UGC Commonwealth Scholarship Plan & New Zealand Awards 2014

Name of the Organisation : University Grants Commission (
Name of the Scholarship : Commonwealth Scholarship Plan & New Zealand Awards 2014
Location : India
Deadline : 31st July, 2014

Website :

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Commonwealth Scholarship Plan & New Zealand Awards 2014 :
The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher Education, New Delhi has enclosed text of the advertisement for scholarships offered by the Government of New Secretary (ES), Scholarship Division, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher Education, West Block-l, Wing-6, 2ndFloor, R.K.Puram, New Delhi-110066 latest by 31st July, 2014. Application received thereafter will not be considered. The details alongwith application form may be download from UGC Website. If you have any querry you may contact to 011-26172492

Last Date : 31st July, 2014 for receiving application in the Ministry.

Number Of Nominations To Be Sent : Two
Ph.D 1 (one)
Masters 1(One)

Subject Fields :
1. Envrronmental Studies;
2. Agriculture and Fisheries

Minimum Qualifications Required For :
Should have completed Bachelor’s degree/ Master’s Degree in the subject or allied fields with minimum 65% marks.

Age :
The candidate should not be more than 40 years of age as on 31.07.2014.

Value Of Scholarships :
Medical and Travel Insurance

Establishment allowance :
NZ$3,000 paid on arrival in New Zealand to meet text book costs and to assist with other set up costs in New Zealand. At the beginning of each additional study year NZ$1,000 will be paid to cover the full year.

Living Allowance :
The annual rate of NZ$21,580 (NZ$415 per week) is paid fortnightly and is a contribution to living costs for day—to-day expenses, including

Note :
No funding is available for dependants Students who choose to have then immediate family members Jom them 1n New Lealand Will be responsrble for their financial support.
The New Zealand Government has the right to amend the terms and conditions of the scholarships as needed.

General Eligibility Criteria :
Applicants for the scheme must satisfy the following. general eligibility criteria andy any pre-determined, country or seiectieii criteria set NZAID the nominating authorities. At a minimum, to be eligible to apply for a scholarship, applicants must :
(i) have citizenship of India;
(ii) be residing in their home country for at least two years prior to application;
(iii) not have citizenship or permanent residence status of New Zealand or Australia, or another developed country, except where their country does not issue passports and they hold a New Zealand passport;
(iv) not be married or engaged to be married to a person who holds, or who is eligible to hold, citizenship or permanent residence status of New Zealand, Australia or another developed country, except where their country does not issue passports and they hold a New Zealand passport
(v) be applying to commence a new qualification and not be seeking funding for one already commenced at the PhD or Masters level;
(vi) have been working in their country, preferably for at least two years prior to application;
(vii) be available to commence their academic studies in New Zealand by the start of theew Zealand academic year in February 2015;
(viii) have already secured admission to their preferred New Zealand university; evidence of admission(eg. A letter of effer) is required with the application form; a conditional letter of offer from a New Zealand university is sufficient to allow an application to be accepted; (To be produced at the time of interview)
(ix) have a planned programme start date (in the letter of offer) at the start of the New Zealand academic year 2015.

Important Note :
Applicants cannot :
(a) be studying full-time at post-secondary level;
(b) be transferring from another tertiary scholarship to a Commonwealth Scholarship;
(c) be hold, or have held, a New Zealand Government or Australia Government scholarship in the 24 months preceding the scholarship start date;
(d) have been terminated from a New Zealand or Australian Government scholarship previously.

Tenure Of Awards :
1. Awards for PhD. study will be made for three years in the first instance with provision for an extension of upto one further year. Each award will be made on the understanding that it will be continued for the period of the programme of study or research for which it is granted provided that the scholar’s progress and conduct are satisfactory, but no award shall last for more than four years.
2. Each application must be accompanied by attested copies of (a) certificate of age (b) mark-sheets of the qualifying examination (c) all degrees/diplomas/certificates (d) Plan of Study for PhD students and (e) Name of 3 referees (Recommendation letters from the referees to be submitted at the time of interview)
3. Candidates who have already been abroad for study/training/specialization either on scholarship or on their own for a period exceeding six months are eligible to apply only if they have been in India for at least two consecutive years after returning from abroad as on 31.7.2014.
4. Applications in subject fields other than those specified above will not be considered.
5. Applications of candidates who are abroad will not be considered.
6. For research students, a statement of 500 words outlining the applicant’s proposed research topic, including research question and objectives, proposed methodology, timeline and justification for home-located research. The statement should also identify the significance and application of the proposed research topic to the development of the applicant’s ho’éne country.
7. . Those Who have already completed Ph.D. in India or abroad need not apply.
8. Candidates who do not possess the requisite qualifications need not apply.
9. Candidates should have adequate knowledge of geographicai situation, cultural heritage of India and the donor country.
10. Documents submitted alongwith the applications will not be returned. Hence, candidates are advised to send only the photocopies of the certificates etc. duly attested by competent authority. Self attested certi- cates will not be accepted. ‘
11. Since these scholarships are offered by Foreign Government, applications should invariably be submitted in English only.
12. Experience has to be Supported by documentary evidence.
13. Candidates must have good knowledge of written and spoken English (The donor country reserves the right to request evidence of having passed an accredited English language test).
14. Applicants are required to be of sound health and awards are subject to successful candidates’ satisfying a prescribed medical examination by donor country.
15. Employed candidates must send their application through their employers with a “No Objection Certificate”. They will not be called for interview unless the certi- cate is forwarded with the application.
16. Mere fulfillment of requirements as laid down in the advertisement does not qualify a candidate for interview. Interview letters in a particular subject are sent only to the best candidates after their applications are judged by a duly constituted Selection Committee of Experts.
17. Applications not in the prescribed proforma and application received after the prescribed date and incomplete applications will not be considered.
18. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
19. The Selection committee’s decision about candidates for interview or selecting a candidate for nomination will NO REPRESENTATIONS THIS REGARD WILL BE ENTERTAINED.

How to Apply :
Candidates should apply for the above scholarship on thick plain paper (preferably typewritten) with recent passport size photograph duly affixed, furnishing the details/particulars in the given format to,
The Under Secretary (ES),
Scholarship Division,
Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Department of Higher Education,
West Block-I, Wing-6,
2nd Floor, R.K. Puram,
New Delhi-110066

Latest by 31“ Jul 2014 Tele hone No. 261724921; Application received thereafter will not considered. Online applications may be accepted provided hard copy of the application alongwith enclosures (attested copies of certificates, mark sheet etc.) reach the Ministry within 7 days after the last date.

Download Form Here :…etterCWPNZ.pdf

Note :
Applications received late will not be entertained

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