MHUPA : RAY Rajiv Awas Yojana Scheme 2013-2022

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (mhupa.gov.in)
Type of Facility : RAY Rajiv Awas Yojana Scheme 2013-2022
Location : Delhi

Website : http://mhupa.gov.in/

Schemes Related To Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation:
Rajiv Rinn Yojana RRY Scheme :

Rajiv Awas Yojana (2013-2022) :
Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) envisages a “Slum Free India” with inclusive and equitable cities in which every citizen has access to basic civic infrastructure and social amenities and decent shelter.

Mission :
Encourage States/Union Territories (UTs) to tackle slums in a definitive manner, by focusing on:
** Bringing all existing slums, notified or non-notified (including recognised and identified) within the formal system and enabling them to avail the basic amenities that is available for the rest of the city/UA;
** Redressing the failures of the formal system that lie behind the creation of slums by planning for affordable housing stock for the urban poor and initiating crucial policy changes required for facilitating the same.

Objectives :
** Improving and provisioning of housing, basic civic infrastructure and social amenities in intervened slums.
** Enabling reforms to address some of the causes leading to creation of slums.
** Facilitating a supportive environment for expanding institutional credit linkages for the urban poor.
** Institutionalizing mechanisms for prevention of slums including creation of affordable housing stock.
** Strengthening institutional and human resource capacities at the Municipal, City and State levels through comprehensive capacity building and strengthening of resource networks.
** Empowering community by ensuring their participation at every stage of decision making through strengthening and nurturing Slum Dwellers’ Association/Federations.

Scope :
** RAY is to be implemented in a mission mode and will provide financial support to States/UTs/Urban Local Bodies (ULBs)/Central Government Agencies, hereafter called implementing agencies, for providing housing and improvement of basic civic infrastructure and social amenities in each selected slums. Rental and transit housing will be admissible under the scheme. Operation and maintenance (O&M) of assets created under this scheme will also be eligible for funding.
** RAY will also extend financial support States for creation of affordable housing stock through public-private partnership (PPP) under the Affordable Housing in Partnership (AHP) component of the scheme.
** The scheme is applicable to all slums within a city, whether notified or non-notified (including identified and recognised), whether on lands belonging to Central Government or its Undertakings, Autonomous bodies created under the Act of Parliament, State Government or its Undertakings, Urban Local Bodies or any other public agency and private sector. It is also applicable to “urbanized villages” inside the planning area of the city, urban homeless and pavement dwellers.

Duration :
The implementation phase of the scheme is for the period 2013-2022.

** The scheme is applicable to all cities/UAs of the country. The selection for seeking assistance under the scheme will be made by the States in consultation with the Centre. The cities/UAs covered under preparatory phase of RAY are automatically included under implementation phase of RAY. The following criteria may further be followed for selection of cities and UAs :
** Cities/UAs with large proportion of slum dwellers should be given priority.
** District headquarters, cities of religious, historic, cultural, heritage and tourist importance may be given preference.
** Cities/UAs with predominance of SC/ST/minority population/other vulnerable section of the society may be accorded priority
** States/UTs will require to assess their own resource mobilisation capacity and availability of allocated funds under the scheme while selecting cities.
** The scheme is applicable to all slums within a city, whether notified or non-notified (including identified and recognised), whether on lands belonging to Central Government or its Undertakings, Autonomous bodies created under the Act of Parliament, State Government or its Undertakings, Urban Local Bodies or any other public agency and private sector. It is also applicable to “urbanized villages” inside the planning area of the city, urban homeless and pavement dwellers.

Implementation Approach :
Two step implementation strategy would be adopted i.e. preparation of Slum-free City Plans of Action (SFCPoAs) on ‘whole city’ basis and Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) on ‘whole slum’ basis for selected slums. The implementation approach has the following main elements

Preparation of Slum-free City Plans of Action (SFCPoA) :
** The SFCPoA will be an overall action plan of the ULB with investment requirements projected and prioritized for improving/developing the existing slums and providing houses including basic civic infrastructure and social amenities for the urban poor for the next 10-15 years.
** Selected cities will draw up their SFCPoA in accordance with the detailed guidelines on the subject, with the overall goal of tackling the problem of slums in a systematic and time bound manner.
** SFCPoAs would be for a city as a whole, but within a city the implementation of slum up-gradation/redevelopment may require to be phased out and paced as per the financial and resource capacity of the implementing agencies.
** The strategy to tackle slums would need to be in two parts – a) Curative Strategy for slum redevelopment of all existing slums; and b) Preventive Strategy for containment of growth of future slums.
** As described in the SFCPoA guidelines, under the curative strategy, the main steps are identification of all slums, slum mapping, profiling, tenability analysis, prioritisation based on assessment of housing and infrastructure deficiency in each slum, formulation of development options for each slum. Under the preventive strategy, the main steps would involve assessment of housing shortage for the urban poor, framing supply options for the urban poor and enabling policy reforms for supply of urban poor housing.
** As preparation of SFCPoAs would take some time, States/UTs may submit projects of specific slums for consideration and sanction, pending the preparation of SFCPoAs in the first year of the scheme. Slums taken up for intervention under RAY should be part of prioritised slums in SFCPoAs. Projects approved in RAY pilot phase would be integrated in the RAY implementation phase and funding and release pattern as in implementation phase will be applicable for DPRs approved in pilot phase.
** States would also require to develop mechanisms to implement all mandatory reforms under RAY, mechanisms and structures for community mobilisation, private sector participation and institutional and human resource capacity.
** Each completed SFCPoAs will be submitted for technical review of the subcommittee under Central Sanctioning & Monitoring Committee (CSMC) and after incorporation of comments, it would be placed before the CSMC for consideration and acceptance.

For More Details, Click Here :

Contact Address :
Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation Government of India
Room No. 218 C,
Nirman Bhawan Maulana Azad Road,
New Delhi 110008

TeleFax : +91-11-2306 1827
Emai : directorhousing@yahoo.com


View Comments (8)

    • As preparation of SFCPoAs would take some time, States/UTs may submit projects of specific slums for consideration and sanction, pending the preparation of SFCPoAs in the first year of the scheme. Slums taken up for intervention under RAY should be part of prioritised slums in SFCPoAs. Projects approved in RAY pilot phase would be integrated in the RAY implementation

    • Vision of RAY: Slum-free India
      1.1 Rajiv Awas Yojana envisages a Slum-free India’with inclusive and equitable cities in which every citizen has access to basic civic and social services and decent shelter. It aims to achieve this vision by encouraging States/Union Territories to tackle the problem of slums in a definitive manner, by a multi-pronged approach focusing on:
      1.1.1. bringing all existing slums, notified or non-notified within the formal system and enabling them to avail of the same level of basic amenities as the rest of the town;
      1.1.2. redressing the failures of the formal system that lie behind the creation of slums; and
      1.1.3. tackling the shortages of urban land and housing that keep shelter out of reach of the urban poor and force them to resort to extra-legal solutions in a bid to retain their sources of livelihood and employment

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