National Employment Service : Register For Andhra Pradesh Employment Exchanges Online

Name of the Organization : National Employment Service (employmentservice.nic.in)
Type of Facility : Register With Andhra Pradesh Employment Exchanges Online
Location : Delhi

Website : http://www.employmentservice.nic.in/

Employment Exchanges (compulsory Notification Of Vacancies) Act, 1959 :
Provides for compulsory notification of vacancies and submission of employment returns (ER-I and ER-II) by employers to the Employment Exchanges.

Applies to all establishments in the Public Sector and such establishments in the Private Sector as are engaged in non-agricultural activities and employing 25 or more workers.

Enforcement of the Act is the responsibility of the States and Union Territories.

Majority of the States/Union Territories have special enforcement machinery for this purpose.

National Employment Service :
National Employment Service functions within the conceptual frame-work of the ILO Convention No.88 on “Organisation of Employment Services”. It functions through the network of Employment Exchanges administratively and financially run by the State Government. Development of programme at the national level, particularly in the area of evolving uniform policies, laying down of common standards and procedures. Training of officers and evaluation of the programme are the responsibilities of the Employment Directorate of DGET.

National Employment Service operates through the Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act 1959 and rules framed there of.

National Employment Service covers all the States and Union Territories except Sikkim and functions within the framework of the Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959.

Day to day administration of the Employment Exchanges is with the State/UT Governments.

It has a network of 947 Employment Exchanges as on 31-8-2005.

As a part of administrative functioning, data are collected through 13 Employment Exchange Statistical Returns, each return covering a specific field of activity like registration, placement etc. with different periodicity.

As a part of Employment Market Information Programme data are collected from the Organised Sector (all public sector establishments and all Non-agricultural private sector establishments with 10 or more workers) on employment, vacancies, occupational and educational pattern of employees etc. in ER-I and ER-II return prescribed under the Act.

Register Online : http://www.employmentservice.nic.in/

The main functions carried through the Employment Exchanges are:
** Registration and placement of job seekers so as to ensure proper balance between demand and supply.
** Collect comprehensive Employment Market Information on a quarterly basis for creation of data best for use in effective management of demand and supply of labour, preparing career literature for counseling and vocational guidance.
** Career counseling and vocational guidance.
** Conduct area specific study/surveys to have an assessment of skills available and the marketable skills required for encouraging the job seekers for self employment in rural informal sector.
** A Series of publications are published on the basis of information collection through the network of National Employment Service.

Some of these are :
** Employment Exchange statistics.
** Quick estimate of employment in the organized sector.
** Quarterly employment review.
** Annual employment review.
** Educational and occupational pattern of employment.
** Census of central government employees.
** Bulletin of job opportunities.
** Apprenticeship Training in India.
** Employment market information programme and the Central Institute for Research and Training in Employment Service, are of special significance in the National Employment Service.

Login Here : http://www.employmentservice.nic.in/

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