IAY Application & Status Online : Indira Awass Yojana

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Rural Development
Name of the Scheme : Indira Awass Yojana Application & Status Online
Location : Delhi

Website : http://iay.nic.in/

Indira Awass Yojana :
Aim :
Aim of Indira Awaas Yojana is to provide financial assistance to the rural houseless poor families and those living in dilapidated and kutcha houses living Below the Poverty Line (BPL) for construction of house and also to provide house sites to the landless poor as well.

Eligibility :
BPL rural households of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, non-Scheduled Caste and non- Scheduled Tribes. Priority should be given to families of manual scavengers, including those rehabilitated and rehabilitated bonded labourers.

Thereafter the priority to be adhered to is as follows :-
i. Women in difficult circumstances, including widows, those divorced or deserted, women victims of atrocities and those whose husbands are missing for at least three years, and, women headed families.
ii. Mentally challenged persons (with at least 40% disability)
iii. Physically challenged persons (with at least 40% disability)
iv. Transgender persons
v. Widows and next-of-kin of members of defence/paramilitary /police forces killed in action (even if not BPL)
vi. Other houseless BPL families

Funding of IAY is shared between the Centre & State Government in the ratio of 75 :25 and for North Eastern States this ratio is 90:10. In the case of UTs., entire funds of IAY is provided by the Centre. The cost of providing house sites would be shared 50:50 between Government of India and State Governments.

Financial Assistance :
The financial assistance provided under IAY is as under :
(i) Financial assistance for construction of a new house is Rs.70,000/- in plain areas and Rs.75,000/- in hilly/difficult/IAP areas.
(ii) Financial assistance for upgradation of Kutcha or dilapidated house is Rs.15,000/-.
(iii) Financial assistance for acquiring house site is Rs.20,000/-.

At the national level, 60% of the funds would be earmarked for SCs and STs with the proportion between SCs and STs being decided from time to time by the Ministry of Rural Development and reflected in the targets. Further, 15% of the funds would be set apart for beneficiaries from among the minorities. The State should ensure that atleast 3% of beneficiaries are from among persons with disabilities. The earmarking is only the minimum limit that should be achieved by the State and States, if they so desire may add to the target under these categories. The targets in these categories should not be reduced. However, targets from SC and ST can be interchanged if there are no eligible beneficiaries from either of the category and it is certified as such.

Selection Procedure :
In the first year (2013-14), the existing priority list for IAY may continue to be used.
Within the first six months of the availability of the SECC data, the list has to be revised. Baseline data should be taken from SECC 2011 data. A five year priority list of people who need to be given assistance should be prepared using the SECC baseline data through a participatory process. Identification and ranking of beneficiarires is to be done using locally acceptable norms of priority for different categories following the methodology for participatory identification of the poor (PIP).
SECC data should also be used to identify the landless households. All families haveing less than two cents of land would be considered landless for the purpose of the scheme. Once the landless poor are identified they may be prioritized, as per the PIP process indicated for the IAY houses component with separate lists prepared for SCs/STs, minorities, persons with disabilities and others.
The five year priority list of IAY beneficiaries and the list of landless households generated from the above process and the list of beneficiaries from the identified habitations should be presented in the Gram Sabha and its approval taken.
An annual select list of IAY beneficiaries will be finalized from the above five year select list and based on the target assigned for habitations and for scattered households.

Apply & Track Status Online : http://iay.nic.in/netiay/home.aspx

Criteria For Allocation of IAY Houses in Each Year to a Particular State/district/gram Panchayat :
Allocation to States/UTs and from States/UTs to districts, blocks and wherever the States so desire, to the Village Panchayats would be on the basis of houseless people from among the BPL population for each category i.e. SC, ST, Minorities and Others, once the Socio Economic Caste Census (SECC), currently under way, is finalized.

Till such time data are available to make such allocations, the Ministry would fix the annual allocation for the States/UTs broadly on the basis of 75% weightage to housing shortage in rural areas as per the latest census data and 25% weightage to the number of people below poverty line (BPL). Within this overall target, allocation of funds for SCs, STs and Minorities would be made on the basis of the proportionate population of these categories in the States/UTs, suitably adjusted to avoid distortions. State shall follow this principle for allocating targets below the State level. States which decide to adopt any other alternative formula using data/ relevant to the scheme should seek prior approval of the Empowered Committee with full justification.

Allotment of the IAY house shall be jointly in the name of husband and wife except in the case of a widow/unmarried /separated person. The State may also choose to allot it solely in the name of the woman. In the case of beneficiaries selected under the quota for persons with disabilities, the allotment should be only to such persons. The allotment order should be in a form which may be prescribed by the State conferring the title to the house. In the case of house sites, the land identified may be assigned in the name of the eldest woman of the household except in the case of all-male households and pucca title granted as patta and house for the assignee of the land should also be allotted to that person. There should be a provision for non-alienation for at least 15 years.

Bank/Post Office Account :
The fund would be transferred into the Bank/Post Office account of each beneficiary. Release of instalments in cash to beneficiaries is not permissible under IAY.

Construction of Houses :
The construction should be carried out by the beneficiary himself/herself.
No contractor should be involved in the construction of houses under IAY. If any case of construction through contractors comes to notice, the Ministry of Rural Development will have the right to recover the releases made to the State for those IAY houses. The house should also not be constructed by any Government department/agency. The spirit of IAY requires that the house is not to be constructed and delivered by any external agency. However, Government departments or agencies can give technical assistance or arrange for coordinated supply of material such as cement, steel or bricks or prefabricated components if the beneficiaries so desire.
But construction may be entrusted to reputed agencies in the case of very old beneficiaries above sixty years of age and persons with disabilities who may not be able to stand the strain of supervisory construction and who request for such support in writing.
Also services of reputed NGOs/Charitable Organisations, Youth clubs of standing, Nation Service Scheme (NSS) Units of Schools and Colleges may be utilized to provide necessary support services to the beneficiaries especially for adopting suitable materials and building technologies, managing construction and in monitoring. States may accredit such agencies based on transparent criteria and fix reasonable service charges to be paid to them from the provisions for administrative expenses.

Duration of completion of house :
Completion of a dwelling unit normally should not take more than two years from the date of sanction of first instalment. However, since the beneficiaries are from the PBL category who often find it difficult to mobilize the resources required to complete the house, cases of delay must be monitored and the beneficiaries facilitated to complete the house within a maximum period of three years. On completion of an IAY dwelling unit, the Zilla Parishad concerned should ensure that for each house so constructed, a display board is fixed indicating the IAY logo, year of construction, name of the beneficiary etc. The expenditure on this account can be met from the funds available under the scheme. The cost of each logo should be fixed by the State Government but the central share shall not exceed Rs.100/- from the programme fund.

Other Schemes :
IAY has been converged with the following schemes :
** For construction of toilets- Convergence with Nirmal Bharat Abhiyaan (NBA)
** For providing drinking water- Convergence with State and Central Government programmes relating to drinking water. Also drinking water wells can be constructed using MGNREGS for an individual house or a group of houses
** For providing electricity- Convergence with Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) or any State scheme
** For Land development- Convergence with MGNREGS for developing the lands of individual beneficiaries or habitats
** For providing Social Security- Convergence with Rastriya Swasthiya Bima Yojana (RSBY) or State Level Health Insurance Scheme
** For providing connectivity- Convergence with MGNREGS for connectivity in the form of paved pathways, roads or steps

Ministry of Rural Development:
The information may be obtained from Ministry of Rural Development, State Government & DRDAs/Gram Panchayat. Information is also available on the website of Ministry of Rural Development at https://rural.nic.in/.

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