Delhi Transport Department : Procedure of Empowerment for Self Registration

Name of the Organization : Delhi Transport Department Online Vehicle Registration System (registrationdelhionline.com)
Type of Facility : Procedure of Empowerment for Self Registration
Location : Delhi

Website : http://www.registrationdelhionline.com/home.asp

Procedure of Empowerment for Self Registration :
Authorization :
The commissioner (Tpt.) will authorize the manufacturer to register non-transport vehicles at point of first sale through those of his dealers who hold valid trade certificates.

To obtain this authorization the manufacturer will intimate the commissioner (Tpt.) of the :
1. Name and address of his dealers within the jurisdiction of this office;
2. The trade certificates and dates of validity;
3. Number of vehicles, by model, sold over the last and to be supplied on a regular basis by each dealer in a fortnight;
4. The name of the person nominated at each dealership to be empowered as registering authority for purposes of registration of non transport vehicles at point of first sale. The person so no minted would need to be a regular employee of the manufacturer/dealer for a minimum period of 2 years ; resident in Delhi ; preferably in possession of the qualification prescribed by notification under the Act for a Motor Vehicles Inspector; and have administrative experience of at least 2 years.
5. The copies of the specimen signatures of the persons to be nominated at each dealership duly attested by the manufacturer in sufficient copies, to be given to registering authority in each zonal transport office.

After due verification, the manufacturer and those of his dealers who are approved will enter into an agreement with the Transport Department to abide by the terms and conditions for de-departmentalization of work to them.

The Commissioner (Tpt.) will declare the nominated person/s as the registering authority /ies for the purpose of registration of non transport vehicles at point of first sale in each approved dealership for the vehicles of that manufacturer.

If there is any change in the persons nominated as registering authorities on first sale it will be duty of the manufacturer and the dealer to immediately inform the Commissioner (Tpt.) as well as the zonal registering authorities and to suspend the work of registration of vehicles till the appointment of a new registering authority.

Documentation :
In the current system of registration the following documents are required :
** Form 20 – which gives vehicles details by the customer.
** Form 22 – roadworthiness certificate.
** Sale letter (Form 21) – which gives vehicle details sold by the dealer to the customer and proof of transfer of ownership to the customer.
** Certificate regarding fitment of catalytic convertor
** Pollution Certificate – issued by Manufacturer.
** Insurance Cover Note – arranged by the dealer.

Proof of residence :
The acceptable documents for this are
a. Ration Card
b. Passport
c. Electoral Identity Card
d. DESU/Water/Property Tax Bill/Telephone Bill

In the system Form-20, Form-22, Sale Letter, Insurance Cover Note and Pollution Certificate, etc. will be documented as per the current system. The customer will submit to the dealer photocopies of the requisite documents for proofs of residence duly attested by a gazetted officer. In case of firms/companies/NRIs certificate from the bank manager of nationalized banks/gazetted officer/insurance companies confirming the address. Photocopies will also be allowed to be attested by manager of nationalized banks/public sector undertakings/insurance companies.

All the above documents will go into the respective vehicle file. A separate file will be maintained for each vehicle registered. The dealer will ensure that all the documents are complete and correctly filled in and duly signed by the customer.

In addition to the above documents the file will contain :
a. A copy of the Registration Certificate issued to the owner.
b. A copy of the receipt evidencing payment of registration fees and taxes.
c. Any other documents that may be prescribed by the Commissioner (Tpt.) from time to time.

Physical Verification of Engine/Chassis No. :
The physical verification of vehicle will be done at the dealership to the satisfaction of the Registering Authority for Register at first sale. The pencil impression of the chassis number of the vehicle will be taken and kept on the vehicle file for records.

Payment of Road Tax & Registration Fees :
In the current system, the dealer pays the RTO for registration and lifetime Road Tax by cash for each vehicle that is registered. The RTO then issues a receipt, copy of which is kept in the vehicle file. This system leads to a lot of cash being carried by the dealer to various RTO Zonal Offices and is not only unsafe but also inconvenient.

It is proposed that for payment of Road Tax and Registration Fees the following system be followed :
a. Each manufacturer will deposit 15 days advance in each zone of Road Tax and Registration Fees. This will depend on the expected nos. of vehicle that would be sold by him through each dealer. The advance will ensure at any point of time that there is no deficit in the Road Tax amount and will be paid by bank draft.
b. The dealer will collect fees and taxes as prescribed from each customer and issue him a receipt, keeping a copy or file. Every week (on Monday) he will send to each zonal office the details of Road Tax/Registration Fees for the vehicles sold the previous week. This amount collected will be verified by the Zonal MLO as being the fees/tax due from vehicles registered during the week, and will be adjusted against the initial deposit. Since the initial deposit is for 15 days and the deposit subsequently on weekly basis, there would be a float deposit of 8 days always with the RTO. The subsequent deposit will be made to the Zonal office by cash/ bank draft, equivalent to the amount registered during the week.

Allotment of Registration Nos. :
In the current system, there are 9 Zonal Offices, which issue registration nos. in separate series. Thus, DL-1C-…series is for Rajpur Road Office, DL-2C-…series is for Tilak Marg RTO, etc. Since each RTO is issuing registration nos. in sequence there is no problem in maintaining the sequentiality.

The following system of allotment of registration is proposed :
Each zonal office will issue zone-wise registration nos. for 15 days to the manufacturer. This will be based on an assessment of the past registration trends on Zone-wise registration, and the requirement of nos. for each dealer as indicated by the manufacturer.

The manufacturer is turn will issue Zone-wise registration nos. for 7 days to each dealer. For example, a dealer in South Delhi may require more registration nos. of DL-3C series (3C being under RTO at Sheikh Sarai). The issuance of 7 days registration nos. to the dealer will ensure that at least 8 days buffer is available at the manufacturer for redistribution in case of Zone-wise excess/shortfall at any of the dealership.

Each dealer will maintain a Registration Register, which is on the same format at the state register, which is on the same format at the State Register prescribed under the Act. After he allots registration no. to each customer he will sign the Registration Register.

Registration Certificate :
The Registration Certificate to be issued to the owner will be obtained from the Transport department.

The Transport Department will issue serialized blank Registration Certificate to each dealer, keeping an account of the number of certificates issued and their distinctive serial numbers. Periodically, registration certificates utilized will be reconciled with the Transport Department and a fresh lot of blank certificates obtained by the manufacturer.

Apply Online For Empowerment :

Contact Us :
Transport Department
Govt. of NCT of Delhi,
5/9, Underhill Road,
Rajpur Road, Delhi

Email : protpt@nic.in

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