Surana & Surana National Corporate Law Moot Court Competition 2014

Name of the Organisation : Surana & Surana International Attorneys (moot.in)
Name of the Competition : National Corporate Law Moot Court Competition 2014
Location : Chennai

Website : http://www.moot.in/index.php

National Trial Advocacy Competition: https://www.indianjobtalks.in/39034.html

Surana & Surana National Corporate Law Moot Court Competition – 2014 :
Rules And Regulations :
Subject Matter and Date :
The Surana & Surana National Corporate Law Moot Court Competition – 2014 shall be held from 7 – 9 Feb 2014 at JSS Law College, New Kantharaje Urs Road, Kuvempunagar, Mysore – 570023, Karnataka. Prof. K S Suresh, Principal, will be the National Administrator.

The competition shall be in the English language.

Eligibility :
a. The competition is open for students who are studying LLB three year or five year course during the current academic year interested in Tax, Corporate and Commercial Laws and who belong to institutions that have been invited.
b. Students of The Institute of Chartered Accounts of India & The Institute of Company Secretaries of India are also eligible to participate. Students who have completed their law/Company Secretary/ Chartered Accountant degrees/courses are not eligible.

Team Composition :
a. Each team should consist of a minimum of 2 and maximum of 3 members. This number cannot be modified under any circumstances.
b. There shall be 2 speakers and 1 researcher designated for each team. The researcher shall be allowed to argue with prior permission of the court and National Administrator in case of illness of the designated speakers.
c. Each team will be provided a team code during orientation. Teams should not disclose the identity of their institution; such disclosure shall invite penalties including disqualification. The decision for the same shall be at the discretion of the National Administrator.
d. Member Swapping : For the Semi-final and the Final rounds teams shall be permitted to request participants from other teams to plead before the court on their behalf. That participant shall however still retain his/her individual code and shall address the court accordingly. In the event a team, which has exercised such an option, wins the competition that particular participant shall receive 1/4th of the nprize money and a winning certificate from the organisers.

Registration :
** Online registrations is open from 23 Oct 2013. The teams must register online by 8 January 2014.
** Teams will have to register online at www.moot.in Participants will receive an automated system generated acknowledgement on successful submission of registration.
** Participants will receive an approval as acceptance of their request for participation latest by 15 January 2014 8 :00PM.
** A scanned copy of the letter from the participating college/ institution / university duly signed by any one of the following :- Faculty-in-charge of MCS/MCA, Registrar, Principal, Dean, Director,
** Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor confirming the names of the participants , Year / semester in which studying, representing the college/ institution / university for the moot competition will have to be attached during the online registration process (The approval letter shall be formatted on the letterhead of the participating institution/college/university alternatively you may use the registration form itself as appended below as page 8 with the official seal)
** Registrations without the scanned copy of the approval letter from the college/institution/ university or duly attested registration form will not be valid
** Registration particulars as soft copy may also be sent by e-mail to mootcourt AT lawindia.com and mootcourt.jsslcmysore AT gmail.com marked as SURANA & SURANA NATIONAL CORPORATE LAW
** MOOT REGISTRATION as the subject of the mail latest by 8 January 2014
** The participants are required to send the hard copy of the approval/ registration letter to Administrator, , JSS Law college so as to reach before 22 January 2014

Register Here

Rounds :
There will be two preliminary rounds of arguments, a quarterfinal, a semi-final and a final round. Preliminary Round
a. Lots will be drawn on 7 February 2014 evening at 4.30 p.m. and Team codes and sides will be allotted. The Registration and orientation and exchange of memorials will take place the same evening.
b. There will be two preliminary rounds of arguments per team, once for petitioner & another for respondent.
c. No team will face each other more than once in the preliminary rounds.
d. Each team will face a different bench in their second round of arguments.
e. Preliminary Rounds will be held on 8 February 2014 (Saturday), in two sessions (Pre-Lunch and Post- Lunch).
f. Top eight teams will be selected on the basis of rounds won (two wins). In case of tie, then total of preliminary round scores will be taken. (The team with highest scores in preliminary round will advance to quarterfinals). Memorial marks will be added to both the preliminary rounds only.

Quarterfinal / Semi Final Round / Final Round :
Lots picked by the teams will decide the side of the arguments in Quarterfinals, Semifinals & Finals. Quarterfinals will take place on 9 February 2014 (Sunday) at 9.00a.m (may be advanced to Saturday 8 Feb 2014 if time permits) followed by the Semifinals 10.30a.m. The Finals will be held at 2.00 p.m. The Quarterfinal / Semifinal are knockout rounds.

Results (Announcement) :
Results will be announced within 30 minutes after the completion of the preliminary / quarter / semifinal rounds. The Final result and the winners of the various categories will be announced only during the valediction / prize distribution ceremony.

Memorials :
The following requirements for memorials must be strictly followed. Non-conformities will be penalised :
a. Each team must prepare memorials for both parties to the dispute (Petitioners and Respondent).

b. One advance hard copy of the memorials (both Applicant & Respondent) must reach the host institution (JSSLC) for evaluation by 20 January 2014 latest by 5.30 p.m. Soft copy of the memorials in word format must be mailed to mootcourt AT lawindia.com. Memorials / Amendments to the memorials shall not be accepted after 21 January 2014 . Late submission will be penalized by one point each memorial for every day of delay after due date. No excuses in respect of delayed courier services will be entertained. The remaining 5 copies may be submitted during orientation at 4.30 p.m. on 7 February 2014.

c. Once the memorials have been submitted, no revisions, supplements, or additions will be allowed.

d. The memorials have to be submitted on typed A 4 size paper printed on one side and must contain :
** The table of contents
** The index of authorities
** The statement of jurisdiction
** The statement of facts (1 page only and argumentative statement of facts would attract penalties)
** The statement of issues
** The summary of arguments (not more than 1 page)
** The arguments advanced (not more than 15 pages)
** The prayer

e. The font size should be 12 (doubles space) and for footnotes it should be 10 (single space) & double space between two foot notes.
f. The memorials should be spiral / staple bound or stitched. Any other form of binding shall not be accepted.
h. The memorial must have a margin measuring one inch on all sides of each page
i. The page numbering should be on the top right side of each page.

Covers must be placed on briefs as follows :
Petitioner : Light Blue Color;
Defendant : Light Red Color.
Use of Cellophane sheets over the covers or inside will be penalized.

The cover page of the memorial must state the following :
** The cause title
** Identify brief as Petitioners / Respondents.

Identity of the institution shall not be revealed anywhere in the memorial. Violation of this provision shall result in penalties including disqualification. The National Administrator’s decision shall be final. m. The teams may submit a separate paper book of not more than 100 pages (printed on both sides), which will carry all the annexure and case laws that have been referred to in the memorial. The paper book will have a white cover and may be submitted at the time of registration. Any identifying marks/seal of the college shall attract severe penalties including disqualification. There will not be any passing of notes to the judges. The paper book will have to take care of this requirement.

Oral Round :
Preliminary Round & Quarterfinals :
a. Each team will get a total of 30 minutes to present their case. This time will include rebuttal and surrebuttal time.
b. The division of time is at the discretion of the team members, subject to a maximum of 15 minutes per speaker. Division of time shall be informed to the court officer before arguments begin.
c. The oral arguments need not be confined to the issues presented in the memorials.
d. Passing of notes to the speakers by the researcher during the rounds is allowed.
e. The researcher shall sit with the speakers at the time of the orals.

Semifinal & Final :
a. Each team will get 45 minutes to present their case that will include rebuttal and sur-rebuttal time
b. The division of time is at the discretion of the team, subject to a maximum of 25 minutes per speaker.
c. The oral arguments need not be confined to the issues presented in the memorials.
d. The researcher shall sit with the speakers at the time of the orals.

Scouting :
Teams will not be allowed to observe the orals of any other teams. Scouting is strictly prohibited. Scouting by any of the team members shall result in disqualification.

Scoring :
A. Orals :
The parameters for judging the oral presentation on a scale of 0 – 100 points are :
a. Knowledge of facts
b. Logic and reasoning
c. Organisation and clarity
d. Persuasiveness
e. Deference to the court
f. Proper and articulate analysis of the issues arising out of facts
g. Understanding of the legal principles directly applicable to the issues
h. Ability to explain clearly the legal principles in general keeping to the time allotted
i. Knowledge and use of legal sources and authorities and general principles of national law
j. Ingenuity (ability to argue by analogy from related aspects of law)

B. Written Submissions (Memorials) :
a. The memorials shall be marked on a scale of 1-100 points each.
b. Any revisions, supplements or additions to the memorials after submission shall attract severe penalties subject to the discretion of the National Administrator.

Award of the points shall be based on the following parameters :
** Neatness, legibility, no typographical errors or format errors
** Logical progression of ideas
** Effective use of headings to outline arguments
** Understanding essential legal issues presented
** Focus on essential (not collateral) issues
** Clear, concise and unambiguous writing style
** Forceful and persuasive presentation
** Integration of facts into legal argument
** Understanding of strengths and weaknesses of case
** Discussion of viable alternative arguments
** Understanding and analysis of authority
** Proper use of citations and citation form
** Effective use of authority to support arguments
** Ability to distinguish adverse cases

Non- compliance of the rules mentioned in Clause VII above shall attract severe penalties

Awards :
a. Best Team Award – The Team will receive a Plaque and a cash prize of Rs 20,000/- only
b. Runner up Team – The Second Best Team will receive a Plaque and a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- only
c. Best Memorial Award – The Team will receive a Plaque and a cash prize of Rs. 8,000/- only
d. Second Best Memorial Award – The Team will receive a Plaque and a cash prize of Rs. 4,000/- only
e. Best Speaker (Individual) – Plaque and a cash prize of Rs. 8,000/- only
f. Second Best Speaker (Individual) – Plaque and a cash prize of Rs. 4,000/- only In addition to the above awards plaques and certificates are given to other categories of winners. All participants will be awarded participation certificates

Accommodation, Food & Transport :
(a) Accommodation (b) food and (c) transport between the hostel / hotel and the competition venue to the participating teams will be provided by JSS Law College, Mysore.. The name and mobile number of the student volunteers in charge of transport / accommodation will also be made available after finalization. Teams should fill in their travel plan in the sheet available on page 9 positively so as to each by 5.30 p.m. on 22 January 2014.

For More Details Click Here

Any clarifications for the competition can be sought from :
Regarding Submission of Memorials /Accommodation / Transport / etc :
Prof. Nagendramurthy,
Chairperson, Moot Court Committee,
JSS Law College
New Kantharaje Urs Road, Kuvempunagar
Mysore – 570 023, Karnataka
Ph : 0821 – 2548244; Fax: 0821 – 2548243
E-mail : nagendramurthy_law@rediffmail.com

Regarding case & online registration :
Preetam Surana
Head, Family Business Practice
Surana & Surana International Attorneys
Moot Court Coordinator
Email : mootcourt@lawindia.com
Ph : 044 – 2812 0000, Fax: 91 – 44 – 2812 0001

Student coordinators :
1. Atal Pathak; Mobile : 0-9686799013; Email: atal.pathak@gmail.com
2.Arpitha Patil; Mobile : 0-9886619140; Email: arpita.patil09@gmail.com
3 Devarjun Das; Mobile : 0-9738555974; Email: dev2arjun@gmail.com
4. Sangeetha Murali; Mobile : 0-9035625589; Email: sangeethamuralis@gmail.com

Important Dates :
Start of Online Registration : 23 October 2013
Last date for Online Registration : 8 January 2014
Last date for receiving soft copies of Reg Form / Approval letter : 8 January 2014
Receipt of Approval of participation ( beforeor by) : 15 January 2014
Last Date for Submission of Memorials ( One Hard Copy & Soft Copy by email ) : 20 January 2014
Last date for receiving hard copy of Reg Form / Approval letter :22 January 2014
Submission of Travel form : 22 January 2014
Submission of Memorials ( Five Hard Copies) During Orientation :7 February 2014

Download Registration Form Here https://www.indianjobtalks.in/uploads/3497-invitation.pdf
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