Puducherry Electricity : New Electricity Connection For Domestic, Agriculture & Temporary Services

Name of the Organization : Puducherry Electricity Department (electricity.puducherry.gov.in)
Type of Facility : Procedure For New Electricity Connection
Location : Puducherry

Website : http://electricity.puducherry.gov.in/

Puducherry Electricity Department Related Content :
Industrial Services Electricity Connection : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/21017.html
Load Enhancement Procedure : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/21020.html
Online Electricity Bill Payment : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/20997.html

New Domestic Electricity Connection :
New Domestic Services :
Procedure Applicable To Domestic/Non-Commercial Lighting :
The application in the prescribed form, dully filled up in all respects and signed by the applicant/power of attorney shall be got registered at the jurisdictional O&M Sub-division Office along with the attested true copies or photostat copies of the following documents

Namely :
** Registered Documents evidencing title to the premises, to the satisfaction of the department.
** In case of Secondary deeds, like settelement deed/donation/will deeds, attessted primary deeds to be enclosed.
** Registered deed of power of attorney, if applicable.
** Death certificate in case of will/deed in the name of deceased along with proof of legal heirship, if applicable.
** A consent letter from the owners in case of joint ownership/other legal heir, if applicable.
** A consent letter in the form prescribed by the department from the owner of the premises for availing supply, who is not the owner of the premises.
** If the owner is not available or if he refuses to give consent letter, the intending consumer shall produce proof of his being in possession which is not illegal of the premises and also execute an indemnity bond in the form prescribed by the department, indemnifying the Government against any loss on account of disputes arising out of effecting service connection to the occupant. (See Appendix-I)
** If supply to any type of service connection in a land owner by a department of the government other than Revenue department is applied for, the intending consumer shall produce a `No objection certificate’ from the Officer who is authorised by that department to issue such certificate. The intending consumer should execute an indemnity bond in the form prescribed by the department. (See Appendix-II)
** If supply to any type of service connection in any other Government land/poramboke is applied for, the intending consumer should produce a `No Objection Certificate’ from an Officer of the Revenue department not below the rank of a tahsildhar and also execute an indemnity bond in the form prescribed by the department (vide Appendix-II).
** Apart from indicating the full name and address of the owner or occupier of the premises for which service connection is sought, the name and address of the the licensed electrical contractor through whom the will be carried out, but it is not necessary that the requisition should be made through a licensed electrical contractor.
** Test report of wiring of the premises for which service connection is sought, dully signed by a licensed electrical contractor.
** An ISI certificate for the elcetrical items used in the premises , obtained from the Electrical contractor
** An Affidavit in an stamped paper valued not less than Rs. 10/-, metioning the full address of the premises for which power supply has been sought with door number/ resurvey number/ plot number /cadastre number, street name , village name along with signature of two witness shall be enclosed.
** Any assistance or information required in filling up the form will be given to the intending consumer at the local O&M office of the department.

New Agriculture Services :
Procedure applicable to Irrigtion Pump Sets :
** The application in the prescribed form shall be got registered at the jurisdictional O&M sub-division office.
** The applicant shall submit along with the application, certificate of ownership authenticated by the authorised revenue official of that area and in case, if there are more than one person who are owners of the well, the consent letter from other owners.
** In case, the applicant desires to draw water from river/channel/sub-channel, Nallah, etc., by installing pumpset(s) he shall furnish along with the application a ‘No Objection’ certificate to lift water, from the concerned Irrigation department, PWD or Revenue department or any other department which may be authorised by the Government to do so.
** The feasibility criteria for arranging power supply to irrigation pump sets shall be as prescribed by the department from time to time.
** The following measures are suggested for adoption for achieving the efficiency of working of pumpsets and reduction in consumption of energy,

Namely :-
** Use of the motor and pumpset with optional capacity (HP) having ISI mark;
** Use of monoblock or directly coupled pump;
** Use of rigid/PVC pipes and fittings for both suction and delivery side;
** Limit the length of the delivery pipe to less than 60 cms from ground level;
** Suction head shall be between 2 and 5 metres.
** Install the pumpset on a leveled and concrete foundation bed.
** Install low resistance foot valve having ‘K’ valve less than 0.8 for open wells and 1.2 for bore well. The foot value shall bear ISI mark.
** Avoid sharp bend in the delivery pipe line.
** Any other specifications which may be prescribed from time to time by the department.

New Commercial Services :
Procedure applicable to general purpose/commercial lighting :
The application in the prescribed form shall be got registered at the jurisdictional O&M Sub-Divisional office. Attested true copies or photostat copies of the following documents shall be submitted along with the application,

Namely :-
** Objection certificate or sanctioned plan issued by the Competent Authority.
** Certificate/Licence issued by the Competent Authority where a licensing system is in vogue for setting up a commercial establishment.
** An intending consumer, who is not the owner of the premises, should produce a consent letter in the form prescribed by the department from the owner of the premises for availing supply.

EW One Hut One Bulb (OHOB) Services :
Procedure applicable to OHOB lighting installation :
** The application in the prescribed form shall be got registered at the jurisdictional O&M Sub-division Office.
** For supply to bonafide hut services with a single 40 Watt ordinary filament lamp and one 40 Watts tube light the follwoing conditions shall apply :

Conditions :
Hut is defined as a living place not exceeding 300 sq. ft. or 27.87 sq.m. with mud wall/brick wall or thatched wall and thatched roof only with marginal variations relaxable at the discretion of the competent authority. Hut does not include farm huts. If any of the conditions is changed at a later stage, this concession of free supply will be discontinued and the consumer will have to take metered supply.
The consumer should use only a 40 watts bulb in the hut. If desired by the consumer he is permitted to use one more 40 watts tube light only at his own cost. He should not use bulbs/tube lights of higher wattage or connect any other electrical equipment other than those mentioned above. Supply from such services should not be tapped for public meetings. If at any time, any unauthorized load extension is detected, the service will be disconnected forthwith.

New Temporary Services :
Procedure applicable for availing Temporary power supply :
The application in the prescribed form shall be submitted and got registered at the jurisdictional O&M Sub-division Office.

Public Lighting :
Procedure applicable for providing new public lighting :
Street lights are provided and maintained in public places and in notified areas belonging to the Municipalities, Commune Panchayats, Housing Board, Government Industrial Estates and such other authorities/bodies as approved by the Government. Provision of new street lights or additional street lights or change in type of fittings will be arranged subject to submission of the following :
** An application along with the resoultion / requisition from the concerned authority is sent to the concerned jurisdictional O&M Divisional office along with a sketch.
** Financial soundness certificate issued by the Local Administration Department of the Government of Puducherry or the concerned department or statutory authority.

Download Forms Here : http://electricity.puducherry.gov.in/download/index.htm

Contact Postal Address :
Electricity Department
Main Office Campus
No.137, NSC Bose Salai
Puducherry – 605 001

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