Vodafone Gold Mine/ Sona Hi Sona Competition 2013-14

Name of the Organisation : Vodafone India Limited (vodafone.in)
Name of the Competition : Gold Mine/ Sona Hi Sona Competition 2013-14 (Competition Closed)
Location : Mumbai

Website : https://www.vodafone.in/pages/index.aspx
Competition : https://www.vodafone.in/home-mumbai

Vodafone Latest Contests:https://www.indianjobtalks.in/41899.html

Previous Contest Winners:https://www.indianjobtalks.in/41298.html

Gold Mine Competition :
Get ready to WIN GOLD VOUCHERS worth Rs.2 LAKH with our Gold Mine Competition. Exclusively, for the subscribers of Vodafone Play N Win competition pack. Other exciting prices to be won too!

Subscribe now to the Vodafone Gold Mine Competition Pack.

Play and win.

Prizes :
Bumper Prizes – NATIONAL GOLD VOUCHER worth Rs.2 LAKH
Weekly Prizes – NATIONAL Sony Xperia Smart phone.
Daily 1st Prizes – DAILY CIRCLE GROUP WISE Recharge worth Rs 108
Daily 2nd Prizes – DAILY CIRCLE GROUP WISE Recharge worth Rs 50

Procedure and Eligibility to participate in the Competition :
This Competition is valid for Subscribers who fulfill the following criteria :
** He/she must be of at least 18 years of age ;
** He/she must be a resident of India;
** He/she must be an active Subscriber of Vodafone India;
** He/she must be an existing Play N Win Competition Pack Member;
** He/she must belong to any of the Circles mentioned above;
** For Prepaid Subscribers – Subscribers must have the minimum requisite balance of Rs. 2 per day, during the Competition Period, to be eligible to participate in this Competition;
** He/she must not have been either convicted and / or prosecuted for commission of any criminal offence nor be of an unsound mind; and
** He/she must not be under any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by court orders etc. and / or is prohibited from entering any contractual relationship.

Further, the Play N Win Members who participate in the Competition and are chosen as winners of each category of prizes under the Competition in accordance with the winner selection process under the Terms and Conditions of the Competition shall be required to be the registered Vodafone India Subscribers of the winning mobile phone number and not merely the players using such mobile number (“Winner(s)”). If the Winner is not able to provide sufficient evidence to show that he/she is the Subscriber of the mobile number, the Organizer reserves the right to award the prize to the next eligible Winner or to forfeit the prize, at its sole discretion.

The Competition is valid for all active Subscribers subject to eligibility condition, who belong to the following 22 Vodafone India telecom circles of ARUNACHAL PRADESH, ASSAM, NORTH EAST, BIHAR, DELHI, GUJARAT, HARYANA, KARNATAKA, KERALA, KOLKATA, MAHARASTRA, MADHYA PRADESH, ORISSA, MUMBAI, PUNJAB, HIMACHAL PRADESH, RAJASTHAN, UTTAR PRADESH EAST, UTTAR PRADESH WEST, WEST BENGAL, CHENNAI AND TAMIL NADU (“Circle (s)”) and who have successfully subscribed to the Play N Win Competition Pack (hereinafter referred to as “Play N Win Competition Pack Member”) by following the subscription process mentioned on the Website and are existing Play N Win Competition Pack Members as on the date of the commencement of the Competition. For the avoidance of any doubt, please note that subscription to the Play N Win Competition Pack is no longer open.

The Competition will be available in the below mentioned languages :
** Sona Hi Sona Competition in Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Punjabi and Bengali languages.
** Gold Mine Competition in English, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada and Tamil languages.

How to participate?
Competition will be available on the toll free number 556770 for all the Play N Win Competition Pack Members.

** All Play N Win Competition Pack Members can play the Competition by sending PLAY as an SMS to 556770, only after being charged for the day.

** Based on the amount charged each day, Play N Win Competition Pack Members will receive the following number of questions on that day. Play N Win Competition Pack Members who are charged Rs 2 will receive 5 questions; and Play N Win Competition Pack Members who are charged Re 1 will receive 3 questions.

** The Competition consists of a total of 300 questions, with 2 answer options each.

** All Play N Win Competition Pack Members can play only up to 5 questions a day. There will be a fresh set of 5 questions every day. The questions under the Competition shall be based on information available to public at large.

** Play N Win Competition Pack Members can either play the Competition by sending the keyword PLAY to 556770 and then sending a response to a question like PLAY A / PLAY B or only A / B without the keyword ‘PLAY’, as a response to the question that they have received last to 556770, on the same day.

** After every right or wrong answer, the Play N Win Competition Pack Member will receive his/her updated score and given the next question.

** The time taken for answering a question through the “SMS” mode is calculated from the time the question is generated and pushed to the Play N Win Competition Pack Member, till the time the answer is received by OnMobile’s system. OnMobile does not have any control over delays resulting in the intermediate systems including but not limited to the Short Message Service Center (“SMSC”), which may or may not be due to technical snags, network failure or system failure or errors, but which are likely to result in delay in the time taken to send/receive the SMS and hence the time recorded for answering the question. Accordingly, time taken to answer a particular question may be more than the time that is clocked in the “Voice” mode of playing the Competition. Once the Play N Win Competition Pack Member completes answering all the questions for the day, s/he cannot answer the same questions again.

** For every right answer the Play N Win Competition Pack Member will get 1 point. There is no negative marking for a wrong answer.

** If a Play N Win Competition Pack Member stops playing the Competition after answering the nth question then when he/she sends the keyword on the same day, he/she will get the (n+1)th question. If the Play N Win Competition Pack Member does not receive the (n+1)th question, for any reason whatsoever, then he/she can continue playing either by sending an SMS typing PLAY to 556770, or calling 556770, on the same day, to receive the next question.

** If a Play N Win Competition Pack Member has answered only 3 questions the previous day and sends the answer to the 4th question the next day then the system will ignore this and consider this as a question request and will send the 1st question of the next day The Play N Win Competition Pack Members will be sent the questions one after the other till he/she finishes answering all the questions for that day.

** There will be a black-out time for the Competition every day between 11 :45 PM and 12:15 AM of the next day. This black out time will be communicated to all Play N Win Competition Pack Members at the time of subscription to the Play N Win Competition Pack. During this time, the Play N Win Competition Pack Members will not be allowed to play the Competition.

** Once the Play N Win Competition Pack Member has answered all the questions for the day, he/she cannot answer the questions again. The points scored by the Play N Win Competition Pack Member in a day will not get carried over to the next day. His/her score will be reset at zero at the start of each day. The selection for the Winner for Daily prizes will be based only on the points scored by a Play N Win Competition Pack Member on that particular day.

** If a Play N Win Competition Pack Member wishes to unsubscribe from the Play N Win Competition Pack he/she can do so by sending an SMS typing ‘CAN WIN’ to 144 or 111 or calling the toll free number 556770. Upon effective un-subscription, an SMS will be sent to the number of the Play N Win Competition Pack Member registered with Vodafone India confirming the un-subscription from the Play N Win Competition Pack.

All Play n Win Competition Pack Members who participate in the Competition are provided the option to play the Competition through Voice (as detailed in Paragraph 9) and SMS (as detailed in Paragraph 10). The Play n Win Competition Pack Members are made aware that the SMS mode may result in more time being recorded to answer a question since the time taken to answer a question through SMS is recorded only upon receipt of the SMS by OnMobile and not from the time that the SMS has been sent by the Play n Win Competition Pack Member. Play n Win Competition Pack Member shall not raise or have any claims against OnMobile or Vodafone India in this regard and OnMobile and Vodafone India shall not be responsible for any delays, whether related to technical snags including due to network failure, system error or any other delays in intermediate systems such as SMSC or otherwise.

To Deactivate :
SMS CAN WIN to 111/144

Charges : Rs. 2/day (only on competition days)

Competition dates : 31st Dec 2013 to 28th Feb 2014.

For More Details, Click Here :

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