CIBRC : Pesticides Registration & Application Status Online Faridabad

Name of the Organization : Central Insecticides Board & Registration Committee (cibrc.nic.in)
Type of Facility : Pesticides Registration & Application Status Online
Location : Faridabad

Website : cibrc.nic.in/

Online Registration :
Applicant Login :
Any registered user can log into the CIBRC portal by providing the user credentials.
The login screen of an applicant is different from that of a CIBRC member.

Steps to log into the homepage :
1. Open URL : pesticides-registrationindia.nic.in/
2. Enter the User Name.
3. Enter the Password.
4. Enter the Security Code as shown in the screen.
5. Click Login to access your homepage.

New User Registration :
Applicants, who have not already registered to CIBRC, need to register themselves before using CIBRC services by clicking New User Register Here link on the login page. The registration form for new users is displayed.

New User Registration Steps :
Following is the step by step procedure for applicant sign-up.

Step1 :
** The form contains following text fields : First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, E-mail, Password, and Confirm Password. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
** E-mail address is a unique field and must not have been used by any existing user.
** Password should be min. 8 and max. 14 characters long and have at least 1 alphabet(A-Z or a-z), 1 numeric(0-9) and 1 special character (!, AT ,#,$,%,^,&,+,=).
** On clicking Submit, user receives following e-mail containing user credentials and an activation link (click here). User will not get registered unless the account activation link is selected.

Step2 :
The activation link takes user to the following page where the user is required to enter the e-mail address and password communicated to him via e-mail, and click Login.

Step3 :
Next, the user has to fill a registration form where he has to enter the personal details as well as the company details. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
** PAN number is unique and must not have been used by any existing user. It must be of 10 characters.
** If Contact number is a landline number its format should be <city code>-<phone no.>.

Example :
0130-2241121 If contact number is a mobile number, its format should be (for example) 9810317319 or 09810317319. Only Indian numbers are allowed.

** If the applicant’s company has already been registered, click ‘Find’ button to search for the registered company.
** An applicant cannot be linked with a company which is already linked with any other applicant.
** If the applicant’s company has not been registered, click ‘click here’ to register your company. A form is displayed where the user can enter the company details. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
** User must install Hindi fonts and GIST Hindi Typing Tool before filling his/her details. The download links can be found on the applicant login page.
** Only Indian companies are allowed to register. So if the company’s address other than that of India is provided, the user should not be able to register.
** Successful submission of this registration form will activate this new user account.

Forgot Password :
An applicant cannot recover his old password in case he forgets it. However, the applicant can generate new password using the Forgot Password link.

The steps to generate password are outlined as below :
Step1 : Click Forgot Password link on the login page. The password regeneration page is displayed.
Step 2 : Enter either Login ID or E-mail Id.
Step 3 : Enter the Security Code as shown in the screen.
Step 4 : Click Send Password. An E-mail is sent to the applicant
Step 5 : Click click here link in the e-mail. The Applicant is directed to “Change Password” Screen.
Step 6 : Enter New Password and click Save.

Applicant Homepage :
On providing correct user credentials, the applicant enters the respective homepage.

The Homepage displays the following elements :
** A welcome message with name of the applicant and last visit date, on the upper-left corner
** Three Links at the upper-right corner namely Home, Edit Profile and Logout
** Four Menus, namely Registration, Application Status, Deficiency and Grievances

Registration menu contains following links :
** Form-I
** Form-C
** Inclusion in Schedule
** Endorsement

Application Status menu contains following links :
** Form-I
** Form-C
** Inclusion in Schedule
** Endorsement

Deficiency Reported menu contains following links :
** Form-I
** Form-C
** Inclusion in Schedule
** Endorsement

Grievances menu contains following links :
** Submit Grievance
** Grievance Status

New User Registration Online : pesticides-registrationindia…istration.aspx

Checking Application Status :
An applicant can check the status of his application by logging in and selecting the application type under the menu Application Status. Below is the screen that is displayed on clicking Form-I under Application Status menu

This screen shows the details of the submitted Form-I’s including the status of the application at the CIBRC end. An application will have one of the following status

Applied for Registration :
The application has just been applied by the applicant and is kept at the reception at the CIBRC.

Under Preliminary Scrutiny :
The application has been accepted by the Reception at CIBRC.

Under Clarification :
The application is under clarification mode in Preliminary Scrutiny.

Accepted in Preliminary Scrutiny :
The application is approved by Preliminary Scrutiny.

Under Technical Scrutiny :
The application is undergoing scrutiny by the technical experts.

Technical Scrutiny Complete :
The application is done with the technical scrutiny.

Not Accepted :
The application is rejected during Preliminary Scrutiny.

Under Technical Agenda :
Technical Agenda is being prepared for the application.

RC Approved :
The application is approved in RC meeting.

RC Reject :
The application is rejected in RC meeting

Certificate Issued :
a. Certificate issued for the application.
b. After the registration is issues, the applicants will also be able to download Label & Leaflet corresponding to their applications.
c. The Computer Sr. No. for applications ‘under technical scrutiny’ is a link, clicking on which displays the status of individual folders under scrutiny.
d. The ‘Not Accepted’ status is displayed as a link, opening which displays the status of the checklist regarding that specific application. The points in the checklist complied and not complied by the application are marked by respective ‘tick’ and cross’ signs. The comments given by Preliminary Scrutiny officer are also displayed.

Check Status Here : http://cibrc.nic.in/aps.htm


View Comments (1)

  • We are registered . Unable to login. we get mgs."Error occurred in business layer of user token"
    Our username : Makevale123
    We are unable to apply onlie. Please guide us & reply earliest.

    seeking help as we are in difficulty

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