EHF : Aarogyasri Health Card EHS Login Instructions For Pensioners Andhra Pradesh

Name of the Organization : Aarogyasri Health Care Trust Employees Health Scheme (
Type of Facility : EHS Aarogyasri Health Card Login Instructions For Pensioners
Location : Hyderabad

Website :

Andhra Pradesh Employees Health Scheme Related Content:
Steps to Enrol for Pensioner:
Employee Enrollment Online:
Pensioner Enrollment Online:
Employee Login Instructions:
Steps to Enrol for Employee:
Check Health Card Status:
Hospitals Empanelment :
Download Health Card:

Pensioners Login Instructions :
Step 1 : Enroll Aadhar Number
** In case you have not yet enrolled for ‘Aadhar’ go to your nearest Aadhar centre. You can find information about Aadhar Centres from Aadhar website or from your District Collector.
** Register yourself and your family members, obtain the enrolment numbers given at the time of enrolment. Even if there is delay in getting Aadhar Card, the 28 digit Enrolment number can be filled in the EHS e-form while enrolling for the Scheme.

Instructions to provide Enrollment ID in the EHS-form :
** Please check the 14 digit “Enrolment No.” on the left hand side of the Acknowledgement copy obtained upon Aadhar registration. Note this 14 digit number.
** Eg : Enrolment No. 1111/15210/02106. Please note this 14 digit number as 11111521002106.
** Please check the “Date” column on the right hand side of the acknowledgment copy along with the timestamp in the format : Date (2 digits)/month (2 digits)/year (4 digits), and hours (2 digits): minutes (2 digits): seconds (2 digits), a total of 14 digits.
** Convert this into a continuous number by writing “Date” from right to left without slashes and time without colons as in the below example :
** Eg : Date: 11/08/2011 16:48:44 should be converted as 20110811164844.
** Please provide the number so obtained, in continuation to the 14 digit Enrolment No. The 28 digit Enrolment ID is made up of 14 digit Enrolment No. And Date & Time Stamp. Eg. 1111152100210620110811164844
** Skip this step if you already have either an Aadhar Card number or an Aadhar enrolment number.

Step 2 : Prepare Data
Self :
Read the instructions given in table below for preparation of data.
Photo : Scan a 45 mm x 35 mm ICAO compliant passport size color photograph of 200 Kb size.
Aadhar Card / Enrolment Receipt : Scan the Aadhar card with your name and number clearly visible if you are giving the Aadhar number (or) scan the Aadhar enrolment receipt with your name and enrolment number clearly visible if you are giving the Aadhar enrolment number.
Disability Certificate : Scan your disability certificate if you are disabled.

Computer illiterate pensioners can approach the STO/APPO concerned directly with the aforementioned data/documents or can contact the association representatives.

Dependant Family members :
Photo : Scan a 45 mm x 35 mm ICAO compliant passport size colour photograph of 200 Kb size.
Aadhar Card / Enrolment Receipt : Scan the Aadhar card with your name and number clearly visible if you are giving the Aadhar number (or) scan the Aadhar enrolment receipt with your name and enrolment number clearly visible if you are giving the Aadhar enrolment number.
Employee ID/Pensioner ID of spouse in case the spouse is a State Government Employee/ Service Pensioner, need to be entered in the given space of the application.
DoB Certificate : Scan the Date of birth certificate of the dependent family member who is less than 5 years of age.
Disability Certificate : Scan disability certificate if there is a family with disability.

Step 3 : Submit Application
** Login to the web portal
** Your username = p + STO ID + PPO ID. Ex : If your STO ID is 230 and your PPO ID is 012, then your username = p230012. You can obtain your username and password from your STO/APPO or by calling 104-sevakendram by dialing ‘104′
** Sign-in with your username and password. Submit the application.
** Change your password at the time of first login. ( The new password should contain minimum ‘3′ characters and maximum ‘8′, out of which one should be an alphabet, one numerical number and one special character such as ” AT ,#,$”etc). Keep the password confidential and do not forget.
** Read the instructions provided in the website.
** Open the enrolment form and fill up as per instructions there. Select your head of the department, District, STO/APPO Code from the dropdown lists in the application, submit the data, and attach the needed documents.
** Verify the accuracy of data. If there are errors, correct and save.
** Submit the application. After submission, you cannot make any changes to the form.
** Take a print out of the filled up application and sign it.
** Upload a scanned copy of the signed application form.
** Take the physical copy of the signed application form and give it to your STO/APPO
** Note that you are responsible for furnishing correct details of dependent family members in the online enrolment application. Any false declarations will entail disciplinary action against you.
** You will receive an sms and email acknowledgement as soon as the application reaches the STO/APPO.
** If your application is rejected, you will receive an sms and email notification. Resubmit your application with corrections
** Resubmit your application with corrections

Step 4 : Issue of Health Cards:
Permanent Health Cards :
** The submitted applications will be scrutinized by Aarogyasri Health Care Trust (AHCT)
** The scrutinized applications will be forwarded to the Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDO) in the case of employees and the Sub- Treasury Officers (STO) in the Districts /Assistant Pension Payment Officers (APPO) in Hyderabad in case of pensioners, who will in turn verify the applications and approve or reject in case of discrepancies.
** The approved applications will be sent, online, for printing of Health Cards for each individual beneficiary.
** The printed cards will be delivered to the respective Card Issue Centers (CIC) in the districts as per option given by the applicant. The beneficiaries will be notified through short message service (SMS) on their mobile phone once the permanent card is printed.
** The entire applicant family will thereafter go to the designated CIC, give the individual beneficiary finger prints as acknowledgement and receive the permanent cards.
** The permanent Health Cards issued under EHS will be biometric fingerprint based health cards, will carry the Aadhar number/Aadhar Enrolment number and will be issued in the name of the District Collector concerned.
** The biometric Health Cards of all Employees and Pensioners who have submitted their applications with Aadhar numbers and full details will be issued health cards through the respective CICs within 30 days of submitting their complete application.
** The Card Issue Centers (CIC) will be located at the rate of one in each Revenue Division and the District Collector will decide the location of CIC in each Revenue Division.
** The work of issue of permanent biometric Health Cards at CICs is an ongoing process to be carried out by Aarogyasri Health Care Trust till all the beneficiaries are issued permanent health cards.

Temporary Health Cards :
** The process of issue of Permanent Health Cards will take time. In order to enable the beneficiaries quick access under the scheme, temporary health cards will be issued soon after the scrutiny of the online application by Aarogyasri Health Care Trust. Temporary cards will be generated in the logins of the applicants, soon after the completion of scrutiny of applications, which are in complete shape, by Aarogyasri Health Care Trust. These digital cards can be printed out and laminated by the applicants on their own through internet. Alternatively the beneficiaries can obtain a laminated temporary card from any Mee Seva Centre at a cost fixed by Director ESD, IT & C Department, but not exceeding Rs.25/- per temporary card.
** Temporary Health cards will remain valid for a period of 90 days or till the time a permanent card is issued or the application rejected by the DDO or STO/APPO as the case may be, whichever is earlier.
** All beneficiaries who receive a temporary card will be eligible to avail treatment in the empanelled hospitals. To start with, the hospitals empanelled by Aarogyasri Health Care Trust (see the website for details) will provide treatment.

For More Details, Click Here :…n_instructions

Contact Us :
Please Contact below addresses for more information about Employees Health Scheme
Aarogyasri Health Care Trust
D.No. 8-2-293/82a/ahct,
Road No :46, Jubilee Hills,
Hyderabad – 500033


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