registration.ap.gov.in : Registration of Special Marriage

Name of the Organization : Andra Pradesh Registration & Stamps Department (registration.ap.gov.in)
Type of Facility : Procedure For Registration Of Special Marriage
Location : Hyderabad

Website : http://registration.ap.gov.in/

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Special Marriage Act:
The following are the essential conditions to be fulfilled for the registration of the marriage under Special Marriage Act.
1. Neither party has a spouse Living
2. Neither party is an idiot or lunatic
3. Bridegroom has completed the age of 21 year and the Bride has completed the age of 18 years
4. Both the Bridegroom and Bride are not within the prohibited relationship

Procedure For Registration of Marriage :
1. Persons belonging to different relations and faiths can have their marriage Solemnized under this Act.
2. Marriages performed under other forms can also be registered under this Act.
3. The persons intending to register their marriage have to give notice thereof in writing in Triplicate in forms specified under second schedule under Section 5 to the marriage officer of the District in which at least one of the parties to the marriage have reside for a period of not less than 30 days immediately preceding the date on which notice is given.
4. After the receipt of the notice the marriage officer shall enter a true copy in the marriage notice Book and shall cause the notice to be published in the notice board of his office and also see that the notice is published in the office of the marriage Registrrsa in whose District the parties are permanently residing.
5. Any person before the expiration of 30 days may make an objection that the marriage contravenes the essential conditions noted above.
6. After the expiry of 30 days of notice the Sub-Registrar shall register the marriage after the Bridegroom and Bride sign a declaration in form specified in the Third Schedule in the presence of three witness and they should utter in the language known i(a) take the (b) I take b) to be my lawful wife. The parties may choose any other form like exchanging the Garlands ….etc apart from the above

Note :
** By this process the marriage is deemed to have been solemnized and the marriage officer shall enter the particulars in the marriage certificate book and it will be signed by the partiers to the marriage and Three Witnesses.
** The procedure of Registration of Marriage performed in other forms All the above procedure is same except that the utterance of i(a) take the (b) I take b) to be my lawful wife.
** The parties may choose any other form like exchanging the Garlands ….etc apart from the above.
** After the above procedure is over the parties will be issued an extract of the marriage register.

Download Form Here : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/uploads…riageForms.pdf

Fees Under Special Marriage Act :
Particulars Amount :
1. For every notice of intended marriage or application 2-00 for the registration of marriage(to be paid by the Parties to the marriage).
2. For recording an objection (to be paid by the objector) 2-00
3. For every enquiry into objection (to be paid by the objector) 50-00
4. For every notice and for every summons to a witness to 50-00 appear and give evidence or procedure a document (to be paid by the parties to the marriage)
5. For solemnizing or registering a marriage (to be paid by the parties to the marriage) 1-00
6. For notice of marriage under section 14 1-00
7. For inspection of Marriage Certificate of Book
(i) For the first year 1-00
(ii) For every additional year (to be paid by the applicant) 0-50
8. (i) For granting a certified copy of an entry 2-00
(ii) For a certified copy or extract of an entry in other records 1-00 (to be paid by the applicant)]
9. For solemnizing or registering a marriage at any place Outside the office of the marriage officer in addition to the fee in entry (5) to be paid by the parties to the marriage). 15-00

Note :-
This fee may be appropriated by the marriage officer. No travelling allowance shall however, be claimed in addition.

Schedule of Fees :
(i) For every notice of an intended marriage 120-00
(ii) For publication of notice-Actual charges Note-A suitable amount will be taken as a advance towards cost of publication of notice in newspapers.
(iii) For receiving and processing or dealing eith an objection 300-00
(iv) For solemnizing a marriage 240-00
(v) For solemnizing a marriage at a place referred 90-00 to in Rule 9(c) Note-This will in addition a marriage at a place referred to in item (iv) above.
(vi) For receiving notice of caveat 240-00
(vii) For certificate by Marriage Officer of notice having 45-00 been given posted up.
(viii) For a certified copy of reasons recorded under section 11 Or section 17 for refusal to solemnize or, as the case may be, for refusal to register a marriage.
(ix) For certified copy of an entry-
(a) In the Marriage Notice Book 25-00
(b) In the marriage Certificate Book 25-00
(x) For certificate of a document referred to in 10-00 Sub-section (1) of section 24
(xi) For making a search-
(a) If the entry is of the current year 25-00
(b) If the entry relates to any previos year or years 45-00

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