Result 2013 December UG, PG Examination : Centre For Distance Education

Name of the organisation : Acharya Nagarjuna University Centre For Distance Education (
Description : Result 2013 December Examination UG, PG Examination
Reference No. : —
Results :
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DEC – 2013 – RESULT :
Procedure to get your Result :
Enter Enrolment / Hall ticket Number, Then Click on the “SUBMIT” button to get your result.

Course | Released on | Revaluation Date | RV Fee (Rs.) :
1. M.H.R.M. 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
2. M.C.A. 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
3. Master of Social Work 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
4. M.A. History 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
5. M.A. Journalism 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
6. M.A. Economics 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
7. M.A. History 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
8. M.A. Hindi 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
9. M.Sc. IT 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
10. M.Sc. Microbiology 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
11. M.Sc. Mathematics 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
12. M.Sc. Food & Nutrition 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
13. M.Sc. Computers 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
14. M.Sc. Statistics 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
15. M.L.I.Sc. 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
16. B.L.I.Sc. 22-03-14 30-03-14 635
17. M.Sc. Chemistry 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
18. M.Sc. Botany 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
19. M.Sc. Physics 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
20. M.Sc. Psychology 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
21. M.A. Sociology 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
22. M.A. Politics 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
23. M.Com. 22-03-14 30-03-14 715
24. M.A. English 25-03-14 02-04-14 715
25. M.A. Telugu 25-03-14 02-04-14 715
26. M.Sc. Zoology 25-03-14 02-04-14 715
27. M.B.A. (1 year) 26-03-14 02-04-14 715
28. M.B.A. (2 years) 26-03-14 02-04-14 715
29. L.L.M. 26-03-14 02-04-14 715
30. PG Dip. (HRM, TTM, BFM, IB, FM, MM, BM, BT, BI) 26-03-14 N.A. N.A.
31. B.A. 28-03-14 07-04-14 635
32. B.Com. 28-03-14 07-04-14 635
33. B.Sc. 28-03-14 07-04-14 635
34. B.B.M. 28-03-14 07-04-14 635
35. B.H.M. 28-03-14 07-04-14 635
36. M.Phil & Ph.D. 29-03-14 N.A. N.A
37. B.Tech. 29-03-14 04-04-14 790
38 M.Tech. 29-03-14 04-04-14 790
39 PGDCA, PGDIT 29-03-14 N.A. N.A.

Contact Us :
Centre for Distance Education,
Acharya Nagarjuna University,
Nagarjuna nagar-522510
Guntur District
Andhra Pradesh, India

** Offers quality education at an affordable cost through a wide network of Study Centres.
** Pioneer in starting PG Science Courses under the distance mode.
** Pioneer in starting B.Sc. (M.P.C.), (B.Z.C.), (M.S.Cs.), (M.P.Ele.), (M.Ele.Cs.) and B.B.M. with comming core syllabus, through distance mode.
** Offers LL.M. Course (4 specializations) with 2 years duration.
** Enrolment either through the Centre for Distance Education or through the Study Centre of Student’s choice.
** Admissions are made twice a year i.e., Academic Year Batch (July to June), Calender Year Batch (January to December)
** Examinations are held twice a year in May and December
** Supplementary examination and betterment facility to the CDE students.
** Weekend Classes / Practicals through Study Centres.
** Wide network of Examination Centres for the convenience of the students.

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