Reliance Life Insurance : Online Mock Test

Name of the Organization : Reliance Life Insurance
Type of Facility : Reliance Life Insurance Online Mock Test
Location : Navi Mumbai

Website : lifeline.reliancelife.com/wps/portal/agent/!ut/p/c1/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3hvz-BgQ09LYwMDA3NjA0_LIGMnQ18jIyBXPxykwyzeAAdwNND388jPTdUvyM4rBwBzXkh2/dl2/d1/L0lDU0NTSUpKL0lGUkFBSWdvQU16TXFnISEvWUJKSnc0NTQ1MC13LzdfS0lTUzFJOTMwMDA3MzBJOVIzQjFNMjIwODA!/?action=mainTestPage&group1=USER_ID&userid=21121561&phoneno=9999999999&emailid&lanugageselect=ENGLISH

Reliance Life Insurance Online Mock Test :
** The purpose of this test is to help candidates assess their knowledge before they attempt for real test.
** This is a simulated online test and not in lieu of the actual test conducted by examination body
** The questions in the actual test may be different from Simulated Oline Test
** The Simulated Online Test does not gaurantee that the candidates who pass this test would pass in the actual test.
** I have read and understood the above disclaimer and would like to take test now.

Note :
** The test has 50 questions.
** Total Time for Test is 60 Mins.
** There is no negative marking.

Q1 : What is the stipulated time frame with in which an insurer is supposed to respond after receiving any communication from its policyholder [1 Marks]

Q2 : What is the main objective of taking the life insurance policy- [1 Marks]
Tax benefit

Q3 : What is the maximum sum assured under a micro insurance [1 Marks]

Q4 : If there is advertisement in Newspaper regarding policy, it could be due to [1 Marks]
Counter Offer
Lost Policy

Q5 : Ramesh bough policy an endowment plan but after one year insure found he had aorta surgery. Now which of the following option will be applicable by insurer [1 Marks]
indisputability clause section 45 apply
principal of indemnity apply
lien clause
utmost good faith

Q6 : Mortality rate helps to identify [1 Marks]
Level of Risk

Q7 : What is the time period of free look period – [1 Marks]

Q8 : Pooling of risk in insurance means [1 Marks]
The premium collected & deposited in a pool
All similar risks are pooled together
Premium is pool to make claims
Contribution of insurance company

Q9 : As per Insurance Regulatory & development Authority which part of the Prospectus shows the benefits of the Policyholder [1 Marks]
Insurance Coverage
Annuity Part
Guaranteed & non Guaranteed benefits

Q10 : What to be considered to taken the policy [1 Marks]
Personal details
family details
employment details
all of the above

Q11 :A person of age 15 has entered an insurance contract. Which is valued with regards to the contract [1 Marks]
Valued in the eyes of law
Null and void

Q12 : For a household insurance policy, insurable interest need only exist at outset and at what other point- [1 Marks]
The date the cancellation period expires
the date a claim occurs
the date the policy document is received
the termination date

Q13 : Once an absolute assignment is effected under a life insurance policy ,who will be the titleholder(s) of the policy- [1 Marks]
The assignor in all cases
The assignee in all cases
Either the assignor or assignee depending on the type of policy involved
The assignor and assignee jointly

Q14 : Ram Lal is an insurance policyholder. He has recently shifted his home from New Delhi to Noida. He wants the address to be changed. This change in policy document will be effective through- [1 Marks]
Terms & Condition

Q15 : when will apply indisputable clause- [1 Marks]
with in 2 years
with in 3 years
with in 5 years
with in 6months

Take Test Now : lifeline.reliancelife.com/wps/portal/agent/!ut/p/c1/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3hvz-BgQ09LYwMDA3NjA0_LIGMnQ18jIyBXPxykwyzeAAdwNND388jPTdUvyM4rBwBzXkh2/dl2/d1/L0lDU0NTSUpKL0lGUkFBSWdvQU16TXFnISEvWUJKSnc0NTQ1MC13LzdfS0lTUzFJOTMwMDA3MzBJOVIzQjFNMjIwODA!/?action=mainTestPage&group1=USER_ID&userid=21121561&phoneno=9999999999&emailid&lanugageselect=ENGLISH


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