Childline India Foundation CIF Services

Name of the Organisation : CHILDLINE India Foundation (CIF) childlineindia.org.in
Type of Facility : Child Help Line


1. What is CHILDLINE India Foundation?
CHILDLINE India Foundation (CIF) is the central nodal agency for the replication of the CHILDLINE service. It was established on 28th May 1999 and registered under the Society’s Registration Act of 1960 and the Bombay Public Trust Act of 1890.

2. Is it similar to other organisations working with children?

There are hundreds of NGO’s who work with marginalized children some run shelters, some run skill & educational facilities, some run counselling services, some run health care establishments and so on. There are some organisations that fund NGO’s. CIF is a link service that links children in distress to organisations who can rehabilitate them. In essence CIF sets up a single window framework through a tele-helpline service – CHILDLINE 1098 – which can be accessed easily by any child. CIF is the parent organisation for the CHILDLINE network now functional in 81cities. Its role includes systematic preparatory activity in a city/district before the initiation of the CHILDLINE service, close monitoring of the CHILDLINE service after its initiation, research on areas related to child protection based on calls received by CHILDLINE, Communications and Strategic Initiatives on issues related to child protection.

3. How is CHILDLINE replicated?

CIF follows a systematic model of replication, which includes studying the need of the children and the required scope of the service, selection of organisations, capacity building the team, training and orientation of Government and non Government agencies, and intensive outreach and awareness programmes with children. A number of organisations work closely as part of the CHILDLINE network. These range from a 24-hour call receiving centre located out of a shelter or hospital, community based support organisations with intensive outreach programmes and academic institutes to coordinate research, documentation etc.

4. What relationship does CIF have with CHILDLINE in the cities?

CIF shares a very vibrant and dynamic relationship with each city/district. It is the backbone of the CHILDLINE service in any city providing support from the background. However, each city is encouraged to adapt the CHILDLINE service to the needs of the children and local socio-cultural contexts so long as they adhere to certain prescribed standards set by CIF.

5. Who comprises CHILDLINE India Foundation?

Representation on the Governing Board of the organisation is a third Government, the rest comprising representation from the corporate sector, academic institutions, concerned citizens and NGOs. The CIF team comprises trained social workers, soft ware professionals, journalists, academicians, accountants, ex-street youth etc.

6. What are the plans for the future?

Reach out to children in every district of the country
Awareness about CHILDLINE among every Indian child
Set up a national database on child protection services
Initiation of needs based services for children in need
Revolutionize the non profit sector through our example of adaptation of technology to development

7. How can a corporate contribute to CIF?

Co branding or Cause marketing initiatives
Employee giving
Lend services and facilities

8. Is it easy sustaining a network so large?

Sustaining a network across the country calls for a lot of flexibility and adaptation, and also having to accept loads of brickbats. Sustaining a partnership between the Government and non-government agencies is extremely challenging. However, it puts CIF in a very unique position where we are able to learn from the experiences of some and share them with the others, which is very enriching.

9. How is CIF able to monitor a service in so many cities?

Periodical visits to the cities, daily communication through the net, formal reporting systems, connectivity through ChildNET, a software package designed to capture every call nationally, analyse the data and present reports.

CHILDLINE India Foundation: Message

Warning : We understand there is a chain mail circulating that says – one should call up 1098 to pick up left over food after a party etc so that it is not wasted. This is not true. We are India ‘s only and most widespread Children’s phone emergency outreach service (1098) for children in need of care and protection. We do not pick up food or distribute food. This mail was not initiated by us, kindly do not circulate it. Your cooperation is appreciated.

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