DMER Question Paper / Provisional Key 2014 : PGM-CET Maharashtra

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Type of Announcement : PGM-CET 2014 Question Paper / Provisional Key

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Version 33 Booklet : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/uploads/15387-33(2).pdf
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Version 11 Booklet : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/uploads/15387-11.pdf
Version 22 Booklet : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/uploads/15387-22D.pdf
Version 33 Booklet : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/uploads/15387-33.pdf
Version 44 Booklet : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/uploads/15387-44.pdf

1. Which of the following contributes to the development of the thoraco-abdominal diaphragm ?
A) Pleuropericardial membrane B) Dorsal mesentery of oesophagus
C) Splanchnopleuric mesoderm D) Intermediate mesoderm
2. Which of the following muscle is pierced while tapping of pleural fluid in mid-axillary line in 6th intercostal space ?
A) Pectoralis Major B) Transverse thoracis
C) Serratus Anterior D) External oblique
3. A stab wound to the arm severs the musculocutaneous nerve in a young girl resulting in
A) Loss of sensations on medical aspect of forearm
B) Weakness in supination of the forearm
C) Difficulty in extending the elbow
D) Paralysis of Teres major muscle
4. Incudo-stapedial joint is which type of synovial joint ?
A) Plain B) Saddle C) Ball and Socket D) Condylar
5. Recurrent laryngeal nerve supplies following muscles EXCEPT
A) Posterior cricoarytenoid B) Lateral cricoarytenoid C) Cricothyroid D) Oblique artenoid
6. First right posterior intercostal vein drains into
A) azygous vein B) accessory azygous vein
C) superior intercostal vein D) right brachio-cephalic vein
7. Zona fasciculata of suprarenal gland produces
A) Minerelo-corticoids B) Gluco-corticoids C) Sex hormones D) Adrenaline
8. Gluteus maximus muscle is innervated by
A) superior gluteal nerve B) inferior gluteal nerve C) pudendal nerve D) subcostal nerve
9. Septal papillary muscle is present in
A) left atrium B) right atrium C) left ventricle D) right ventricle
10. Portocaval anastomosis is present in the following areas of liver
A) Porta hepatis B) Bare area of liver
C) Gall bladder fossa D) Groove for Inferior vena cava
11. Inversion and Eversion occur at which joint ?
A) Ankle B) Subtalar C) Inferior tibio-fibular D) Calcaneocuboid
12. Which of the following nucleus is associated with archicerebellum ?
A) Fastigial B) Globosus C) Emboli formis D) Dentate
13. The proximal part of tubotympanic recess gives rise to the
A) Pharyngo-tympanic tube B) Tympanic antrum C) Middle ear cavity D) External ear
14. Injury to common peroneal nerve at the neck of fibula will cause
A) Foot drop B) Inability to evert the foot C) Sensory loss over antero-lateral part of leg D) All of the above
15. In “Housemaids knee” which of the following bursa is affected ?
A) Suprapatellar B) Superficial infrapatellar C) Deep infrapatellar D) Prepatellar
16. What is the clearance of a substance when its concentration in the plasma is 10 mg/dL, its concentration in the urine is 100 mg/dL, and urine flow is 2 mL/min ?
A) 10 mL/min B) 12 mL/min C) 20 mL/min D) 25 mL/min
17. The dicrotic notch on the aortic pressure curve is caused by the closure of
A) mitral valve B) tricuspid valve C) aortic valve D) pulmonary valve
18. Which of the following pituitary hormones is an opioid peptide ?
A) ß MSH B) ACTH C) a MSH D) ß endorphin
19. The neurotransmitter producing vagally mediated increase in Gastrin secretion is
A) GRP B) Substance P C) GIP D) Guanylin
20. 1b type of nerve fibers carry afferent impulses from
A) Muscle spindles B) Pacinian corpuscles C) Golgi tendon organs D) Nociceptors
21. Growth hormone secretion is decreased in
A) REM sleep B) Stress C) Exercise D) Fasting
22. Resting membrane potential in mammalian spinal motor neurone is close to equilibrium potential of
A) Na+ B) Cl– C) K+ D) Mg++
23. Sperms develop the capability of motility in the
A) Seminiferous tubules B) Epididymis
C) Vas deferens D) Female genital tract
24. After a carbohydrate rich meal insulin secretion is stimulated by
A) Cholecystokinin B) VIP C) GRP D) GLP–1
25. All of the following neurons in the cerebellar cortex are inhibitory EXCEPT
A) Purkinje cells B) Basket cells C) Granule cells D) Golgi cells
26. Which part of a neuron has the highest concentration of Na+ channels per square micrometer of cell membrane ?
A) dendrites B) cell body C) initial segment of axon D) Node of Ranvier
27. Normal value of P50 (The partial pressure of O2, at which Hb, is 50% saturated with O2) in healthy adults at sea level is at
A) 20 mm Hg B) 27 mm Hg C) 35 mm Hg D) 40 mm Hg
28. Ejection Fraction is a ratio of
A) Stroke volume to End-diastolic volume
B) Stroke volume to End-systolic volume
C) Stroke volume to Minute volume
D) End-diastolic volume to End-systolic volume
29. Which of the following is involved in colour vision ?
A) Geniculate layers 1-2
B) ‘M’ (magnocellular) pathway
C) Area V8 of visual cortex
D) Area V3A of visual cortex
30. The major action of 1, 25-di-hydroxy chole-calciferol is
A) Lowering of blood calcium
B) Ca++-deposition in bones
C) Increasing Ca++ -absorption from intestinal lumen
D) Stimulating the gene responsible for PTH-synthesis
31. Formation of Okasaki fragments occurs in
A) Transcription B) Replication C) Translation D) Reverse transcription
32. Respiratory acidosis is characterized by primary
A) deficit of carbonic acid B) excess of carbonic acid C) deficit of bicarbonate D) excess of bicarbonate
33. Which of the following enzymes produce a product used for synthesis of ATP by
substrate level phosphorylation ?
A) Phosphofructokinase B) Aldolase
C) Phosphoglycerate mutase D) Enolase
34. The lipoprotein with the fastest electrophoretic mobility and the lowest TG content is
A) VLDL B) HDL C) LDL D) Chylomicrons
35. UDP glucuronyl transferase deficiency results in
A) Gilbert’s disease B) Dubin-Johnson syndrome C) Crigler-Najjar syndrome D) Rotor syndrome
36. Hydrolytic enzymes are found in
A) Ribosomes B) Lysosomes C) Golgi Apparatus D) Peroxisome
37. The symptoms of dietary deficiency of niacin (which results in pellagra) will be less severe if the diet has a high content of
A) Trypophan B) Tyrosine C) Thymine D) Thiamine
38. All of the following are electron carriers in the electron transport chain EXCEPT
A) Coenzyme Q B) Fe-S centres C) Cytochromes D) Hemoglobin
39. Which one of the following conditions causes hemoglobin to release oxygen more readily ?
A) Metabolic Alkalosis
B) Hyperventilation, leading to decreased levels of CO2 in the blood
C) Increased production of 2, 3-bisphosphoglycerate (BPG)
D) Replacement of ß subunits with ? subunits
40. All of the following are the sources for Gluconeogenesis EXCEPT
A) Lactate B) Glycerol C) Palmitate D) Alanine
41. Which of the following disease can NOT be treated by Gene Therapy ?
A) Adenosine deaminase deficiency
B) Leukemia
C) Cystic Fibrosis
D) Thalassemia
42. The most important buffer system in the plasma is
A) Protein buffer B) Bicarbonate buffer
C) Phosphate buffer D) Hemoglobin buffer
43. The vitamin required for carboxylation of pyruvate to form oxaloacetate is
A) Thiamine B) Biotin C) Pyridoxine D) Niacin
44. The metabolic pathway that occurs partly in mitochondria and partly in cytosol is
A) TCA cycle B) Glycolysis
C) Urea cycle D) Oxidative phosphorylation
45. All of the following enzymes act as Antioxidant EXCEPT
A) Superoxide dismutase B) Lactate Dehydrogenase
C) Catalase D) Glutathione peroxidase
46. Which of the following drug is prone to cause Gouty arthritis ?
A) Isoniazid B) Ethionamide C) Pyrazinamide D) Streptomycin
47. Selective alpha one receptor blocker is
A) Atenolol B) Labetalol C) Prazosin D) Carvedilol
48. Tranexamic acid is a
A) Antithrombotic B) Antifibrinolytic C) Fibrinolytic D) Styptic
49. Digoxin acts by inhibiting
A) Na+ K+ ATPase B) H+ K+ ATPase C) NA+–K+–2Cl channel D) Na+ – H+ ATPase
50. Therapeutic concentration of lithium in bipolar disorder is
A) 0.1 to 0.3 mEq/L B) 0.3 to 0.6 mEq/L C) 0.5 to 0.8 mEq/L D) 0.8 to 1.2 mEq/L
For full list of Questions, refer the pdf file in the link.

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