registry.gov.in : Check Domain Status & Modify Details Online

Name of the Organization : Domain Registrar (registry.gov.in)
Type of Facility : Check Domain Status & Modify Domain Details Online
Location : Delhi

Website : https://registry.gov.in/

.GOV Domain Registrar Related Content:
Domain Name Renewal Process: https://www.indianjobtalks.in/30363.html
Register Your Domain Online: https://www.indianjobtalks.in/30342.html

How to Update your Domain Details :
1. Open the site https://registry.gov.in
2. Click Sign In (https://registry.gov.in/) link
3. Put Your Login ID in Login box and password in Password box followed by Click on OK Button.Note- If the Login ID is missing, Search email account of the Registrant. Login ID was mailed to the email address at the time of domain registration)
4. You will get the interface, Click on the link- Modify Domain Details
5. Select your domain name
6. Update the details by
a. Details of organization
b. Details of Administrative Contact
c. Details of Technical Contact
By clicking on relevant- Edit Details button
7. Edit and click on Update button. Note – The changes submitted by you will be reflected only after the acceptance by the GOV IN Domain Registrar. You may confirm the change request status from Who Is service of site http://registry.gov.in.

Modify Domain Details : https://registry.gov.in/

How to reset your Login (Registrant ID) Password :
1. To reset your password, click on link Forgot Password under Sign In module (https://registry.gov.in/) and Enter Login ID as Login ID, your Domain Name and Email ID followed by Verification Code and submit. Link to reset your password will be sent to your email address by mail.

How to Register a new Sign-Up for your Domain :
In case email address of the Registrant of your domain is not accessible due to transfer/ retirement/ of the Sign-Up person or No inforamtion about Sign-Up details, please follow the steps given below for re-registration of your new Sign-Up.
1. Register the Registrant on https://registry.gov.in by SignUp (link https://registry.gov.in/). Please give official email address with extension gov.in or nic.in. It will be better if email address of the designation is provided with. After completion of the process, you will receive a Login Id in your email address (which you will provide while registering your Registrant).
2. Please post the Login Id along with the other details as entered online to us on your organization pre printer letter head requesting for Authorization of the Registrant to have Sign-In access of your domain- <yourdomain.gov.in> details. On receiving a formal request from you, we will authorize the registrant and send a confirmatory mail.
3. After the above step-2, you can Sign-In to https://registry.gov.in for further us.

Note : –
A. While registering your registrant, please remember your password which would be used along with the Login Id for your Sign-In.
B. Now it is mandatory to provide official email address with extension ‘gov.in’ or ‘nic.in’ for organization and administrative contacts.

Check Domain Status : https://registry.gov.in/


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