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Regional Meteorological Centre : Tracks of Cyclones & Depressions Chennai

Name of the Organization : India Meteorological Department Regional Meteorological Centre (
Type of Facility : Tracks of Cyclones and Depressions over North Indian Ocean
Location : Chennai

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Tracks of Cyclones and Depressions over North Indian Ocean :
I) Display of Tracks :
Menu 1 :
This is the main screen wherein the user selects various parameters and in various combinations to get the desired OUTPUT – by Display of Tracks. On Clicking the menu View by general selection in the left hand side of the screen, this screen is displayed for the user to select input options.

The user has three different types of query options for filtering the data and display of tracks :
Basic Options : The mandatory options are the Basic Options.
Advanced Options : The user can further refine the search by invoking the Advanced options.

Display Options :
** The user can opt for display of tracks with or without date markings.
** The user can choose any of the options or combinations of options as input parameters.
** At first, the software prompts the user to select the Basic Option which is mandatory.

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Invoking the Basic Options :
It is mandatory for the user to invoke the following Basic Options.

First Year : Select the FROM Year (beginning Year) of the desired output from the combo box
Last Year : Select the TO Year (Ending Year) of the desired output from the combo box
First Month : Select the FROM Month (beginning Month) of the desired output from the combo box
Last Month : Select the TO Month (Ending Month) of the desired output from the combo box
Basin of formation : Select the Basin where the CDs formed. The user has the choice of Bay of Bengal or Arabian Sea or Land Area. The user can select ALL the options or a multiple choice as he desires.
Intensity (Level) or simply Intensity : Select the Intensity of the CD as Depression or Cyclonic Storm or Severe Cyclonic storm. The user can select all at the same time or a combination as the case may be.
Intensity (Type) : Select the type of intensity as Maximum Intensity attained by the CD orthe Intensity at the time of coastal crossing or simply Crossing Intensity / At Crossing.

On selecting the Basic option, the user can go ahead to see the desired OUTPUT. For viewing the OUTPUT, the user can choose the display options With Markings or Without Markings.

To view the OUTPUT, press the VIEW Button. On clicking, the OUTPUT is displayed in another screen with the background Map.

The desired output would be :
** The output displays the chosen basic options on the top left corner of the map.
** On the top right corner of the map, the chosen basic options are displayed.
** On the top left corner of the map, the chosen advanced options are displayed. Copying, Saving and Printing the OUTPUT are possible on right clicking on the OUTPUT and using the Browser options.

Invoking the Advanced options 1 :
** This option helps the user to view C&Ds that formed over a particular Latitude and Longitude grid or C & Ds that dissipated over particular Latitude and Longitude grid or both.
** The user first selects the Basic options. On choosing the Advanced Options 1, the user is prompted to enter the region of Formation / Dissipation. The user can also select the Basin of Dissipation (Di) as Bay of Bengal or Arabian Sea or Land or ALL.
** When the user selects the Formed Over option, the software allows the user to select the Longitude and latitude values. The user selects the FROM and TO Latitudes and Longitudes of the region where the CD formed.
** When the user selects the Dissipated Over option, the software allows the user to select the Longitude and latitude values or the Basin of Dissipation. The user selects the Basin of Dissipation or the FROM and TO Latitudes and Longitudes of the region where the CD dissipated.
** The user has the option to view the OUTPUT with or without marking on the Map.
** After selecting all these options, the user can view the OUTPUT by pressing VIEW Button.

The desired output shall be as follows :
** The output shows two display boxes, one on the top left corner of the map and one at the top right corner of the map.
** On the top right corner of the map, the chosen basic options are displayed
** On the top left corner of the map, the chosen advanced options are displayed Copying, Saving and Printing the OUTPUT are possible on right clicking on the OUTPUT and using the Browser options.

Invoking the Advanced option 2 :
** This options helps the user to choose the belt of coastal crossing of C&Ds.
** The software provides the following options.
** Coastal crossing – To choose between Sea to Land or Land to Sea
** Coastal belt – Pre-defined or Custom defined
** Single or Multiple coastal belts can be selected from the Pre-defined coastal belts.
** View coastal belt option helps to view the pre-defined coastal belts.
** Map for custom use utility is to facilitate the user for custom defining the coastal belt.
** The user can give a name to the coastal belt chosen by entering the same in the Custom Coastal Name option which would appear in the output.

Sequence of input options :
** Choosing the Basic options is mandatory for selection of the Advanced option-2.
** On clicking the Advanced options 2, the corresponding fields are enabled for the user to select or enter his choice.
** First select the mode of coastal crossing – Sea to Land or Land to Sea
** Then select the coastal belt of crossing – whether Pre-defined or Custom defined. View coastal belt utility can be used to see the latitudinal / longitudinal belt of each pre-defined coastal belt. Map for Custom use utility can be used for choosing the latitudinal / longitudinal belt for custom definition. An appropriate name for the custom defined coastal belt can be typed in Custom coastal name option which would appear in the output.
** The user can view the desired OUTPUT with or without marking.
** The OUTPUT shows two display boxes, one on the top left corner of the map and one at the top right corner of the map.
** On the top right corner of the map, the chosen basic options are displayed
** On the top left corner of the map, the chosen advanced options are displayed
** Copying, Saving and Printing the OUTPUT are possible on right clicking on the OUTPUT and using the Browser options.

View selected tracks option :
This option on the left hand side of the displayed OUTPUT enables the user to select and view specific tracks from amongst the ones displayed in the output.

Menu 2 :
In this screen, the user can select and view the track of a single CD by choosing the Identifier of the CD. In order to locate the desired Identifier, a search option with multiple criteria is provided. The user can search for the desired Identifier by Year / Month / Basin / Intensity. The user selects the criteria from the “SEARCH BY” combo box.

Then the user has to type the relevant search string in the “SEARCH KEYWORD” field. For Example, if the user selects the “SEARCH BY” criteria as “YEAR”. He will have to enter the desired year such as “1891” as shown below. Then the identifiers of all the CDs during the year “1891” will be listed below. The user has to click on the select option against the desired identifier and then click on “OK” button to view the track of the specific CD as shown

Copying, Saving and Printing the OUTPUT are possible on right clicking on the OUTPUT and using the Browser options.

The following statistical information can be generated in 2.5° latitudinal x 2.5° longitudinal grid :
** Monthly Frequency of passage of C & Ds
** Frequency of Formation and Dissipation of C & Ds
** ** Percentage frequency of direction of motion of C & Ds
** Scalar and Vector speed and Direction of motion of C & Ds
** Frequency of recurvature of C & Ds
** Frequency of crossing of C & Ds between two coastal stations
** The terminologies used are D for Depression, CS for Cyclonic Storm and SCS for Severe Cyclonic Storm.

For the purpose of computation of map statistics, for each position of a CD, its month of occurrence at that instant and its intensity level when it traverses over a particular grid are considered i.e., for CDs forming in one month and extending into the next month, theportion of the CD corresponding to the month under consideration and the corresponding intensity levels only will to taken for computations for that month. Further, the 3 UTC position of the CD on each day is considered as the starting point of the track for that date. For example, a CD formed as a depression on 29 April 1976 and extended up to 2 May 1976. It intensified into a CS in April itself (30th), but further intensified into an SCS on 01st May only. Accordingly, for generation of statistics for the month of April, the portion of the track up to the 3 UTC position of 1st May (including formation of D and CS) will be considered. From the 3 UTC position of 1st May to the dissipation point (including formation of SCS and dissipation of SCS, CS and D) will be considered for generation of statistics for the month of May.

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