Bank of Maharashtra : Check Account Balance Online

Name of the Organization : Bank of Maharashtra (bankofmaharashtra.in)
Type of Facility : How to check Account Balance Online in Bank of Maharashtra?
Location : Pune

Website : http://www.bankofmaharashtra.in/

Internet Banking :
Bank of Maharashtra is offering the following services through Internet Banking and you can avail these facilities from your place using Internet connectivity, Its banking made available at your doorsteps.
** Account Balance Enquiry
** Transaction History / Statement of Account
** View of Account details for all types of accounts
** Mini Statement
** Cheque Status Enquiry
** Cheque Book Queries
** ePayment of Taxes

How to Apply ?
Download the application form for Internet Banking from bankofmaharashtra.in or collect the application from the branch and submit the filled in application form to the branch. On successful processing of the application you will receive a user Id, a login password and a transaction password. Using this user id and passwords you can login to Mahaconnect and enjoy Internet Banking facility.

Download Application Form :
Retail Customers : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/uploads/14372-IBAPP_RETAIL.pdf
Corporate Customers : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/uploads/14372-IBAPP_CORP.pdf

How to Invoke Mahaconnect (Internet banking) website?
Connect to Internet and open the web browser on your computer. Type mahaconnect.in in the address bar of the browser. This is the most secure way to access Internet Banking website. Don’t use any links provided anywhere which claims to take you to Bank of Maharashtra’s Internet Banking. Don’t even use the search engine results.

How to Login?
Put the user id and password provided to you in the customer id and password fields provided on login page. If you are logging in for the first time then the system will show you the terms and conditions document, you need to accept the terms and conditions by clicking on ‘I Agree’ link. Then system will force you to change the initial login and transaction passwords. On successful login you can view the menu and list of your accounts.

Security Tips :
** Do not access your Internet Banking account from a cyber cafe or a shared computer.
** Do a proper Log off from the Internet Banking session. Do not just close your browser.
** Do not click any link that takes you to the website. Always type in the correct URL (mahaconnect.in) into the address bar of your browser.
** Disable the “Auto Complete” function of your browser.
** Use letters, numbers and special characters in your passwords to make it complex and difficult for others to guess.
** Do not share your Internet Banking passwords with anybody.
** Do not respond to any mails asking for confidential information like PIN, password or account number.
** Always check the last login to your Internet Banking account
** Check the URL of the web page. When browsing the web, the URLs begin with letters “http”. However, over a secure connection, the address displayed should begin with “https” note the “s” at the end.

Do’s and Don’ts :
Do’s :
** Add Mahaconnect to your List of Favorite Sites : We recommend that you bookmark / add to your favorites the URL: mahaconnect.in in order to
** Change your Password once in a while : We recommend that you change your password regularly, at least every 30 days or so. To change your passwords login to mahaconnect.in. Click on “Options – Change Login Password / Change Transaction Password”.
** Proper Log Out : Log out from Mahaconnect every time you complete your online banking session. Do not close your browser directly without a proper log out.
** Look for the padlock symbol on the bottom bar of the browser to ensure that the site is running in secure mode before you input any sensitive information.
** Keep your Internet Banking Passwords Confidential : We assure you that Bank of Maharashtra officials will never ask you for your Internet Banking Passwords through any medium (via email or phone etc).
** ** Destroy unnecessary financial documents immediately : Destroy pin or password mailers immediately after memorizing them. Never write them down anywhere.
** Disable the “Auto Complete” function on your browser : If you are using Internet Explorer, turn off the ‘Auto Complete’ function on your browser to prevent your system from remembering Passwords. To Disable the “Auto Complete” function:
** Open Internet Explorer. Select Tools – Internet Options – Content (Tab)
** Click on Settings Button under Auto Complete section
** De-Select User Names and passwords on forms check box
** Click on “OK”

Don’ts :
** Do not leave your personal Information lying around at an unprotected place. Always ensure that your cheque books, pass books, deposit receipts are kept in a secure place.
** Avoid downloading program from unknown sources- Some sources may have hidden forms of spyware or viruses that could compromise the security of your computer.
** Do not open attachment sent through mails, if you don’t know the sender.
** Never open email attachments that have file extensions like .exe, .pif, or .vbs. Such files are usually dangerous.
** Do not keep your computer online when not in use- Either shut down your PC or disconnect it from Internet
** Do not use shared computers- We recommend that you avoid accessing manaconnect.in from a public/ shared computers, eg : cyber cafe etc.

Internet Banking Customer Care Helpdesk :
SMS-based support :
For Internet Banking Activation SMS ACTV to 9223181818
For Other Internet Banking related assistance SMS ASSIST to 9223181818

Phone Numbers : 1800-233-4526; 020-27008600 – All India Toll free Numbers
Helpdesk Timing : Helpdesk is available 24 x 7 x 365
EMail us AT : mahaconnect@mahabank.co.in

For More Details, Click Here : http://www.bankofmaharashtra.in/internet_banking.asp


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