: India’s Biggest Online Coding Contest 2014

Name of the Organization : Techgig (
Name of the Contest : India’s Biggest Online Coding Contest 2014
Location : Noida

Website : : is a culmination of everything related to technology, a platform exclusively for IT professionals to synergize, share, exchange ideas, facts and information as well as showcase their work and express their views on the vast repertoire that the IT industry encompasses. Garnering cutting edge views, reviews and news, jobs as well as providing a podium for connecting with your colleagues, peers are the mainstay of was launched by Times Business Solutions Limited (TBSL) which is the “life interactive” arm of The Times Group. TBSL believes in the power of internet and seeks to harness the impact that internet can create through providing global internet users innovative platforms for support and assistance in every aspect of their lives. is another such innovation from TBSL that believes in empowering the IT community.

Coding Contest 2014 :
Why you should participate?
1.23370 coders have already registered
2.Claim recognition as “The Best Coder” at the national level
3.Win attractive prizes worth more than 5 Lakhs and many other prizes
4.Sharpen your edge by competing against the Best of the League

How it Works ? :
Round 1 : Intra Company/ Open round
Date : 1st Week of April to 1st Week of May
Location : Online competition
Duration : 3 Days

Intra Company :
Participating companies will conduct code contests for their employees & identify the top coders for the semi finals.

Open Round :
Participants from all other companies battle it out to reach the semi finals

Round 2 : Semi finals
Date : Third Week of May
Location : Online competition
Duration : 1 Day

Participants from various companies battle it out to prove their technical chops

Top 40 participants move to the finals

Round 3 : Finals
Date : First Week of June
Location : New Delhi
Duration : 1 Day

Offline event where nations best coders compete to find the numero uno

Coding Languages :
The individual will be given a problem to solve in the language of its choice; the individual can pick from C, C++, C#, Java, PHP, VBNET, Ruby, Perl, Python, and JavaScript. The challenge is intended for people who are familiar with computer programming languages.

Rules to Play the Coding Challenge :
** There will be 3 questions in each level of Coding Challenge and each question will be of 100 marks.
** The individual will be able to access the problem statement once it clicks the Take Challenge button on the Coding Challenge box in the application. The application has a Live Coding Environment where the individual can code and compile the code.
** Once the individual is done writing the code, a default test case will be used to check the code. To submit the code the individual has to pass the default test case, however it does not score anything to clear a default test case.
** To score marks, participants need to clear Test cases which are built to check its code. Each test case carries 10 marks with equal weight-age. The total of all the test cases is 100 marks.
** Every individual gets maximum two attempts at every level. The final score for that level is taken as the highest score of both attempts and each attempt’s duration is 24 hours.

Participate Now :

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