Jharkhand Labour Department : Register With Employment Exchange Online

Name of the Organization : Jharkhand Department of Labour, Employment & Training (jharkhandlabour.nic.in)
Type of Facility : Register With Employment Exchange Online
Location : Ranchi

Website : http://www.jharkhandlabour.nic.in/

Employment Exchanges :
Employment Exchanges cater to the needs of the unemployed youth by providing employment/employment assistance and vocational guidance. To provide these services, 47 offices are functioning in the state. Of these four are administrative offices of Deputy Director, three Special Employment Exchanges for Physically Handicapped at Ranchi, Bokaro Steel City and Jamshedpur. One Special Employment Exchange for women at Ranchi, one Special Employment Exchange for SC/ST Candidates at Dumka and one Professional and Executive Employment Exchange at Ranchi for Technical degree holders and post graduate candidates cater to the needs of these specialized groups. For online registration of the candidate’s web based connection is provided to all the employment exchanges throughout the state. 710043 male and 128691 totaling 838734 candidates are registered on the live register as on March 2012.

Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act 1959 is also enforced by us. All establishments in the public sector and non-agricultural establishment in the private sector having 25 or more employees are within the ambit of this Act. As per the provisions of the Act, it is mandatory for these establishments to notify their vacancies to the nearest employment exchanges. Another obligation under the Act is that the employers must submit Quarterly Return relating to the employment situation in their establishments (ER-I) and Biennial Returns pertaining to occupational and educational details of the employees (ER-II).The purpose of collecting Employment Market Information from the employers is as under :-
** To give employment officers an overview about the latest trends in the employment scenario and the type of Vocational training to be provided to the jobseekers.
** To provide necessary information needed to improve the services offered by the Directorate of Employment & Training.
** To provide a method for continuously measuring the changes occurring in employment market.

This information can be used for planning and administrative purpose both at state and national level.

Rojgar Melas are regularly organized in all the districts to meet the needs and aspirations of the unemployed youth as well as the employers. Besides this, Recruitment Camps are also being organized as per the demand of particular employers.

Due to paradigm shift in the employment market, Vocational guidance and Career Counseling is being organized by the employment exchanges to make the youth aware of the new and emerging demands of the employment. Career Study Centre has been established in six Sub-Regional Employment Exchanges, one Professional and Executive Employment Exchange, one University Employment Information and Guidance Bureau and Sixteen District Employment Exchanges where literature regarding various careers is available. Experts and Counselors are also invited for guidance to the youth from time to time. Departmental officers visit institutions to provide information about emerging trends in the job market and guide them accordingly.

Register Online : http://jharkhandemployment.nic.in/

Career Counseling :
Due to paradigm shift in the employment market, Vocational guidance and Career Counseling is being organized by the employment exchanges to make the youth aware of the new and emerging demands of the employment. Career Study Centre has been established in six Sub-Regional Employment Exchanges, one Professional and Executive Employment Exchange, one University Employment Information and Guidance Bureau and Sixteen District Employment Exchanges where literature regarding various careers is available.

Contact Postal Address :
For Directorate of Employment & Training
Employment and Training,
Room No.-104/2, 1st Floor,
Nepal House, Doranda,

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