fcsca.mizoram.gov.in : Ration Card Application Procedure

Name of the Organization : Mizoram Directorate of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs (fcsca.mizoram.gov.in)
Type of Facility : Ration Card Application Procedure
Location : Aizawl

Website : http://fcsca.mizoram.gov.in/

Ration Card :
Registration :
Ration Cards under the TPDS are issued as per entitlements with application fee of Rs. 10. Entries of the head of household along with names of all the members and then age are entered. Application forms are submitted to the concerned DCSOs supported by documentary proof of residence accompanied with a recommendation from the concerned Village Council/Local Council.

To avoid duplicity checks are made and a unique number is allotted to the card which is delivered to the applicant through the concerned Village Council/Local Council. The ration cards thus issued are colour coded Blue for APL, Yellow for BPL and Pink for AAY

Addition/Deletion :
Addition to a Ration Card in case of migration is effected when the applicant applies for deletion to the concerned DCSO under whose authority the original Ration Card was issued. Upon deletion the applicant obtains a “Migration Certificate” enabling the beneficiary to be added or issued a new Ration Card at the new location. The application is applied for to the concerned DCSO of the new location dulu endorsed by thre concerned Village Council/Local Council. In case of application for addition in case of newborns applications have to be accompanied by a Birth Certificate. It is the duty of the citizen to make timely reports with regards to death and permanent migration of PDS beneficiaries enrolled in the ration cards.

BPL/AAY Ration Cards :
BPL & AAY Ration Cardsare not transferable upon migration however at the new place of residence APL Ration Cards are issued in lieu of APL/AAY Ration Cards. The applications are also to be accompanied by a Migration Certificate issued by the concerned DCSO of the original place of residence.

Annapurna Ration Cards :
These Cards follow the same procedure for fresh application as in APL Ration Cards. However they can only the FPSs. They are only issued to citizens above 65 years of age who are not covered by the National Social Assistance Program and have no other means of dignified sustenance.

State Consumer Helpline :
The National Consumer Helpline (NCH) was formally launched on 15th March 2005, (i.e. World Consumer Rights Day) The Department of consumer Affairs has sanctioned a National Consumer Helpline Project in coordination with Delhi University, Dep’t. Of Commerce. Consumers from all over the country can dial toll-free number 1800-11-4000 and seek telephonic counseling for problems that they face as consumers. After NCH was successfully Operated, the Department of Consumer Affairs established at the State level State Cosumer Helplien further boosting the consumer movement in the country.

Objectives of Consumer Helpline :
State Consumer Helpline has been established with the following objectives
i) Development of a state resource at State level to be networked with national resource centre.
ii) Developing an Alternate Consumer Disputes Redressal mechanism at the State Level
iii) Maximisation of disputes resolved out of court
iv) Early resolution of complaints.
v) Reaching out to rural consumers.
vi) Capacity building of State level VCOs.
vii) Sensitizing companies and Service providers to become more active in dispute resolution.
viii) Provision of service in regional language in addition to English language.

State Consumer Helpline, Mizoram :
State Consumer Helpline, Mizoram was established in the year 2009. There are 5 staff in the SCH, Manager, Web Manager, Counselor, Sector i/c & Office Assistant. The Office is located at the top floor of Directorate, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department Building, Treasury Square, Aizawl.

Actions taken by The State Consumer Helpline, Mizoram :
The cases are filled in a form provided by the SCH which are received by the State Consumer Helpline and then recorded in the presence of the Complainant. After this, necessary actions are taken through phone call and sometimes both the complainant and the opposite party are summoned together at the SCH Office to resolve their issue with the presence of the State Consumer Helpline Staff.

How to write a complaint? :
Complaints can be made in written and through telephone. After the complaint is made, action is taken by the staff of Consumer Helpline. The complaints are received during Government office working days. All the complaints are entertained free of charge.

National Consumer Helpline Toll free 1800 – 11- 4000
Mizoram Consumer Helpline 1800 – 2311792
Landline 0389-2300488
Email- schmizoram@gmail.com

Contact Address :
Directorate of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs
Treasury Square Venghlui,
Aizawl -796001

Tel. no. : 0389-2322872
Fax : 0389-2321035
EPABX : 0389-2325261

Email : fcscamizoram@gmail.com / fcscamzr@gmail.com

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