tn.gov.in : Land Use Details & Project Pending Status

Name of the Organization : Directorate of Town and Country Planning
Type of Facility : Tamilnadu Land Use Details & Project Pending Status
Location : Chennai

Website : http://www.tn.gov.in/tcp/

Facility Related To Directorate of Town and Country Planning :
Building Regularization Scheme Application : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/18246.html

Planning Permissions :
The Town and Country Planning Act 1971 under section 2(b) of 49 requires that any one who wants to develop any land or building should take a planning permission before commencement of the development work. Section III provides that when a permission has to be taken under this Act is not taken then the development will be unauthorised even if a permission or licence is taken under any other law. This means that planning permission is a prerequisite for any development. When the Local bodies are delegated with powers to issue planning permission, the planning permission and building licence can be issued simultaneously. In case of issue of planning permission is retained with Local Planning Authority, building licence or any other licence should be issued by local body only after planning permission is issued by Local Planning Authority.

The Local Planning Authority after issuing planning permission send the plan to the local body for issue of licence made under Local bodies Act.

The following are the usual cases in which planning permissions are sought by citizens wishing to undertake development :
** Layouts, including modifications of existing Layouts
** Sub-division of house-sites
** Building of any nature, including modifications
** Variations to existing land use

Layout :
Technical advice in laying out of land is being given by the Directorate of Town and Country Planning.

More than 10 acres in rural areas and more than 5 acres in urban areas –After issue of technical clearance by the Directorate of Town and Country Planning, planning permission is issued by LPA in the planning areas and by Regional Deputy Director in the non-plan areas. Final approval given by the local body after handing over of open space reservations, roads etc.

Upto 10 acres in rural areas and less than 5 acres in urban areas – The concerned Member Secretary issues planning permission and the local body issues layout approval. In the Regional Deputy Director(RDD) issues technical clearance.

Pending Status : http://www.tn.gov.in/tcp/pending_status.html

Building :
Local bodies are delegated powers to issue planning permission and licence
Upto maximum floor area of 200 sq.m. consisting of Ground + first floor single dwelling.
Commercial building with ground + first floor to a maximum of 100 sq.m.
Member Secretaries/ Regional Deputy Directors are delegated powers to issue planning permission/technical clearance for the type of buildings.
1) Residential buildings, group developments and special building upto 50 dwelling units with floor area not exceeding 2500 sq.m. to a maximum of 15m. height
2) Commercial buildings and institutional buildings to a maximum of 15m. height with floor area not exceeding 2500 sq.m. The floor area mentioned above is the floor area taken up for FSI calculation.
3) School buildings with G+2 floors with area of any size with fulfillment of Justice Sampath Committee recommendations.
4) Issue of planning permission/technical clearance for all layouts to a maximum area of five acres in respect of corporation, municipal and town panchayat areas and a maximum extent of 10 acres in respect of rural areas.
5) All layouts related to Tamil Nadu Housing Board, Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board, JNNURM, SIDCO, SIPCOT, Samathuvapuram, TSUNAMI and Adi-Dravidar Welfare irrespective of any area limit.
6) Sub-division of plots, amalgamation of plots and site approval subject to the satisfaction of norms. This will be subject to the minimum area and size as per Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Building Rules, 1972 and Tamil Nadu Panchayat Building Rules, 1997.
7) Any subsequent addition/ revision in the already approved plan/ layout also can be done within the prescribed limit of power delegation.
8) Relaxation of new scheme clauses for the following viz.,

Detailed Development Plan :
8(viii) more than one dwelling and 15(i) site/sub-division/amalgamation approval

layout condition :
(5) – more than one dwelling within the above power delegation.
However, the power to issue building permits lie invariably with the concerned local body (also called local authority).
Permission for all buildings other than the categories mentioned above and building appeal applications being given by the Commissioner of Town and Country Planning. In case of appeal applications of public buildings and other buildings having rule violations above certain extent, this Directorate processes the same and submit it to the Government for orders.

Change of Land use :
In case of development of land which is not in conformity with the zoning already done for the land, reclassification is to be sought for the land use. The proposal of change of land use classification from the land use delineated in the Master Plan into other uses submitted by the applicant is processed at Local Bodies/Local Planning Authority and forwarded with recommendation for final orders to the Government. The change of land use is considered based on the request of the applicant/ recommendation and specific resolution of the Local Bodies /Local Planning Authority. In case of change of use in Detailed Development Plans, the Director is empowered issue orders.

Land Use Details : http://www.tn.gov.in/tcp/lpa_office.htm

Contact Us :
Directorate of Town and Country Planning,
Opposite to LIC, Chengalvarayan Building,
Fourth floor,
807, Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002.

Phone Number : 2852 1115 or 2852 1116;
Fax : 2852 0582
E Mail ID : dtcp@vsnl.net
Office Hours : 10.00 A.M. to 5.45 P.M.

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