CBEC : Get Imports and Exports Status Via SMS For Bangalore Zone

Name of the Organisation : Central Board of Excise and Customs (cbec.gov.in)
Type of Facility : Get Imports and Exports Status Through SMS For Bangalore Zone
Location : India

Website : http://www.cbec.gov.in/index

Status Enquiry of Bills of Entry and Shipping Bills on The Indian Customs EDI System through GSM Cellular Phones in the SMS Mode :
All importers, exporters, Custom House Agents and members of the trade are hereby informed that as a facilitation measure a new Short Messaging System(SMS) based Enquiry System has now been installed at Air Cargo Complex, Bangalore. This system enables the users to ascertain the Status of their Bills of Entry and Shipping Bills by using SMS facility in their Mobile/Cell phone working on the GSM Standard. The User who wishes to know the status of his document has to send a SMS Message through his Cellular Phone which will be received by the SMS System and a reply will be sent back to User’s Cellular phone again as an SMS message. All messages have to be sent to 9845199922. The procedure to be followed in each case is outlined below.

Import Status Query :
1. Use “Write Message” Option in your Cellular Phone to send SMS Message.
2. Type “BE”and give one space and then type Bill of Entry Number.
Example – “BE 111111”.
“BE” should be in Capital letters.
3. Use the “Send Message” Option and send the message to 9845199922.
4. Your Cellular Phone will give you an acknowledgement that it has sent SMS message.
5. Within a shortwhile, you will receive a reply message.
6. Read the message to know the present Status of your Bill of Entry.

Export Status Query :
1. Use “Write Message” Option in your Cellular Phone.
2. Type “SB”and give one space and then type Shipping Bill Number.
Example – “SB 1111111”.
“SB” should be in Capital letters.
3. Use the “Send Message” Option and send the message to 9845199922.
4. Your Cellular Phone should give you an acknowledgement that it has sent the message.
5. Within a shortwhile, you will receive a reply message.
6. Read the message to know the present Status of your Shipping Bill.

The Salient Features of SMS-Enquiry System:
1. The current status of the Bill of Entry or Shipping Bill can be ascertained by dialing the Cellular Number as mentioned above at paras A & B.
2. The details of the messages, which would be sent to the caller’s Mobile handset, corresponding to the status of the document by SMS–Enquiry System are given in the Annexure enclosed.
3. The SMS–Enquiry System informs the time and date of filing of the document, assessment of document, examination of document, and time and date of out-of-charge order/Let Export Order for Bill of Entry/Shipping Bill.
4. If the import document is awaiting payment of customs duty, the SMS–Enquiry System will also inform the called, the duty amount as also the fine and penalty payable, if any.
5. The SMS–Enquiry System will inform whether the request for clearance under green channel facility has been accepted or denied.
6. The SMS–Enquiry System will inform whether the Bill of Entry has been de-activated in the Indian Customs EDI System.
7. The SMS-Enquiry System will inform whether the Bill of Entry has been assigned to First Appraisement Procedure and pending activation with the Appraiser after examination under First Appraisement.
8. The SMS-Enquiry System will inform whether any query has been raised in respect of Bill of Entry and also transmit the text of query raised.
9. The SMS-Enquiry System will provide inform inform whether any query has been raised in respect of Shipping Bill and also transmit the text of query raised.
10. The SMS–Enquiry System will provide information for drawback documents such as amount of drawback sanctioned, drawback amount is sanctioned but withheld, sanctioned but not transferred to bank etc.
11. The SMS-Enquiry System will inform whether Export Manifest has been filed by the Airlines with Customs and also informs that there is an error in the Export Manifest filed by the Airlines.

Contact us:
Government of India, Ministry of Finance
Office of the Commissioner of Customs
Central Revenue Buildings,
Post Bag No. 5400,
Queens Road, Banglore – 560 001

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