Syllabus VAO Exam Village Administrative Officer : Tamil Nadu PSC

Name of the Organisation : Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (
Type of Announcement : Syllabus
Designation : V.A.O Examination Village Administrative Officer
Reference Number : NOTIFICATION NO: 07/ 2014

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V.A.O Examination (S.S.L.C. Standard)
General Studies
Topics for Objective type
Physics: Nature of Universe-General Scientific laws-Inventions and discoveries-National scientific laboratories-Mechanics and properties of matter-Physical quantities, standards and units-Force, motion and energy- Magnetism, electricity and electronics -Heat, light and sound Chemistry-Elements and Compounds-Acids, bases and salts-Fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides Botany-Main Concepts of life science-Classification of living organism- Nutrition and dietetics-Respiration Zoology-Blood and blood circulation-Reproductive system-Environment, ecology, health and hygiene-Human diseases including communicable and non – communicable diseases – prevention and remedies-Animals, plants and human life

History-Latest diary of events-national -National symbols-Profile of States- Eminent persons & places in news-Sports & games-Books & authors – Awards & honors’-India and its neighbors Political Science-1. Problems in conduct of public elections-2. Political parties and political system in India-3. Public awareness & General administration-4. Welfare oriented govt. schemes, their utility Geography–Geographical landmarks- Economics– Current socio-economic problems Science-Latest inventions on science & technology

Earth and Universe-Solar system-Monsoon, rainfall, weather & climate- Water resources — rivers in India-Soil, minerals & natural resources-Forest & wildlife-Agricultural pattern-Transport including surface transport & communication-Social geography – population-density and distribution- Natural calamities – Disaster Management.

Indus valley civilization-Guptas, Delhi Sultans, Mughals and Marathas-Age of Vijayanagaram and the bahmanis-South Indian history-Culture and Heritage of Tamil people-India since independence-Characteristics of Indian culture- Unity in diversity –race, colour, language, custom-India-as secular state- Growth of rationalist, Dravidian movement in TN-Political parties and populist schemes

Constitution of India–Preamble to the constitution- Salient features of constitution- Union, state and territory- Citizenship-rights amend duties- Fundamental rights- Fundamental duties- Human rights charter- Union legislature – Parliament- State executive- State Legislature – assembly- Local government – panchayat raj – Tamil Nadu- Judiciary in India – Rule of law/Due process of law-Elections- Official language and Schedule-VIIICorruption in public life- Anti-corruption measures –CVC, lok-adalats, Ombudsman, CAG – Right to information- Empowerment of women- Consumer protection forms

Nature of Indian economy- Five-year plan models-an assessment-Land reforms & agriculture-Application of science in agriculture-Industrial growth- Rural welfare oriented programmers-Social sector problems – population, education, health, employment, poverty-Economic trends in Tamil Nadu

National renaissance-Emergence of national leaders-Gandhi, Nehru, Tagore- Different modes of agitations-Role of Tamil Nadu in freedom struggle Rajaji, VOC, Periyar, Bharathiar & others-

Conversion of information to data-Collection, compilation and presentation of data – Tables, graphs, diagrams -Analytical interpretation of data – Simplification-Percentage-Highest Common Factor (HCF)-Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)-Ratio and Proportion-Simple interest-Compound interest- Area-Volume-Time and Work-Logical Reasoning-Puzzles-Dice-Visual Reasoning-Alpha numeric Reasoning-Number Series.

Basics of Village Administration :
Topics for Objective Type
1. The role, functions duties and responsibilities of a Village Administrative Officer in VILLAGE and REVENUE ADMINISTRATION.
[Questions may be on topics including VAOs role in assisting the police, reporting birth and death, implementing various schemes of the Government, recommending / furnishing inputs for income, Community, Destitute Widow, Marital Status, Patta and other adhoc and miscellaneous certificates]
2. Records of revenue administration dealt with or handled by the VAO including ‘A’ Register, Patta, Chitta Adangal etc.
3. Accounts maintained and furnished by the VAO at the end of every FASLI YEAR.
4. Basic Principles / Information relating to classification of lands.
5. Basic information on rates of assessment and annual revenue collection
6. Basic information on forms of irrigation of land including those belonging to the Government
7. Jamabandi-object, Officers in charge of conduct, time of completion of Jamabandi, scrutiny of inspection work, correction of pattas, issue of new patta, disposal of jamabandi check memo, closing of Village and Taluk Accounts, Village Statistical Registers, inspection of Karnams instruments maps and Registers (RSO- 12) scrutiny of accounts relating to Panachayat revenue.
8. Role of VAO during calamities
9. Basic information relating to assignment of lands / house sites in Villages and Towns.
10. Grant of lands for cattle or dairy farms
11. Levy of rents (Ground Rent / Quit Rent) etc.,
12. Exemption from land revenue.
13. Unauthorised occupation of Government land basic information about Land Encroachment Act 1905. Memorandum ‘A’, Memorandum ‘B’ etc.
14. Title of lands (RSO 27) form, renewal, issue and entry of joint names in patta
15. Rights and obligations of Ryotwari holder.
16 Procedure relating to conduct of inquiries in relation to age, marital status, income, domicile.
17. Procedures relating to entering particulars into maintaining and issuing extracts of Adangal, Chitta and other revenue Registers.
18. Basic principles of and procedures involved in survey, sub-division of a survey field and knowledge of Field Management Book.
19. VAO’s role in enforcing the fundamental duties of a citizen under article 51A (g) of the Indian Constitution to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life and to have compassion for living creatures”.
20. Direct Revenue collections made under various heads by the VAO.
21. Specific duties during festivals and common Village functions
22. Basic information about Revenue Recovery Act
23. Basic information relating to forest lands and resources.
24. Basic information about sale of sandalwood and other valuable tress
25. Basic information relating to Adivasis / Tribals and the role of a VAO in extending special protection and support of the Government to them.

Categories: Syllabus

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    • AGE (as on 01.07.2014) :
      Minimum Age (Should have completed) : 21 Years
      Maximum Age (should not have completed) :
      1 SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BCs, BCMs and DWs of all Castes -40 Years
      2 “Others” [i.e. Candidates not belonging to SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BCs and BCMs] -30 Years

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