an quantisation of electronic energy d-Block Elements : General characteristics, Elementary idea about paramagnetism and diamagnetism. different oxidation states of levels, Spectral evidence for quantisation, Introductory concept of four quantum numbers, Pauli? exclusion-bauprinc principle,conceptofthespatial distributionsHund?of sruleandprobitals.. Auf
The Periodic Law: Long form of the Periodic Table, Electronic configuration and the Periodic Table, Periodicity in Properties, Elementary ideas about ionisation potential, electron, affinity, electronic gravity and atomic radius.
Theory of Chemical Bonding : The ionic bond, characteristic properties of ionic compounds. The covalent bond, characteristic properties of covalent compounds, Introductory concept of overlapping of orbitals and ?Oacute; and “p” bonds, Coordinate bond, Oxidation number, Hybridisation as illustrated by common molecules line : NH3 H2O, CH4, C2H4 and C2H2
Chemical Equilibrium and Ionic Equilibria: General ised expression of law of mass action; experimental method for verification of mass law, application to systems as N2 + 3H2 = 2NH3 : PCI3 = PCI3 + CI2; .N2 + O2 = 2NO
Ionic Equilibria: Arrhenious theory, evidence in favour of dissociation theory, ionic product of water, hydrolysis, relation between hydrolysis constant; ionic product of water and dissociation constant; solubility product and its applications to analytical chemistry.
Acids and Bases: Hydrogen and hydroxy1 ions in aqueous solution, Lewis concept of acids and bases. Theory of indicators for acid, alkali titrations, choice of indicators. Oxidation Reduction, ion electron concept. Balancing of equations by ion electron method.
Metals: Nature of metallic bond. Occurrence of metals in nature General principles of metallurgy as illustrated by method used for the extraction of iron, copper, aluminium and silver from various types of ores. s-Block Elements : General characteristics, Trends in variation of properties in periodic table of alkali and alkaline earth metals. transition elements as illustrated by chomium, manganese and iron.
Classification of organic compounds, Nomenclature. Homologous series, Functional groups: Isomerism (Position, chain, functional metamerism). Preparation, Properties and uses of Benzene (structure elucidation excluded). Nitrobenzene. aniline and phenol.
General method of preparation, properties and uses of alkanes (upto 5 carbon atoms). Isomerism of butanes and pentanes, Substitution reaction (free radical mechanism). Alkenes :General methods of preparation, properties and uses of Ethylene, Electrophilic addition (mechanism). Markownikoff? rule, per properties and uses, Acetylene: Addition reaction Polymerization.
General methods of preparation, properties and uses of mono, di and tri-halogen derivatives, (exluding unsaturated, upto 2 carbon atoms, Haloform reaction, synthetic uses of alkyl halides , Polarity of carbon-halogen bond : Elementary concept of nuclephilic substitution. General methods of preparation, properties and uses of the alcohols with reference to methyl and ethyl alcohol : Absolute alcohol and power alcohol, Fermentation.
General methods of preparation, properties and uses of ether with reference to diethylether. General methods of preparation, properties and uses of aldehydes and ketones with reference to formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acetone. Polymerization and condensation reaction (No Mechanism). Similarity and distinction between aldehydes and ketones, idea of mechanism of nucleophilic addition to carbonyl groups.
General methods of preparation, properties and uses of monocarboxylic acids with reference to formic and acetic acids. Derivative of fatty acids; acetyl chloride, acetamide, acetic anhydride and ethylacetate. General methods of preparation, properties and uses of aliphatic amines with reference to methyl and ethylamines, Urea.
Dignostic characters of the major plant groups: procaryota, Eucaryota- Thallophyta (Algae, Fungi), Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Spermatophyta (Gymnosperms and Angiosperms); main branches of Botany.
Mendel? laws of inheritancenance,physicaland chemical:Incompleteproperties;structureand chiefdomifunctions of the main organelles cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis, structure and chemistry of chromosomes.
Mendel? laws of inheritance : -cross;Incompletemonohybridanddihybriddominance,rations. test cr
Primary structure and normal secondary growth in dicot root and stem and primary structure in monocot root and stem; internal structure of isobilateral and dorsiventral leaves.
Lower Plant : Distribution, structure; life-history and systematic position of the following taxa :
1. Viruses, Mycoplasma and Bacteria a general account
2. Algae : Ulothrix
3. Fungi : Albugo
4. Bryophyta : Riccia
5. Pteridophyta : Pteridium
Higher : Life history of Capsella.
Medical Plant : Medicine obtained, their uses, plant parts from which they are obtained in the following plants: Rauvolfia serpentina, Curcuma longa, papaver sommniferum,Ferula asafoetida and Cinchona officinalis.
Diagnostic characteristics, generalized floral diagrams and formulae and 5-10, economically important plants of the following families : Cruciferae, Malvaceae, Leguminosae, Solanaceae and Liliaceae.
Aims and scope of ecology : Ecosystem concept : plant adaptation, hydrophytes, halophytes xerophytes and mesophytes.
Elementary principles of plant physiology-I : Osmosis, Absorption of water passive and active : ascent of sap transpiration and guttation, Photosynthesis : Mechanism and main factors affecting it
Elementary principles of plant physiology- II: Osmosis respiration-types : fermetation, respiratory quotiet glycolsis (EMP pathway) ; Krebs cycle (main step only), oxidative phosphorylation; facotrs effecting respiration, fermentation, growth hormones; plant movements.
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