Kerala Taxes : VAT e-Payment For Corporate & Personal Accounts

Name of the Organization : Kerala Commercial Taxes Deptartment (keralataxes.gov.in)
Type of Facility : VAT e-Payment For Corporate & Personal Accounts
Location : Thiruvananthapuram

Website : http://www.keralataxes.gov.in/

Kerala Commercial Taxes Department Related Content:
Get e-Return Current Status Online: https://www.indianjobtalks.in/25048.html
Instructions For Form Downloading: https://www.indianjobtalks.in/25041.html
VAT e-Consignment Declaration: https://www.indianjobtalks.in/25061.html
VAT e-Payment Procedure: https://www.indianjobtalks.in/25023.html
File Vat Return Online: https://www.indianjobtalks.in/25013.html

Getting an e-Payment account in the Bank :
For availing the facility of e-Payment, Internet Banking Account is mandatory for all the TIN Registered dealers. The required User id and Password would be issued by the Bank, to those dealers who possess Internet Banking Account. Those dealers who already have an Account with The State Bank of India or The State Bank of Travancore need not open a new Account, inorder to avail the facility of e-Payment. The facility to open a Zero Balance account is available with the SBI & SBT. The dealer can approach the nearest branch for opening the account, if not have the same.

Following types of Accounts can be availed for e-Payment based on the account type and tax amount.

They are :
1. Corporate Account – Account created for the firms / companies / corporations. There are two types of Corporate Accounts available for e-Payment named as VYAPAR and VISTAR, based on the tax limit of the dealer.

For those dealers having tax amount upto 5 Lakhs can avail this option.

For those dealers having tax upto 500 crores can avail this option.

2. Personal Account – Account created in the name of a person. The dealer have to submit application in C1,C3,C5 forms for getting VYAPAR account and C1,C2 C3,C5 for VISTAR account to the nearest SBI / SBT to open any of the mentioned account. Application form can be downloaded from the Bank’s site.
SBT– sbtonline.in

On receiving the dealer’s application, the Bank will issue kits containing the username and password to login to Bank’s site. After logging into the Bank’s site, please perform the following configurations before starting e-Payment. Please note that e-Payment will fail if you do not perform these steps.

A. For VYAPAR Account :
Initially there will be one kit issued by Bank for VYAPAR ACCOUNT for. the “Administrator”. The Administrator Kit received contains a user ID and password to create the user, assigning the user rights and setting of rules. Please note that this user-id and password is only for administrative propose and cannot be used for e-Payment transactions.

Please perform the following using the first kit :
1. Login to Bank’s site using the user id and password available in the Administrative kit.
2. After logging in, it will prompt for changing the user ID and password as desired by the dealer. (Please save this user ID and password as Administrator ID and Password.)
3. Select the menu Manage Roles User Add. The screen will be displayed.
4. Enter the details as per the screen. Please ensure that you have selected YES for the field “Would you like to have pre-printed kits for the user” (last option in the screen). Fields marked with
5. Press Confirm button and print the CINB C7 form to submit at the respective bank branch.
6. On receiving the CINB C7 form from the dealer, the bank will issue a second kit (USER Kit) containing user ID and password for the user.
7. Again, login to the Bank’s site using the changed user id and password, created for the Administrator (first kit).
8. Select the menu Manage Accounts Access Right as shown below and Select the user from the list-> Go
9. Select the access right as “Authorizer” as shown below, and press the Confirm button to proceed further.
10. Select the menu Manage Accounts ” Rules ” Select the Account Number to enter the transaction limit and Authorization type. Please ensure that you have entered a higher value than the tax amount as your transaction limit. If you fail to specify the same, it will cause error during the e-Payment process. In case your tax amount exceeds the transaction limit specified, you need to modify the transaction limit through the above method whenever required. Also please select the Authorisation type as SINGLE or JOINT as per the requirement of the dealer. (Select SINGLE if there is only one authorizer. Authorizer is the person who will make the transaction).
11. Select the name of Authorizer from the list and Submit.
12. The screen displays after successful changes. In the case of Joint operation, create another user (repeat steps 3 to 9). In step 10, select the authorization type as “Joint” and in step 11, select both the users and save.
13. Now, inform the Bank for verification of the rules. Only after the verification by the bank, can the dealer initiate e-Payment.
14. Login to the Bank site using the user ID and password available in the USER kit. After logging in, it will prompt for changing the user ID and password .Here, go to Payment Transfer menu and set the profile password. After this, come back to Payment Transfer menu again and give the profile password and set the transaction password.

The USER has to remember his user ID and 3 passwords :
i. User password to logon to the bank site
ii. Profile password to change his passwords if required
iii. Transaction password to be used for performing any transaction.

Please note the following :
** ADMINISTRATOR (First kit) is used to create users and assign rights to the user.
** ADMINISTRATOR cannot perform any financial transactions or even view the accounts.
** Only the USER (Second kit) can make / authorize/ view the e-payment transactions.

After completing the above steps only, e-Payments can be initiated through Kerala Commercial Taxes Web Site.

B. For VISTAR Account :
Initially, there will be 2 kits issued by Bank for VISTAR ACCOUNT – Regulator Kit and Administrator Kit.

The Regulator Kit received (First kit) contains a user ID and password to perform the necessary regulating powers for the account. The Administrator Kit received (Second kit) contains a user ID and password to perform the necessary administrative privileges, as in the case of “VYAPAR ACCOUNT”

Please note that the above two user IDs cannot be used for e-Payment transactions.

The USER Kit received (Third Kit) contains another user ID and password to perform the e-Payment transactions.

The steps are :
1. Login to the Bank site using the user id and password available in the Regulator kit.
2. After logging in, it will prompt for changing the user ID and password, as desired by the dealer.
3. Now the following screen appears to enter the profile details.

Please ensure that you have entered / selected all the fields as shown in the screen.
1. DD Limit – Not necessary. Enter zero.
2. Third party Transfer Limit – Enter a value higher than the tax amount.
3. Audit User Feature – Select NO
4. Threshold for un-audited e-PayOrders – Not necessary. Enter zero.
5. Threshold Audit Amount – Not necessary. Enter zero.
6. Maker authorizes e-PayOrders – Select YES
7. Maker or Authorizer defines third parties – Select NO
8. Corporate Administrator defines third parties – Select YES
9. Action for invalid credit – Select Post Valid Debit Amount.
10. Level of Approval – Select None
11. Approver approves third parties – Select No
12. Maker or Authorizer initiate transactions on Merchant site –Select Yes
13. Credit Accounts validation is mandatory – Select No

After completing the above, press SUBMIT to complete the process.

Now Follow The Steps 1 To 14 Of Vyapar Account To Complete The Administrative And User Settings.

e-Payment Procedure For Personal Account :

Contact Postal Address :
Kerala Commercial Taxes Deptartment
Tax Tower, Killippalam,
Karamana P. O,
Thiruvananthapuram – 695 002

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