Vignan University V-SAT Model Question Paper : VSAT

Name of the Organisation : Vignan University (vignanuniversity.org)
Type of Announcement : Model Question Paper
Designation : VSAT 2014

Download V-SAT Model Paper here : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/uploads/29311-model%20.pdf
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This booklet contains 24 printed pages
Read carefully the following Instructions before opening the seal of this booklet.
Do not open this Test Booklet untill you are instructed by the invigilator.

Important Instructions:
1. Immediately fill in the particulars at the bottom of this test booklet with blue/black ball point pen. Use of pencil is strictly prohibited.
2. A separate OMR Answer Sheet is provided along with this test booklet. When you are directed to open the test booklet, take the OMR Answer Sheet and fill in the required particulars carefully.
3. The CODE for this booklet is D. Make sure that the CODE on the OMR Answer Sheet should be marked as that on this booklet.
4. Immediately on opening the booklet, please check for (i) The same booklet code (A/B/C/D) on the top of each page (ii) serial number of the questions (1-120) (iii) The number of pages (iv) correct printing.
5. The test is of 3 hours duration.
6. The test consists of 120 Questions. The maximum marks are 120.
7. There are 4 sections in the question paper. Each question carries 1 mark for correct answer and there is no negative marking for incorrect answer.
Section I – MATHEMATICS (30 Marks) consists of 30 questions (1 to 30).
Section II – PHYSICS (30 Marks) consists of 30 questions (31 to 60).
Section III – CHEMISTRY (30 Marks) consists of 30 questions (61 to 90).
Section IV – ENGLISH & APTITUDE (30 Marks) consists of 30 questions (91 to 120).
8. Candidates will be awarded marks as stated in instruction No.6 for correct response to each question. Marks will not be awared for unattempted / unmarked questions on the answer sheet.
9. No candidate is allowed to carry any textual material,printed or written, bits of papers, blank papers, mobile phone, any electronic device, etc., except the hall ticket, ball point pen, HB pencil, eraser and sharpner inside the examination hall/room.
10. Rough work is to be done in the space provided at the bottom of each page, on pages 2 and 21 to 24 in the test booklet only.
11. On completion of the test, the candidate must hand over the test booklet along with OMR Answer Sheet to the Invigilator in the room/hall.
12. Do not fold, mutilate or make any stray marks on the OMR Answer Sheet.

Section – IV
Choose the word which can be substituted
91. One who hates mankind
(A) hater (B) repel (C) misanthrope (D) philanthropist
Pick out the meaning of the given word
92. Paramount
(A) above others in rank of authority (B) famous (C) wide & extensive (D) very important
Choose the exact meaning of the idioms
93. In a nutshell
(A) cheaply (B) in a very short form or in a few words (C) very rapidly (D) very weakly
94. To bury the hatchet
(A) to dispute over small things (B) to destroy
(C) to make up a quarrel (D) to repair a costly furniture
Read the following instructions and answers the given questions Pick out the word opposite or nearly so in the meaning of the given words
95. Erudite
(A) ignorant (B) unknown (C) illiterate (D) unfamiliar
Complete the following sentences with fillers
96. The more we looked at the piece of modern art,_______________.
(A) it looked better (B) the more we like it
(C) we liked it less (D) the less we liked it
97. The doctor warns him that unless he gives up smoking ________________
(A)will he be able to recover. (B) he will not suffer.
(C) his health will soon be recovered. (D) he will not recover.
98. He is so lazy that he _____________________
(A) always extends help to others to complete their work.
(B) dislikes to postpone the work that he undertakes to do.
(C) can seldom complete his work on time.
(D) can’t delay the schedule of completing the work.
Directions-Each sentence has one or two blanks. Choose the word or set of words that best completes the sentence meaningfully.
99. He went to the library ……… to find that it was closed.
(A) seldom (B) never (C) only (D) solely
100. It would be difficult for one so ……… to believe that all men are equal irrespective of caste, race and religion.
(A) emotional (B) democratic (C) intolerant (D) liberal
101. Her reaction to his proposal was inevitable. She rejected it ……….
(A) vehemently (B) violently (C) abruptly (D) angrily
Choose the alternative verb form from those given in brackets:
102. The Headmaster ____________ to speak to you.
(A)wants (B) is wanting (C) was wanting (D) had wanted
103. I _____________ a lot of work today.
(A) did (B) have done (C) had done (D) do
Find the sentence that has a mistake in grammar or usage. If you find no mistakes, mark choice D.
104. (A) Either the physicians in this hospital or the chief administrator is going to have to make a decision.
(B) Everyone selected to serve on this jury has to be willing to give up a lot of time.
(C) Kara Wolters, together with her teammates, present a formidable opponent on the basketball court.
(D) No mistakes
105. (A) We decided to buy a new car. (B) I enjoy writing picture postcards.
(C) Avoid making silly mistakes. (D) No mistakes
106. (A) He said, “I like this song.”
(B) The stuntman advised the audience not to try that at home.
(C) “Where have you spent your money?” she asked him.
(D) No mistakes
107. At present, the ratio between the ages of Arun and Deepak is 4: 3. After 6 years, Arun’s age will be 26 years. What is the age of Deepak at present?
(A) 12 years (B) 15 years (C) 16 years (D) 18 years
108. A dishonest milkman professes to sell his milk at cost price, but he mixes it with water, there by gaining 25%. The percentage of water in the mixture is
(A) 25% (B) 30% (C) 20% (D) 15%
109. A person has some birds and sheep. When he counts them he got 50 heads & 148 legs. How many birds and sheep he has?
(A) 24 birds, 26 sheep (B) 26 birds, 24 sheep
(C) 25 birds, 25 sheep (D) 30 birds, 20 sheep
110. The average of 8 numbers is 12. If one of them exceeds the average of the remaining by 8, what is the number?
(A) 16 (B) 17 (C) 18 (D) 19
111. The annual income of A is 10% less than that of B whose income is 20% more than that of C. If the monthly income of C is Rs 200, find the total annual income of A, B, and C together
(A) Rs 7,046 (B) Rs 7,772 (C) Rs 6,872 (D) Rs 7,872
112. A drink vendor has 80 liters of Maaza, 144 liters of Pepsi and 368 liters of Sprite. He wants to pack them in cans, so that each can contains the same number of liters of a drink, and doesn’t want to mix any two drinks in a can. What is the least no. of cans required?
(A) 49 (B) 47 (C) 35 (D) 37
113. How many numbers 300 to 600 either begin with or end with the digit 5?
(A) 100 (B) 110 (C) 120 (D) 130


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