TERI : Download GREEN Olympiad Sample Question Paper With Answer Key

Name of the Organization : The Energy and Resources Institute (teriin.org)
Type of Paper : Download Sample Question Paper With Answer Key For GREEN Olympiad
Location : Delhi

Website : http://www.teriin.org/

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GREEN Olympiad 2014: https://www.indianjobtalks.in/29528.html

Sample Question Paper For GREEN Olympiad :
1. What type of farming is mostly practiced in hilly terrains :
A. Step farming
B. Shift farming
C. Extensive farming
D. Intensive farming

Ans :Step farming

2. India has close to one hundred national parks that total just over 1% of the nation’s land mass. Which national park harbours the largest number of one-horned Rhinos :
A. Periyar National Park
B. Kanha National Park
C. Kaziranga National Park
D. Corbett National Park

Ans :Kaziranga National Park

3. What is the source of rubber :
A. Produced commercially
B. Obtained from animals
C. Latex from Tree
D. None of the above

Ans : Latex from Tree

4. What is the order of the environmental 4R’s used to indicate the best ways to conserve natural resources :
A. Reduce, recycle, reuse, refuse
B. Refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle
C. Reuse, recycle, refuse, reduce
D. Refuse, reduce, recycle, reuse

Ans :Refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle

5. What type of energy is obtained from the sun :
A. Solar energy
B. Wind energy
C. Hydel energy
D. Tidal energy

Ans :Solar energy

6. A fictional character in Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book stories. He is a feral child from Pench area in Central India :
A. Swami
B. Mowgli
C. Bagheera
D. Nathoo

Ans :Mowgli

7. Most flowering plants depend on insects like honeybees, butterflies, etc., to transport certain ‘grains’ from one part of a flower to another. What are these ‘grains’ better known as :
A. Stomata
B. Columnar epithelial tissue
C. Lenticels
D. Pollen

Ans :Pollen

8. Recently, typhoon Haiyan has caused massive devastation in which island nation :
A. Philippines
B. Maldives
C. Srilanka
D. New Zealand

Ans :Philippines

9. This is actually a marine fish and lives in water. It has a long snake – like tail, a neck and a snout that points down. Name this fish :
1. Seahorses
2. Octopus
3. Dolphins
4. All the above

Ans : Seahorses

10. A butterfly is mainly a day-flying insect. Butterflies in their adult stage can live from a week to nearly a year depending on the species. What is the larval stage of butterfly known as :
A. Caterpillar
B. Pupa
C. Maggot
D. Egg

Ans :Egg

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