ipcindia.org.in Monthly Hand Soldering Competition 2014 : IPC India Bangalore

Name of the Organisation : IPC India (ipcindia.org.in)
Name of the Competition : Monthly Hand Soldering Competition 2014
Location : Bangalore

Website : http://www.ipcindia.org.in/

Monthly Hand Soldering Competition :
IPC India is Looking for the Best-of-the-Best Hand Soldering Technician To compete with top contenders for the World Championship

The heat is on across the world and so is IPC INDIA’s hunt for the INDIA Soldering CHAMPION!!!

You are invited to make the best use of this opportunity to show off your soldering skills in accordance with the industry standards by registering for this INDIA CHAMPION competition.

If you are a strong contender and think you are capable of earning a coveted spot at the IPC WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, this is the right opportunity to get noticed.

Schedule of Hand Soldering Competition for entry to World Championship :
Venue : IPC India Training Center, Jayanagar, Bangalore
In-house : For full batch of 36 participants of an individual company
Dates : January — On scheduled Saturdays. Registered participants will be informed of the schedule.

We will engage the winners & runners-up of each day in a final competition on 8 February, 2014 along with the winner and runner-up of IPC APEX India 2013 Hand soldering competition.

The winner of this final competition, evaluated on workmanship, overall functionality, compliance with IPC-A-610E Class 3 criteria and speed of completion — gets direct entry to the IPC WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA during IPC APEX EXPO, 25-27 March, 2014.

All other finalists get free entry to participate in IPC APEX INDIA 2014 Hand Soldering Competition during 19-22 May, 2014, along with winners and runners of the monthly Soldering Competition to be held during March, 2014 and April, 2014.

Direct Selection procedure for APEX India 2014 competition during March & April 2014 :
Venue : IPC INDIA, Bangalore Training Center, Jayanagar (on scheduled Saturdays)
In-house : For full batch of 36 participants of an individual company

IPC India will announce the winner & runner-up on the scheduled day of competition itself. Both get free entry to participate in IPC APEX India 2014 Hand Soldering Competition during 19-22 May, 2014, along with finalists of India Champion competition scheduled on 8 February 2014.

C) Participation Fee :
IPC Member Companies – Rs. 1000/- per participant.
IPC Nonmember Companies – Rs. 2000/- per participant

Benefits of participation :
IPC INDIA issues participation certificate for each participant.
Global recognition of participant and Participant Company.
Photographs of monthly winner and runner-up would be displayed on IPC INDIA website

Book your slot NOW to rise and shine!!! Contact Mr.Vittal at 98440 87267

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