FCRA Online : Apply For Hospitality Registration

Name of the Organaisation : Ministry of Home Affairs (fcraonline.nic.in)
Type of Facility : Apply Online Grant FCRA Hospitality Registration

Home Page : http://fcraonline.nic.in

Facilities Related to FCRA :
Online Filing of Application for Seeking Prior Permission : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/18100.html
Online Filing of FCRA Annual Returns : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/18076.html
Online Filing for Grant of FCRA Registration : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/18081.html

Instruction for filling online FCRA Hospitality :
1. Select Online filing of FCRA Hospitality for apply FCRA hospitality. Before Filing online read the instruction manual.
2. After Click on Apply Online you have to file your details information.After that click on Save Details and Next .
3. After click you will get a temporary file number.Note down this file no for later updation of application.Then click Click Here to Continue.
4. In 2nd page you have to file your visiting details. Add all the visiting place(s) by click Add Record After that click Save Details and Next.
5. In 3rd page Add host(s) details .First you have to select host type. Individual, organization and Both Individual organization All Individual host can be added by click Add Record.
a. If Individual Selected
b. If organization Selected
c. If Both Individual and Organization Selected
6. If you selected organization or Both Individual and organization in previous Page you have to enter organization office bearers details by selecting organization.
a. Here you have add nature and duration of hospitality by click Add Record.After that enter total expenditure on hospitality.Click on Save All to save all the details enter by you.After click View Application to view your application in pdf format.
7. after that click on Final Submit to Ministry. After click this button you can’t update your application.
8. After Final Submit you will get a permanent file no. Note down that file no for print of application later. Click the Print Application for taking Hard copy of filed Application. You can also upload the
Relevant document by clicking Upload/View Document button. Uploading of relevant document (s) is not mandatory.
You may upload the following document
(I) A Copy of Invitation Letter issued by Organizational /Individual providing foreign hospitality
(II) A Copy of Recommendation letter issued by Nodal / Department / Organization / Ministry office
9. You can Update your Application by entering temporary file no(9 digit).You can also take print out of your filed application by entering your permanent file no(10 digit) and upload relevant document. If Ministry has upload letter(s) after receiving your application, you can view after entering credentials.

See full details and demo get here : www.indianjobtalks.in/uploads/3121-fcrahs_instruction.pdf


View Comments (2)

  • How do we check the validity of existing FRCA Registration and also if expired then what is the renewal process?

    • I could not find anything rekated to status check and renewal process. For any problem in filing online application send an e-Mail to clsharma[at]nic[dot]in

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