aaghazfoundation.com Financial Assistance and Scholarship Programmes For Muslim Students : AAGHAZ Foundation

Name of the Organisation : AAGHAZ Foundation (aaghazfoundation.com)
Name of the Scholarship : Financial Assistance and Scholarship Programmes For Muslim Students
Location : India

Website : http://www.aaghazfoundation.com/

AAGHAZ Foundation Scholarship Programmes :
From a small idea in October 2004, Aaghaz has now grown into a full fledged movement that has impacted thousands of lives. Some students helped by Aaghaz have got good jobs and are now themselves supporting poor students. Today we run four major programmes. Brief description below

1.Scholarship programme :
Objective : To plug school drop outs and give financial assistance to poor Muslim students
Status : Each month we pay the fees of several hundred students.

Since 2004, Aaghaz has helped over 2,500 poor Muslim children at the grassroots, including many orphans, giving away Rs 3 million in financial assistance and scholarship programmes.

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2. Lucknow Coaching Centre :
Objective : To impart free coaching in English, Maths, Physics & Chemistry for classes IX-XII (Associate partner: Aligarh Alumni Association)
Status : Running successfully. Scores of students, mostly girls from very poor families attend free evening classes six days a week at the Lucknow Coaching Centre located at Mehr Montessori School in City Station.

3. Feeder Programme :
Objective : To provide financial assistance to students at the grassroots. (Associate partner: Aligarh Alumni Association)
Status : Running successfully. Several children (mostly girls and orphans) are benefitting from this programme.

4. Lucknow Coaching & Guidance Centre :
Objective : To prepare students for Banking Railways and LIC exams. Thousands of posts are advertised in these sectors every year. (Associate partner: Aligarh Alumni Association, Aligarh Forum/India Wisdom Foundation)
Status : Running succesfully at our centre located at 3rd Halwasiya Market in Hazratganj. A nominal fee is charged from students.

Why should you join Aaghaz?
Because this is a community initiative. Aaghaz is as much yours as it is ours Aaghaz needs you – our efforts are barely a drop in the ocean. But with your support we can make a huge difference. So join Aaghaz now. Write in to us at aaghaz.foundation AT gmail.com or contact any of our representatives today.

Fast Facts :
** One-third of Muslims in rural India earn less than 8 dollars (Rs 450 per month)
** The represenation of Muslims in government jobs is only 5 per cent
Out of 100 Muslim students who start school, hardly 4 manage to study beyond class X
** The average number of years an Indian Muslim girl studies in school is just 2.7 years
** 3 percentage is the representation of Muslims in the Indian
Administrative Services; 1.8 per cent in the IFS; 3.4 percent in the IPS and 2.29 percentage in the Indian Army as against 23.5 percentage in domestic jobs and 17.4 per cent in construction labour workforce.

You have two ways to react to these numbers :
You could brush them aside and be happy you are not one of the stats.
Or you could pause and ask yourself : Is there any thing you can do to make a difference-

To learn more about us :
Email : aaghaz.foundation@gmail.com
or visit www.aaghazfoundation.com

Contact Us :
AAGHAZ Foundation
Sakina Business Center Opp. Bhopal House, Lal Bagh Lucknow U.P. India.
Reg. Office : 57 Ganesh Gunj, Lucknow
Pin : 220618

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